Little Note, 2020.

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Hello old and new readers! Three years ago I wrote this story with the hopes of creating at least two more stories to go with it. Sadly, three years apart had given me a long time to grow, and as I grew older Damian Wayne never did. I decided to put this here instead of the unfinished book because soon the second book to this story-line will be deleted. I will be continuing, though I currently have no idea when it will start!

The problem with starting up an old story is that I lost track of where I wanted to go with this. The last I recall, without reading it, is that Jade is stuck in an alternate world, and now I want to go into what this alternate paradise might be. So, the deletion of the second book and creation of a new one will be the best idea for me. 

Things about the story may be different. I can not recall how old Jade or Damian had been in this story, probably between the ages of 14-16, and I will more than likely keep it that way. I hope my new readers, and maybe even my old readers are interested in the idea of me completing this series how I, only a few years older and wiser, see fit. I also may be going through and editing due to my previous self's grammatical errors, or simply plot holes. Some chapters may be deleted, such as things that confuse the reader. So if you reread or continue onto the next story and see no RobinxAbuse, or Jade crushing on Maps, please understand that to some this was very had to comprehend since it is a Damian Wayne x OC story. 

As I do this I also am in college now, perusing my teenage dream of becoming an English teacher! This is exciting but very stressful, so months without chapters may be in the works. Once I know more I will publish a second chapter  in this giving links to new stories. In the mean time, I am working on a My Hero Academia OC story that I greatly encourage you to read while you wait. Even if you do not know MHA it wont be hard to follow along, since it really doesn't have much to do with the anime or manga's story line. Kinda my own AU? 

Thank you so much for your time and all the reads and likes. I am amazed every day that something I wrote when I felt lonely did so well. I think back on this story and am filled with pride.  My readers keep me going. 

Love, Jai

Kittens and Titus [Damian Wayne (Robin) x O.C.]Where stories live. Discover now