Chapter Twenty Seven

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-Did you just say your name is 'Lunchbox?'-

Klarion's Mansion, Limbo Town, Maybe H-E-L-L?

"Look at them, Teekl, running around like idiots, trying to find me," the teenager laughed to himself, putting his hood up as he watched the chaos going on around him.

Slowly the madness began to grow dull, and an emptiness set into his soul.

"Klarion, I summons you in the name of Tsukiko!"

His eyes opened and he sat up in his bed. His empty, lonely, cold bed. He looked to the foot of the bed to see his oldest friend, Teekl, sitting there. He glanced away from the cat and summoned a mirror.

He saw a brunette girl speaking to him, trying to contact him, behind her an Arabic boy with blue eyes protectively held her with his arm, a sword in the other. He looked around the room to see a blue and grey tie laying on a dresser, signaling she was a student at Gotham Academy.

"Look here, this girl goes to the old GA," Klarion told the cat. "She knows her name."

The cat meowed.

"Teekl, she was my love," The demon boy screamed as the flames of the candles lighting the room grew in size. "Tsukiko was the only thing- other than you- that ever was important to me!"

Once again Teekl meowed.

A laugh erupted in the room. "I'm bored. Let's make them my new toys."

• • •

"Silly, silly," Klarion cackled when he skipped into the manor owned by a man named Bruce Wayne. "Teekl, Find the brunette who summoned me."

The cat meowed and ran off down a hall. Klarion walked around in a circle, inspecting the area. A small scream caused him to turn around, facing an olive skinned girl with a gold lizard on her shoulder. The lizard grew in size, picking the girl up with his paw and placing her on his back.

"Who are you?" The girl demanded.

"My name is Klarion," He announced to the girl sitting on the back of the golden dragon.

"Wait- did you just say your name is 'Lunchbox?" She questioned.

"What, no! Klarion, Klarion the Witch Boy, Lord of Chaos."

"Lunchbox? I'm still picking up Lunchbox," she grinned, petting the dragon's head. "I'm Isis, better known as Gotham's friendly, neighborhood Dragon Tamer. This is my faithful sidekick, Thoth."


"BE GONE THOT," Isis shouted before falling back on the dragon laughing at herself.

"I know, Teekl. Humans are pointless, even if this one does have an honorable familiar."

"Here that, Thoth, he thinks you are honorable," Isis cooed, petting the dragon's scales. Thoth shivered and looked behind him to gaze at Isis with a loving stare.

"You found the girl?" Klarion continued the conversation with his cat, ignoring the child before him. Teekl meowed and started walking away.

"Hey," Isis yelled as Thoth began to fly next to the strange man. "What are you doing?"

"Looking for a girl, her name is Jade," Klarion hissed. "Not that its any of your business."

"I think you have got it wrong, Lunchbox," She grinned at him. "Jade is my friend. I came here to see what was up."

"The ceiling is you imbecile," The Witch boy sighed and looked to the side before stopping suddenly. "She is in here."

Isis raised a flawless eyebrow and looked to the door. "You think so?"

"Nǐ néng shuō yīngyǔ ma!" The voice of a certain adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne shouted out.

"Cassandra?" Isis questioned, flinging the door open.

"Isis," The whole room shouted.

"Nǐ míngbái wǒ shuō de ma?" Cassandra asked as she walked close.

"What?" Isis questioned, tilting her head.

Damian stepped away from Jade, "hal tafhmunaa?"

"I really don't understand anything you lot are saying."

"Verstehst du mich?" Dick jumped down from the top of a bookshelf.

"Uh- Richard Grayson? What were you doing up there?"

Jade walked to Isis, looking at her with curiosity. "Non intelligis te, Isis?"

"Will you all just stop!" Isis screamed, turning around to face a snickering Klarion.

"Fix them. Fix them now!"

"No, I don't want to."

"Do it!"

"NO NO NO NO!" The Witch Boy screamed, stomping his foot on the ground. "I WONT I WONT I WONT."

"Klarion?" The voice of Jade was soft. "Tsukiko?"

Klarion's face went from anger to softness. "Yes, my darling Tsu. My Tsukiko."

Klarion closed his eyes and let the power rush over him as he untied everyone's tongues. "Speak, all of you."

"Mother f-"

"JASON," Dick yelled. "Watch your language."

"How does one watch language?" Jason asked, raising an eyebrow.

Stephanie coughed a little. "Am I the only one who feels like we just crossed some boarder that deifines us and a whole other universe of heroes?"

"No," Cassandra crossed her arms.

"Okay," Stephanie shrugged.

Jade wrapped her arms around Isis's neck. "Dear friend, how I have missed you!"

Damian chuckled a little bit. "Seems that nightmare is over."

"Thank you, I'm glad you all enjoyed it," Klarion bowed.

"Klarion," Stephanie growled like she was facing an old friend who had done something very stupid.

"Oh, it's the blonde bat baby," he laughed. "Remember her, Teekl?"

The cat meowed and walked around, rubbing against Damian's legs. Damian kneeled down and pet the cat's head. Klarion's energy boiled with jealousy.

"Now that everyone is here, can we begin?" Raven asked her behind Barbara.

"No," Duke answered. "Tim and Bruce left to get two more people to help.

"Who is that?" Barbara questioned.

"Zatanna and Zatara."

Kittens and Titus [Damian Wayne (Robin) x O.C.]Where stories live. Discover now