Chapter Thirteen

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Iceberg Lounge, Gotham City, United States of America

"This place is cold, Micheal, can we go now?" The Hawaiian girl complained, slumping down into the same seat the Pilipino boy.

"Now, now, Phillipa, have patience," the boy chuckled. He was only sixteen but he already had a plan, he knew what he had to do.

"So you want my men to cause a disturbance so you can catch the bird and make your bones?" The monster sitting across from them named Penguin asked.

"Exactly. Robin is the greatest choice, start with him then next Kid Flash, Superboy, Aqualad. Keep knocking the side kicks down one by one until bam, no more are left," Micheal grinned. "And my father will respect me and the world will know the name Micheal Savage."

"Yeah, I don't really care, how much?" Penguin questioned.

"Two million enough?"

Penguin laughed. "It's a deal, dumb boy."

• • •

"The kids left a note," Jason exclaimed as he walked back to the fire. "'Dear family, friends, and others. We have grown bored with this so called 'party' and will be heading out on our own. We informed Batman and got his approval. We should be back early enough, but don't wait up.'"

Dick laughed, "I guess bringing Isis might not have been the best idea."

Wally sighed, "Yeah. Although she does need to get out more."

"So how is she related to you?" Stephanie asked.

"It's not that she is related to me, but her mom is our neighbor. Isis owns a dragon, named Thoth, and the dragon ran away into my house. She came and got it and then she had to explain the dragon to me as well as other things."

"Wow, Wally. That's a story," Tim dryly joked.

• • •

"Crystal will go with Abuse, and Dragon Tamer will ride with me. Penguin's men are causing trouble in the west side of Gotham. We will meet two blocks away from the site," Damien hissed.

Abuse laughed a bit at nothing, his large rain coat rustling as he moved around. It was hard for Crystal to believe that the soft hearted 14 year old red head she knew as Colin was the hulking man in front of her. He tipped his cloth hat and then got onto then three wheeled motorcycle Robin had given him.

"Ready, my lady?" He asked, holding his large hand out.

"Why of course," Crystal laughed as she took his hand, letting him help her up onto the trike. He started it up and she gently placed her hands on his back in fear of falling off.

The two rode through the streets of Gotham in silence, paying no mind to people snapping pictures of them, pointing at the two vigilantes in front of them. Crystal didn't like the attention, she thought racing through dark streets and ally ways was more practical, but she didn't feel like arguing with Robin. One thing she learned from her week with the boy was that he always seemed to win arguments.

"So, how long have you known Damian?" Crystal asked.

"Few years. We used to go out on our own and fight people. It was pretty chill, I loved hanging out with him, and then I started to love him, and that's how we got to what we are now," Abuse explained.

"Cute," Crystal laughed. "Really, you two are cute. You have chemistry. I can't see him with anyone else."

The trike stopped as they reached their destination, Robin and Dragon Tamer waiting for them. Dragon Tamer's blue hair bounced as the gold dragon jumped onto her head.

"Thoth is ready to kick some butt," Dragon Tamer laughed.

"What can such a small dragon do?" Abuse asked.

"You aren't the only thing that can grow," Dragon Tamer sassed, crossing her arms.

Robin whispered something to Abuse, making him laugh.

"Are we ready, kids?" Robin asked.

"Aye aye, captain," Both Abuse and Dragon Tamer shouted.

• • •
The goons were down, and jokes were ringing in the air.

"Did you see that big guy when Abuse punches him? He was like 'oh no! Not Abuse, this is abuse!' And then we are like 'way to go!' Well not Robin, he was taking down like a million other goons at once at like every angle," Dragon Tamer raved. "Crystal took those punches, you must have some rock hard abs girl because those guys looked like their hands broke."

"I have diamond plating on my chest. It helps stop bullets and stuff. Sadly I can't put it everywhere, so I'm still defenseless in other areas," Crystal explained.

"Crystal, huh? Wonder if I can melt that down," a girlish voice questioned, sense of power in her voice.

Crystal looked behind her to see a girl with long black hair and skin naturally tanned even without the sun's help. The girl had a grin on her face, she looked to be a few years older than the group. In her hands a gooey orange and black liquid dropped down to the ground.

"The names Smolder, you don't need to remember it though, you are going to die here," the girl, Smolder, laughed.

"I've taken on plenty of people who have said that," Robin growled, taking out his sword.

"Titanium, 3040 degrees Fahrenheit," Smolder stated. Her hands grew an even brighter red, the color glowing to her shoulders. "Come at me."

Robin shouted, running to the girl, his sword in an attack position. Smolder grabbed his swords the the metal dripping through her fingers. "Oops, I hope that was important or expensive."

Robin staggered away, a bit in shock. Suddenly he got his mind back, throwing six batarangs at her. Three hit her, two she caught and one missed.

"Excalibur," Smolder screamed.

A body jumped from the top of a building, a hood covering the face of the man. He took down his hood and unzipped the sweatshirt, throwing it to the side. "Let's fight, Robin."

Robin looked to the side, looking for Abuse. Crystal gulped, getting into an attack position. Dragon Tamer was missing and Abuse was closing his eyes, trying to keep the venom inside his body awake so he didn't turn back into the red hair fourteen year old boy.

"You want a fight?" Robin asked. "You got one."

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