How far we've come

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Dean was fitful in his sleep. Yes, he was exhausted, but that didn't compare to the horrible dread pulling him awake. All he could think about was Grace. He awoke several times that night through the morning just to be sure she was there. That they had really been able to get her back. The sun was starting to rise and come through the windows of the small house. Cas was asleep in a small recliner with Grace drooling onto his chest. It was the perfect scene to finally awake too.

Sammy yawned and sauntered into the kitchen behind him. His hair was a messy heap on top of his head as he stretched and let out another yawn. He must have stayed up late. Searching the internet or talking to allies about our situation. Where did we go from here?

We certainly couldn't go back to the bunker. It was no longer safe. And the safety of Grace was the only thing prominent in Dean's mind. He knew he would fight until his last breath to keep her well. He also knew so would everyone else under their current roof.

Sammy motioned towards the small single cup coffee pot on the counter and Dean nodded back. He needed fuel to combat the coming day. It was sure to be a long one. He also craved a shower. They had all just crashed once they were safe. Sweaty, musty bodies was the only smell prominent in the air between them.

Dean stood and stretched and yawned himself. Correcting his shirt before he joined his brother in the kitchen.

"You look like shit." Sammy chuckled softly.

"Yeah, well you don't look so good yourself." Dean quietly teased back.

"Jerk" Sammy mouthed.

"Bitch" Dean sneered silently back at him.

They both shook their heads, grinning at the light banter so early. Sammy handed Dean a cup of coffee and he inhaled the smell deeply. Eagerly begging the smell to help wake up. Sammy pulled an elastic from his wrist and pulled his hair back into a tight bun, not wanting to deal with the nest on top his head. Jody came strolling from the hallway, fully dressed with her hair in place. She had been awake a while. Her eyes were dark underneath. Sleep did not treat her well.

"Morning y'all." She said quietly, searching the room until her eyes landed on the sleeping duo. A small smile spread across her face.

Dean nodded and pointed to his cup of coffee, Jody nodded in response. Sammy grabbed another cup from the counter and started to prepare one for her.

"Now, how do we handled today?" She asked, her hand help out for her cup.

How indeed? Dean pondered. Where was safe once they left this small house? Where could they take Grace that she wouldn't be hunted. Where did the team of Hunters go from here?

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