Bat family X Jade

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These are little things I wrote down the other night because I was playing on the idea of what Jade's life with the Batfam would be like.

Bruce feeling bad for Jade having to deal with Damian, Jon, and Colin.
Dick teaching Jade how to do backflips and other acrobatic things even though she's terrified.
Tim and Jade's low key coffee addiction.
Late night with Jason, just talking about how messed up the world is.
Sword fights with Damian.
Steph and Cass being the first to know anything in Jade's life.
Jade having a small crush of Harper Row / Bluebird
'Sister' sleepovers with Barbara, Cassandra, and Stephanie.
Dick joining the 'sister' sleepovers.
Steph and Dick calming Jade down after nightmares or panic attacks.
Making waffles with Stephanie.
Stephanie having to tell Jade what a waffle is.
"Can we put a bad on her so everyone knows she is one of us" -Dick
Watching chick flicks with the sibs.
Tim, of all people, being the first to notice that Jade has a crush on Damian.
Bruce not knowing what to do when he finds out about the crush.
Barbara bringing her ice cream after breakups.
Jason telling Jade what love isn't real but it feels nice while it lasts.
Dick and Jade screaming "I'm gay" from the top of buildings.
Bruce accedenrly saying "Jade is my daughter."
Bruce not letting Jade go back to Constantine.
Jason saying everything going on in Jade's life is a plot twist.
Jade feeling more at home with Bruce and the boys then with Raven.

Family story time
Damian saying every story is boring
Jason starting every story with "back in the old days"
Dick trying to tell scary stories
Jade never wanting to tell a story
Alfred telling old war stories
Bruce telling them of when he was a kid

Movie Nights
Home made popcorn without butter
Dancing to the music in end credits
Reacting scenes
Group gagging at love scenes

Prank Wars
"Stop being a Richard" -Jason
Cass vs Steph vs Jade vs Damian vs Tim vs Dick vs Jason vs Babs
It getting so out of hand Bruce plays a prank on them all to stop it

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