A sea of blood.

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Dean knew he needed to stop the bleeding but how when he was completely bound to the stupid chair?
He relaxed his arms and bent forward until he could get his mouth around the handle of the blade in his leg.
Taking a deep breath he bit down on it and pulled, almost screaming, eyes watering. He let go, gasping.
Okay, bad idea. New plan.
Instead he tried hopping himself to the table across the room, choking back the pain that shot up his leg.
"Chuck, I swear if you let me die like this I will bring hell to heaven man!" Dean screamed, his voice falling flat.
Drawing the courage he needed he hopped again, nearly biting a hole into his lip as he did. This was going to suck. He had to do this at least ten more times before someone came and checked on him.
The baby squirmed around, trying to get comfortable and Dean sighed. At least he knew she was alright.
Blood dripping, teeth grinding, he finally made his way to the table. Positioning himself with his back to it he reared back. Knocking against the table until things started falling. He managed to catch a screw but paused when be heard voices in the hall. As quickly as he could he managed to get almost back where he had been. He slid the screw up his sleeve and hung his head. Pretending to sleep.
The door opened and Mia walked in, her boots clacking against the concrete floor. Dean lifted his head, hoping to pull off a groggy expression.
"Well hello princess. Sleep good?"
Dean just watched her as she eyed him. A devilish smirk crossing her lips.
"Ah not up to talking? That's okay. Me either."
She pranced over to Dean, pulling a gun from behind her back as she did so.
"Look familiar?"
It did. It was Deans. The one he always used on hunts. The one with the white handle.
"Where did you get that?" He growled.
"Aw baby doesn't like to share his toys? Well see I had Ana procure this for me while she was at the bunker. Nice place I hear. Bet you miss it. They sure miss you. That phone of yours does not stop ringing."
Dean clenched his jaw, feeling the pain from the punches he'd taken.
Mia leaned down over Dean, raising the gun right next to his ear and shooting the far wall behind him. She took the gun barrel and placed it against his neck. He screamed, ears ringing from the gunshot.
Mia's laughter barely audible, Dean's voice scratching against his raw throat. The smell of burning flesh seeping into his nostrils.
She raised the gun back up, this time over Dean's head and pulled the trigger. Again she pressed the hot barrel to his throat, right under the last one. She did it over and over until the clip was empty. Until Dean had a long line of burns down his neck
When she was done she threw the emptied gun to the floor and left Dean there, still bleeding, unable to hear.
*. *. * .

Dean had been missing three days now. Cas, Sam, and Jody were grasping at straws. Calling in favors, searching everywhere, even resorting to using witches.
"I've got a lead." Crowley said, appearing across the table.
"Jesus Christ!" Jody shouted, holding her chest.
"Not exactly sweetheart. But listen, I've had a few demons snooping out some possible hold outs and I think we have it."
"Where?" Cas demanded.
"I'll take you. Ready?"
They all nodded, Crowley snapped his fingers, and they were suddenly in the dark of the woods.
Jody looked around, bewildered. Sam shook his head to clear it just as Crowley started talking.
"Okay, this place is incredibly warded. I can't even get in. So that means you two are going to have to go in and destroy them while me and angel boy wait out here. But whatever you do make it fast. "
"I can smell him. He's hurt." Cas hissed, jaw clenched.
Sam nodded and drew his gun low. They crept out of the woods and found themselves outside of a three story building. The windows were boarded and graffiti covered the outside.
Taking a breath Sam led Jody over to the door and stopped.
"If you see anything, and I mean anything written on the walls take a knife and scrape a part or a line of it off. That will take down the ward. "
She nodded and Sam tried the door. It was unlocked, bad sign.
Slowly he pushed it open and entered into a large room that looked like it was once a grand entrance to a hotel. They picked their way across the room and found a hall covered in warding. Stopping to pull his knife, Sam and Jody started at the paint. Taking off lines or symbols as they went.
