Chapter Ten

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Wayne Manor, Gotham City, United States of America

"May I help you with your bags?" The Butler is the Wayne Manor asked when he opened the door.

Jade shook her head no, "I got this. Thanks for the offer."

When she stepped into the manor it was just as grand as she remembered it. Although it had been over a year since she had stepped foot into the place she did have the layout of the manor in her head.

"I will show you to your room. At three there is a seamstress arriving to get your measurements for your uniform," Alfred, the butler, informed her.

"My uniform?" Jade asked.

"Yes, for Gotham Academy," He explained. "That will be where you are going to school in a weeks time."

"Cool," she said, looking around, her eyes wide. The manor was amazing to look at, especially when you aren't being chased or questioned.

"Here is your room. Of course you will be leaving for the dorms of the academy soon but if you wish you can change things around."

Jade smiled happily as she placed everything into the queen sized bed. It was the same room she woke up in last year. The red theme was still prominent.

"Alfred?" She asked as she turned around, but the older man was not present. She sighed, putting her small question aside as she started unpacking.

She wasn't even an hour into organizing her new room when there was a light, but stern knock on the door. Jade looked up from her dresser to see Damien walk in. He leaned against the door frame, his arms crossed.

"Roth, I welcome you to Wayne Manor, but do not get in my way. No one wanted you here, you are here because you have no where else to go," Damian growled. "Also, dinner is ready. Wear something nice, the whole family is here."

It took Jade ten minuets to get changed and look presentable. Her outfit wasn't anything fancy, but it was better then jeans and a tank top. Her long brown hair was pulled into a bun at the back of her head, and the necklace Raven gave her only a month before.

"Hello," a feminine voice called when Jade entered the dining room. "It's me, Stephanie. We are eating out in the garden since it's still nice outside. The boys and Cass already left."

Jade smiled at the familiar blonde. "It's nice to see you. Are you here to escort me or something?"

"Something like that," Stephanie laughed. She held her arm out and Jade wrapped her own arm around it. "Let's go."

The girls walked out of the dining room and into the hallways of the manor, looking around.

"Are you excited to go to Gotham Academy?" Stephanie asked.

"Yeah, I've never been to a human school before. Luckily Starfire and Raven got me to the level of schooling I'd need to be at my age," Jade replied.

"Oh, how old are you?"

"I'm fourteen now," Jade sighed.

"Same age as Damian then, that's cool. Tim and I are both eighteen, and Jason is twenty one. Dick is twenty five. I believe Cass is twenty and Barbara is twenty seven."

Kittens and Titus [Damian Wayne (Robin) x O.C.]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें