Witch Bait

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   The drive was longer than they expected but with Sammy driving with his foot to the floorboard they made it in record time. New Orleans was a large city though and they weren't sure where to start looking. Jody and Claire hadn't made it yet but there was no way they were going to sit around and wait. Waiting meant more time they were away from Grace and no one knew exactly was being done to her or if she was safe. Every second Dean was away from her it was like nails being driven straight into his heart.
   They signed into the Wyndham Garden Baronne Plaza and dropped all their bags onto the floor. There was no way they were carrying bags into this kind of fight. They needed to be ready for anything this time. No surprises. Dean loaded his tiny body down with all the witch killing bullets he could handle carrying at once. He painted on warding under his shirt across his belly and arms. This was not going to be easy. Going into a fight like this was going to hurt and be messy.
   A soft knock sounded on the door and Sam pulled his gun as Cas answered it. Jody and Claire walked in with bags of their own. Just as ready as the Winchesters.
   "Ok boys, who's ready to kill a witch?" Jody huffed as Sam put his gun away.
   "Oh, we're ready." Cas replied.
   Claire nodded, her jaw set and ready. The five of them walked out and Cas climbed into the drivers seat of Baby. Ready to lead the way. Everyone was tense at this point. The reality of what was about to happen setting in on them all. Cas pulled out onto the road and Jody followed behind them in her truck. The impala was silent except for soft breathing as Cas concentrated on finding the exact spot where his daughter was. He could feel her, almost as if she was calling out to him. Like she knew they were coming for her. He turned off the main road and drove deeper into a distraught neighborhood. Remnants of hurricane Katrina still visible even now. Grass grew as high as some of the abandoned homes left to rot. It was sad to drive through such a place that was once so alive and vivid. The streets there were bumpy and so filled with potholes that Cas had to zigzag through the streets to avoid them. This was not a place for his daughter. She needed to be home with him and his hunter.
   The pull got stronger and stronger until it felt white hot in his head making him slam on the brakes. Dean gripped the dashboard to stop himself from flinging forward and Sam let out a grunt. Cas stared at the large home and unbuckled his seatbelt to get out of the car. Dean followed behind him closely, ready for anything. Cas stopped suddenly and Dean smacked into his back. Before he could ask what was going on he saw Marcus standing on the porch stoop. Grace was asleep in his arms and Dean's heart hammered against his ribcage and his teeth clenched together.
   "I don't wish to fight with you. "The tall dark man boomed. "I want you to take her far from here as fast as you can. Once she knows the baby is gone she will come for you and you must be ready. "
   "Why are you doing this? What do you gain from it?" Dean asked.
   "I gain this child's safety. I fear for her here. She must get out." Marcus replied.
   Without another word Dean leapt forward and grabbed his baby from Marcus and pressing her tightly to his chest. Grace opened her eyes and looked up at him and cooed.
   "Get out of here before she returns." Marcus warned.
   Cas nodded and they all ran back to the car. Jody still sitting in the drivers seat gave them a confused look.
   "We gotta get out of here quick!" Sam shouted at her as Dean strapped Grace into her carseat.
   Cas started the impala and they flew out of there as soon as everyone was inside. Baby purred under them as Cas pushed the car faster. Jody floored her truck in order to keep up. Dean cocked his gun and looked back and forth out of the windows, looking for the witch. Once she realized Grace was gone Marcus was as good as dead and if they weren't ready they all were too.

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