Chapter Seventeen

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-What are friends for?-
Gotham Academy, Gotham City, United States of America

(Eh, this is going to be a bit depressing for a while. Yay!)

Damian picked at his food, not interested in anything the others were saying. Jade skipped dinner, Isis said she wasn't feeling good. Damian was glad she wasn't there. He didn't want to see her.

After he finished his food, or what his body would allow him to eat, he went to his dorm and grabbed his phone. He clicked onto a group chat labeled Superbois' and messaged the two others involved.

I need a break, meet me
at the usual spot.

He didn't wait for a reply before sneaking off the grounds. He hailed a taxi when he got farther from the school, not wanting anyone to find it strange that a fourteen year old was walking away from the academy.

He had the driver drop him off a mile before the Wayne Manor entrance. He walked the rest.

"Master Damian?" Alfred asked as he watched the young boy walk into the manor.

"Going on patrol," Damian grumbled, glad he changed to street clothes so he didn't have to worry about his uniform. He felt his phone vibrate so he looked at it.

I am in GC, meet in Crime

I'm there. Hurry up their is
a harlet making eyes at me

Low key scared. Ik I could
beat her butt but this is strange.

B there in min have 2 get
uniform on.

• • •

"Finally," Abuse exclaimed, his face hidden by his hat. He hadn't changed with his powers yet so he was still a child.

Robin walked right to Abuse, placing a kiss on his lips. Superboy gagged, as a joke, and looked away. Superboy liked the feel of the city, it had a different vibe than the country.

When the greetings were done they headed out into the night. Robin jumped from building to building, Superboy flew, and Abuse raced the streets on his trike named, ironically, the Cycle of Abuse.

"How is it possible that there is no crime!" Superboy exclaimed as he fell backwards from the sky, doing a dive, landing roughly next to Robin.

"Superboy, calm down," Abuse laughed.

Robin grumbled under his breath and laid down, looking into the sky. He couldn't see the stars, but a pale moon was able to be made out of he tried hard enough.

"Where is Crystal?" Superboy asked. "I wanted to fight with her."

"She's not here," Robin hissed.

"Rob, you okay?" Abuse questioned.

The dark hair boy nodded his head, looking at his darker colored skin compared to the other two boys. He closed his eyes as he tried to ignore the feelings he had felt after they confessed the hardships of their lives. It was irrational and insane for him to feel like it meant anything. He assumed it was her own emotions exploding and he just felt them.

Kittens and Titus [Damian Wayne (Robin) x O.C.]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora