Chapter Fourteen

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-Good Ham, United States of America (what my phone spelt)-

Gotham City, United States of America

Robin fell to the ground, again, wiping the blood off his cheek. He looked around, seeing Crystal passed out on the ground, Smolder knocked out as well, Abuse bear hugging Excalibur from behind, picking him up to throw him on the ground. Excalibur landed next to Robin, both boys growling as they began punching and kicking one another.

"Surrender, bird, and accept your death," Excalibur yelled, hitting Robin with a sword.

"I should be telling you that," Robin groaned as he got up, throwing himself at the wall to put his shoulder back into place with a loud crack. Abuse winced at the sound, but continued trying to take Excalibur down.

"Why won't you just die!" Abuse screamed.

"We don't kill," Robin growled.

"I know, trust me, I know. It's a saying," Abuse explained as he punched the staggering Excalibur in the gut, sending him against the wall, Robin taking his sword in hand again.

"We shall finish him," Robin shouted.

Excalibur escaped from Abuse's grip, running to Smolder. He picked her body up, holding her close to his chest, looking down with worried eyes, even placing a kiss on her head. "Here is your dragon back. I take mine, you take yours."

Excalibur disappeared and a fight ready Dragon Tamer and a 6 foot tall Thoth appeared. "Wanna- what?" She screamed, looking around in confusion,

"I thought you ditched us," Abuse laughed.

• • •

"He calls himself Excalibur, but no doubt, he's Micheal Savage, Vandal Savage's son," Damian told the bat family. "He and his sidekick slash girlfriend Smolder, also called Phillipa Kahele, attacked us. Somehow he had the power to make Dragon Tamer disappear. Crystal and Smolder's powers cancelled out making the both pass out. Abuse and I took on Excalibur. He retreated last moment."

Bruce nodded his head, looking over at Jade who was getting a checkup along with Colin. "You kids should be getting to bed."

"Bruce, let the kids say goodbye at least," Dick complained.

"Fine. Jade, Constantine called," Bruce said, tossing her phone to her.

She caught it and dialed his number, ignoring the rest of her checkup, walking up the stairs to leave the bat cave.

"Hello?" The low, British voice of Constantine asked.

"Hey," Jade replied, her voice soft. "You called."

"Yeah, wanted to make sure you are okay," The man explained.

"Yeah, I'm great. What's going on?"

"I just- some stuff happened and you just need to be safe, alright. Stay away from magic for now."

Jade sighed. "Okay, I trust you."

"Good, I have to go. Have a good night and do well in school," Constantine said quickly before hanging up.

"Who was that?" Damian asked when she walked back into the nearly empty batcave.

"Constantine," Jade whispered, slumping down into a chair in front of the Batcomputer.

Damian sat in a chair next to her. Only the two of them and dog left inside the cave. He looked over to her and smiled just the smallest bit. "Wanna go out?"

• • •

"I was apart of the Titans for a while with Jon, a separate team than you and Raven. Then the Teen Titans were done, and back to the Batcave I go," Damian sighed, sitting on the top of the Wayne manor, looking out at the city skyline. "I didn't mind being there, but I also like being here. I'm closer to Colin and I can keep track of my brothers."

"You really love Colin, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess I do," Damian shrugged. "Do you have anyone?"

Jade shrugged, patting Titus's head. "No. Never had and probably never will. I don't see how anyone will love me. I'm unlovable."

Damian laughed. "What's unlovable is a boy who thinks he is better than he actually is who also is a trained assassin who has taken more lives than most ever will in their lifetime. Jade, you aren't unlovable. Just annoying."

She rolled her eyes, laying down to see the stars. "Is there anything in this world that actually amuses you?" Jade asked as she sat up and looked at streetlight lit sky of Gotham.

"As a matter of fact, I am rather fond of cats. I get it from my mother," Damian replied. "But I like small cats the most, kittens greatly amuse me."

"And me of course," Jade said in a voice imitating a familiar animated dog, holding up Titus's face so it was like the dog was asking.

"Of course, Titus. I am very fond of you," Damian laughed a bit. "You have humor to you, even though it is darkness around you."

"Titus? Yeah, I guess he is really funny," Jade smiled.

"No, you. I like you, Jade," He sighed, petting Titus.

"Damian, you just called me Jade," She gasped. "Oh my gosh, you so like me! You really really do like me!"

He rolled his eyes. "Don't get over excited, it slipped out."

Jade blinked a bit. "Oh okay, sorry for being excited."

"That's not," Damian groaned. "I think I need to go to bed, goodnight."

"Goodnight, Wayne," Jade sighed, getting up. She watched him leave before exiting the roof top and entering her dimly lit room. She laid down on the bed, not caring about changing out of her uniform, and fell asleep.

"Help," The girl's voice called. She was tired from all the years being trapped.

"It's no use, Adana," a woman cried. "We shall never return."

"You can return, Tsukiko, you just have to ask your beloved," the girl, Adana, hissed.

"Yes, if I asked Klarion he would help me, but I'm not leaving you."

Adana frowned, standing up. "One day they will pay for what they did."

"Do not speak so loudly," Tsukiko warned. "You know his children are listening. You know they will attack us."

The younger girl looked up. "I want to go home," she sobbed. "I want to see her, and to find my old team."

Tsukiko frowned. "I want to go home to."

Jade watched from the outside. All her dreams had been like that since the day she joined the Teen Titans. She needed to help the two trapped girls, she just had to find a way.

Kittens and Titus [Damian Wayne (Robin) x O.C.]Where stories live. Discover now