Chapter Eight

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-I'm already happy-

Titans Tower, Jump City, United States of America

Jade slowly opened her eyes, hissing at the gruel amount of light shining in her eyes. She rolled to her stomach, irritated and sick. She felt a gloved hand over her back.

"Go away," She grumbled.

"Get up, we have to go train," the female's voice said.

Jade groaned and rolled to her back, looking up at her older sister, Raven. She smiled tiredly as Raven opened up the blinds. "Is today the day?"

Raven nodded her head as she put her hood up. "You've trained with us Titans for over a year now, Jade, it's about time you show everyone what you are and what you can do."

After the incident with Raven and Jade being transported to Azarath, Zatanna saved them. With admiration Jade was welcomed to the Teen Titans and trained alongside the others. She learned to love the happy go lucky group like her siblings.

"Happy first year being a Teen Titan," Garfield and Bart shouted at the same time when Raven and Jade got to the living room.

Jade gasped in joy, her hands moving up to her mouth. "Guys," she giggled as she raced over to hug the boys and then her mentor Starfire.

"We know you don't have a birthday so we will now be celebrating the day you arrived at our tower," Bart exclaimed. He ran over to Jade with his speed and placed presents into Jade's arms.

"Oh, this is a lot of presents," She gasped as Bart continued to pile them on top of one another. "A little help?"

Raven rolled her eyes and used her magic to pile the presents back on the table were they had been resting before. "One at a time, Bart."

"Sorry," he chuckled. "You know me, always in a rush, always with the speed."

"Well, let's start with the first one," Starfire announced, placing a small box, about the size of Jade's palm. "It's from Raven."

Jade opened the box to see a small crystal necklace. She smiled up at her sister, "thank you."

"It's meditative," Raven informed her.

"Cake time," Garfield exclaimed when all the presents were opened. He rubbed his hands together like mad man as the group walked on the table that held the final sheet cake.

"Blow out the candles and make a wish," Bart exclaimed.

Jade laughed as she looked into the small wax pieces, blowing out the flame.

"What did you wish for?" Garfield asked.

"Nothing," she answered. "I'm already happy."

"Guys, there is an alert," Starfire shouted.

• • •

"Alright, team, here is the plan. Raven will take the east, taking out the guards. From there Beast Boy and her will sneak into the building. Kid Flash, you will act as a distraction. Run in and cause trouble. Crystal, you will go in separately, secretly, through the south. Get the kids out. I will head in to start the battle with Jinx and Mammoth. Get to me and help fight as soon as you can," Starfire instructed.

"Yes ma'am,"  Bart replied, taking off.

"I didn't say 'go' yet," Starfire shouted in surprise.


"Teen Titans, go," Starfire exclaimed.

Jade left to the side, quickly running to the south end of the building. She closed her eyes and summoned the limestone that was under the ground, morphing it into stairs, leading it up to the window. Once she reached the window she closed her eyes, reconstructing her right index finger into a diamond material, the tip of her finger being sharp. She opened her eyes to see her work, and then used her finger to cut a large square into the glass, allowing her in.

She stepped into the air conditioned office, looking at the rows of teenagers in pods. She quickly raced to the computer, placing a hard drive into the computer. It was preprogrammed with something from Red Robin that would destroy the main frame, unlocking the pods.

"It worked," She exclaimed. "Thank you, Red."

Jade rushed to the pods as the unlocked, helping the groggy kids onto the ground. "The stair case," she told them. "Take the stair case down to the ground and run to the buses. They will load you and bring you to a shelter where you can be identified and brought back home."

"What about you?" Asked a girl.

"I have some bad guy butt to kick," She laughed.

Once the children were out of the gated area and she knew backup had collected them, Jade ran through the building, taking out the guards around her. She wasn't certain as to where her team would meet up to fight the H.I.V.E. members, but she had to find them. Looking through every call and every room until she head them.

"Starfire," The familiar voice of Beast Boy sobbed. "Raven, get to Star."

"I'm a little tied up right now," Raven admitted, throwing her darkness at a few guards who were shooting at her.

"Kid Flash?" Jade screamed as she got into the room, looking around.

"Crystal, save Starfire," Kid Flash choked out as he got another blow to the stomach. A collar was around his neck, dampening his powers.

"What happened?" She cried as she used her amethyst for strength. She didn't get much more but it was more than her muscles alone. She threw a punch at a guard who was trying to grab on her.

"They knew," Raven gasped. "They knew we were coming and they were prepared."

"I tripped an alarm," Kid Flash admitted as he tried to fight through the men surrounding him.

"Titans, get down," a voice shouted. A blur of a black cape past Jade's eyes. "Robin, help out Kid Flash."

A cloak of black and yellow raced past, giving Jade more energy somehow. She hit the guards harder, faster, and more adequately. It seemed like hours before the battle was done.

"Starfire?" The team asked.

"She is in critical condition, go home and shower," Batman told them.

Dedicated to meme-queem because she read the whole book that I had up in one night and demanded that I publish a chapter today even though I publish every other day. So this is for you. I still love Lunchbox even if he is weird and a brat. I like his cat more than him. Of course I love Damien, and no he isn't a child. Maps is a child. Thanks for reading!

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