Chapter Twenty Nine

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-Forgiveness? Can you imagine?-

Wayne Manor, Gotham City, GA

"Damian, eat," Bruce demanded from across the dining table. His brothers, the Kents, and other family members all looked at him.

Damian looked up from his plate, only a few bites of potatoes had been taken. "I'm not hungry."

Bruce dropped the subject and looked at him own plate. He wasn't doing much better, no one was. The loud scream of his chair summoned the table's attention. "This is pointless, how about a walk?"

"Damian," Jon whispered as they marched outside.

"What," Damian growled after a a few long minutes of silence.

Jon looked into the blue eyes of the boy and grinned. "She'd want you to be happy."

"She'd want me to hunt down those two amoebas and drown them in their own blood," Damian clenched his fists angrily, his jaw twitching. "They are monsters."

"No they are not, you are just-"

"You didn't loose her, Jon! You aren't the one who was so weak you couldn't save her," Damian stopped walking. "You don't understand, you never will."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Jon raised an eyebrow. "Yes, you are hurting, but Jade was just a friend. And I'm not saying it's wrong to feel guilt, but it's not like it was Colin."

"Colin and I broke up," Damian informed the human-krypton hybrid.

"What? How long ago."

"The same night Jade confessed how she felt about me. A little over a week ago."

Jon was silent for a moment, thinks of what to say. "Damian?"


"Do you love her?"

"I don't love her," Damian stated. "I care deeply for her."

"Alright, whatever. Just don't beat yourself up over this."

Damian rolled his eyes and walked away.

• • •

Klarion sat in his black arm chair in front of his desk, looking at the small moon shaped hair clip before him. If he focused on it enough he could feel her energy. He could feel her calling to him from her soul. If he tried long enough he could even enter her dreams and soothe her.

Teekl meowed at his feet and looked up. Klarion paid no mind to the cat and continued reaching out to his soulmate.

Finally he had her pinned. Her soul seemed hopeful for once, happy even. She was asleep so he drifted to her dreamland.

"Klarion?" Tsukiko exclaimed as she saw the face of her lover. "Klarion it's been so long."

"I know darling, but I need you to focus. Has a girl appeared?"

"You mean Jade? Yes, she is here, and well," Tsukiko grinned. "We are making a plot to escape."

"How?" He questioned.

"We need your help, and some young boy named Damian."

• • •

"Wake up," A voice hissed.

Damian groaned as he rolled over, having just called asleep. "What?"

"I need your help to save them."

Damians blue eyes opened and he looked over to face Klarion. The Witch Boy was grinning. "What do you mean?"

"We have a plan."

• • •

"I'm sorry, Damian, but this is insane," Jason huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. The video was lagging but Damian still could get the feeling it was a bad time.

"I need your help, and some of your team members."

"What? Kori is off planet, Roy is out of it, Artemis is being Artemis, and I think Bizarro are all my tots," Jason shook his head.

"Todd, I need you to answer this question very closely," Damian began.


"Are you currently under the influence of any drugs or alcohol?"

"What, me? Drunk? Never," Jason slurred. "I'm an angel of the lord."

"Useless," Damian groaned as he hung up the video call.

Klarion appeared behind Damian, a puzzled look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"My brother is useless, that is what is wrong."

"Find a different one then."

"Klarion, it doesn't work that way. Tim is off with his own team, and Dick is back in Blüdhaven."

Klarion sighed. "I guess it will just be us."

• • •

The sun was beginning to rise in the eastern sky, and the day was starting out slow. Klarion had been up all night preparing for the ceremony. Damian worked along side him though his knowledge of the dark arts was limited.

"One day you will sell your soul," Klarion stated. "And on that day a new darkness will be flooded into Gotham."

"What?" Damian asked.

"Nothing," Klarion replied, fixing up the last moment things. "Are you ready to save her?"

"Do I have any choice?" Damian grumbled as he tied a rope to himself. He wasn't able to fly so this was his only escape.

"What are you doing?" A voice cooed from the background.

Both males turned around to face the curious Stephanie and Isis. Thoth was in his resting form, a tattoo on Isis's arm.

"We are saving Jade," Damian answered.

"Cool," Isis grinned. "Count me in."

"It would make me the worst sidekick in the world not to help you," Stephanie smiled.

"What are you two doing up this early. Brown, you don't wake up before noon," Damian huffed.

"Isis couldn't sleep and honestly neither could I."

"You miss her too," Damian whispered.

"Yeah, I do," Isis laughed. It was a sad laugh.

"Let's go save our girls," Klairon announced.

(Okay, one more chapter and then the next book will be publishing. But heads up I'm going to have to lay back on the updating, o have other books that need attention too! Thanks for reading, btw the next book is called Robins and Crystals!)

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