Chapter Eleven

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-I'm a farm boy, I mess stuff up. Voice crack©︎- (that's right, I just copy righted Damian making fun of his close friend)

Kent Farm, Smallville, Kansas, United States of America

"Bruce, Damian, and Colin will be here soon," Clark Kent yelled at his young son, Jon.

"I know, Dad, I know. Just let me finish my chores and then I will pick up my room," Jon sighed.

"Now, don't push yourself," Clark warned. "I think it would be fine if you somehow seemed to be moving a bit faster than a usual boy your age."

Jon smiled wide at his dad. "Yes, sir."

• • •

"Why did Roth have to come along?" Damian whined from the back seat. He in his usual spot, the passenger side next to the window.

"I didn't want to come with," Jade snapped, feeling irritated from having to sit between Damian and his best friend Colin. Both sweaty, whiny, annoying fourteen year old boys that made Jade contemplate if being held in prison for murder was really that bad.

"Damian, are we there yet?" Colin asked as he pushed some of his strawberry red hair out of his eyes.

"Not yet, Colin," Damian huffed. "Honestly, Roth, I'm allowing you to come with me to socialize you before the school year and you are complaining."

"Bruce, are you sure there isn't room up in the  front for me?" Jade begged.

Bruce looked back at how discomfortable Jade seemed and sighed in defeat. "Fine, Jade. Might as well let the boys have some alone time."

Jade unbuckled her self as the car was still in motion and climbed over the center console to reach the passenger seat. She let out a breath of relief as she buckled herself in. "Thank you, Bruce. You really are a saint."

"Father, why don't you let me sit in the front?" Damian complained.

"Because you have Colin to entertain you and you also aren't a fourteen year old girl who had to sit in the middle of obnoxious fourteen year old boys," Bruce explained.

"Obnoxious? No way are Damian and I obnoxious," Colin exclaimed.

"Yeah, and Alfred is a bad cook," Jade shot back.

Bruce smirked a little. "Alright kids, let's play the quiet game."

"We are not children," Damian growled.

"Then stop acting like it," Bruce replied as he turned on the turn signal.

Jade stared out the window, mouth slightly gapped as she looking in awe of the country. "It's beautiful. Majestic, magical," She stuttered out.

"Have you never seen the country before?" Damian asked.

"Not America's. Every car ride I sleep. I've seen China's farmland before but it's nothing like this. Not so vast and colorful."

Colin laughed a little. "I was a bit in awe when I first saw it too."

"Can we listen to music?" Damian groaned in boredom not long after.

Kittens and Titus [Damian Wayne (Robin) x O.C.]Where stories live. Discover now