In the moment.

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Dean groaned as he turned to his other side, trying to get comfortable in the crappy hotel bed. Castiel was sound asleep beside him and Sam was snoring from the other bed.
He sat up and glanced at the clock. It read 3:15 am. Great another sleepless night. Tomorrow he would be useless. But he guessed that would be okay since they would be spending it in the car.
It had been open highway and hotel rooms for almost a month now. A month of running. They didn't even know if they were being chased anymore. There had been absolutely no sign of Benny. The hunters didn't even know if he had escaped again.
Sighing he pulled the blanket off and got up. He slid his feet into his slippers and stuck his gun in the waist band of his pajama pants. His old clothes were finally coming in handy with his big belly popping out. He felt huge at 31 weeks.
Dean slipped out of the room and shut the door easily behind him. He eased down the hall, practically waddling and found the elevator. Riding it down to the lobby to raid the vending machines.
The doors dinged and opened, revealing the brightly lit lobby. The receptionist looked up and smiled at Dean and Dean nodded back.
"Hmm what do we want Gracie?" Dean mumbled as he looked at all the junk food  through the glass of the vending machine. "Hmm cherry pie cake bites. Now that could be promising. "
Dean put four quarters into the slot and pressed the buttons. The package fell and Dean huffed as he squatted down and pulled it out.
His stomach growled as he open the bag and tasted the cookie shaped snack food. It was okay but it wasn't real pie.
"Can't sleep?" The receptionist asked.
"Ha sleep is for the weak as they say." Dean laughed.
"Yeah I guess that makes me and you the opposite. " the guy smiled.
Dean walked over and leaned on the counter, watching the show the guy had on. Something about dog grooming. Oh the wonders of late night TV.
Dean stood there, watching the show and eating for a while until the elevator dinged. He glanced at the clock, seeing he had been down there for almost half an hour now.
Dean turned to see a disgruntled Cas step out. He was shirtless, in just a pair of sleep pants. His bare feet slapped the ground as he stormed over to Dean.
"Dean. I've been looking for you for ten minutes! I woke up and you weren't in bed. What were you thinking? You even left your phone!" The angel was furious, but Dean understood. He rubbed his fingers through his fiance's bed head and smiled softly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I just couldn't sleep."
"You should of woken me."
"Cas calm down I'm fine."
"Is everything okay here?" The guy behind the desk looked up.
"This is none of your concern." Cas replied, pulling Dean by the hand to the elevator.
The hunter went willingly, following behind as fast as he could.
Cas had been on edge lately. Jumping and snapping all the time. He would loose it if Dean was out of sight for more than a minute. But Dean didn't complain. He knew Cas blamed himself for the times he was taken.
Back in the room Dean settled into the hard bed once again. Cas sat next to him and pushed his hair back.
"I'm sorry. I lost it back there. " the angel whispered.
"Its alright. You just seem wound tight today. You almost killed that man at the gas station when he took too long getting my change. What's going on?"
"Sam wants to go back to the bunker. We haven't heard anything from the vampires since your rescue. And the reaper I'm in touch with said no one has left purgatory, human or vampire. He thinks its safe. "
"But you don't?"
"Dean when it comes to you nothing is safe enough in my eyes."
"Cas can we please go home? Don't you want to stop all this moving around? Finally get married?" Dean reached up and stroked the angels sad face.
"I want nothing more." Cas wrapped his hand around Dean's arm and leaned into the touch.
"Then let's do it. Go home. Get ready for this wedding. Please?"
"Is that truly what you want? You'll still marry me after everything I've put you through?"
"I'd marry you this second." Dean whispered, sitting up to kiss Cas gently.
"Then let's go home. Let's get married Dean."
"We will as long as you promise not to try to squeeze all of this into a dress."
Cas laughed at that. Picturing Dean waddling down the isle in an enormous white dress, belly leading the way. "I promise. "
Dean got out of bed and started to pack even if the sun hadn't yet risen.  They were finally going home.
They woke Sam once they had the car packed. Dean basically carried his brother. Sam leaned on Dean, practically bent over as he walked. The receptionist watched them curiously as they left. Sam laying out and snoring across the back seat. Cas driving and Dean curling up with a blanket next to him.
The drive took roughly two days. Dean and Cas spent most of the ride planning out the wedding. Deciding on suits for both of them, the flowers, the music. They laughed at some things and Sam eventually joined in. They called Jody and told her, she was ecstatic. Told them she would get right on the guest list, but everyone would be checked thoroughly before entering.
No mishaps this time.
Dean was practically humming when they pulled into the garage. Home at last! He made a list and handed it to Castiel. Watching the angel disappear as he popped out to get things. First thing being Jody. She huffed when they landed in the bunker's kitchen. Dean stopped fixing himself breakfast and grinned.
"I will never get used to that." She laughed hugging the boys then fawning over Dean's belly.
"I can't believe I'm getting married." Dean whispered to Jody.
"Not getting cold feet are you?"
"Are your feet cold? I could get your slippers." Cas offered as he walked passed the kitchen carrying a large box.
"No Cas. My feet are toasty warm." Dean laughed.
Jody grinned at the angel and shook her head. "He's going to be a handful."
"He already is," Dean smiled fondly at Cas as he tried to talk Sam into carrying the box outside to where they were setting up the alter.
"I'm so glad we're getting this catered. I don't think I could cook enough to feed all of these hunters." Jody said flipping through the guest list.
"Yeah," Dean sighed.
"What it is?"
"Just wish mom and Ellen and everyone else we've lost could be here, ya know?"
Jody nodded, getting lost in her own thoughts.
"Hey you two." Sam said walking in. "We're getting everything set up outside. I can't believe how fast its coming together. "
"Thanks Sammy. I mean it." Dean replied.
Sam grinned at his big brother before he walked off to continue his cleaning an prepping. It was going to be a long day.
Dean and Cas didn't get much time together but they made the best of it. Kissing briefly as they passed, grazing the others skin when they were in the same room. It was practically torture.
Dean and Jody had the kitchen spotless and had set up some secret wards to keep everything but Cas out. They laid salt at the doors and windows and a few devil traps on the floor.
Holy water would be presented at the start for everyone to place their hands in, along with a small slice to the arm with the demon blade. They would be ready for Saturday. They still had two days to bring it all together. It may of been rushed, but Dean didn't care. He didn't care how thrown together it looked as long as he and Cas stood together at the end and said I do's.
Hunters would be swarming in by Friday though, always eager to get to where they were going.
Now all they had to do was wait.

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