There had to be more than twenty just where they were. This was going to take forever.
*. *. *.
Dean woke up to pains in his stomach. It was only a mild cramping but he could feel it.
"No, no no no." He cried. "Your okay. We're okay."
"Aw what's the matter?" Ana asked. Dean could only just make out her words. She stood against the door, watching him.
"I don't know. It just it hurts. Please." He begged.
"Sorry but I'm not your friend. I'm not here to help you."
The door opened suddenly, pushing Ana forward, she caught herself on the table. Mia and a male vampire walked in.
"The fun has finally begun! Lover boy and the gang have finally found us." She clapped.
Dean's chest filled with hope. It was going to be okay.
"Oh don't get excited." The bitch whispered. She walked over to Dean and smacked him hard, knocking him out.
*. *. *.
Cas struggled against his chains. How had this happened?
Vampires had surrounded them as soon as Jody and Sam disappeared inside.
There had been dozens of them waiting in the trees. It had happened so fast, but  Crowley had managed to escape.
Castiel was drug inside, angel warding down. All the ones Sam had destroyed faked to keep him and Jody busy.
"Let go of me." The angel spat.
"Oh don't you want to see your hunter? We're going to bring you to him. We'll even let you watch as he dies. "
Cas pulled and kicked against his captors but still they held him. Leading him down a flight of stairs to a basement. It had several doors in the small hall there, they stopped at the last one.
"Don't stand out there, come in." A feminine voice called from the other side.
The door was swung open and a small Asian woman stood there, fangs out as she grinned.
As Cas was brought into the room his heart nearly stopped in his chest. There was Dean, his beautiful Dean. He was more injured than Cas could of imagined.
Eyes closed. His head was laid back against the chair, nasty circular burns covering his throat and exposed shoulder. His face was swollen and bruised, caked in dry blood. A large slash ran across his chest, looking a few days old.
Cas noticed a large knife protruding from his leg, blood staining his jeans and puddling on the floor. But that wasn't the worst. The worst part made Castiel insane. Dean's shirt was open, his belly there for the entire room to take in. A large angel ward carved into it.
"I will kill all of you!" Cas screamed, eyes glowing brighter than they ever had before.
"Do simmer down. We don't need any exploding angels before the show starts."
"What show?"
"Well Dean here is our special guest."
"What are you talking about?!" Cas demanded.
The vampire merely laughed and made her way over to Dean. She ran her finger over his leg wound and licked the blood from it. Cas' face hardened in disgust.
She pulled a blade from her boot and ran it over Dean's belly, barely touching the skin.
"Get away from him."
She smiled and placed it against Dean's jaw and yanked. Fresh blood oozed from the open cut. His eyes fluttered open.
"Cas?" Dean asked. His voice coming out barely a whisper.
"Dean. Your going to be okay.  Just-" Cas stopped, watching Dean as he looked down at his belly in pain. He was having contractions.
"Dean? What's going on?" Cas' voice was filled with worry but Dean didn't look  up. It was as if the angel hadn't spoken.
"Oh you have to speak up. His ears are still recovering from the close range gun shots!" The tall vampire shouted.
So that's what the burns were from. A gun barrel. They had been in here torturing Dean all these days. Castiel's stomach clenched in anger.
Gun shots rang from the hall and Dean looked up.
Back up had arrived.
More gunshots and the few vampires in the room started freaking out. Pulling out their own weapons. The door banged open and Sam stepped in followed by Jody. Her face went white as she took Dean in, barely alive.
"Jesus." Sam whispered to himself.
"Let him up." Sam said pointing to Cas with his gun.
Ana scurried across the floor to unlock the angel. Cas shot up and went over to Dean, trying to get his eyes to focus.
"Dean. Dean!"
The hunter pulled his head up, trying to keep his eyes on his fiance.
"Hey Cas."
"Hey baby." Cas cooed, running his hand through Dean's hair.
Mia stepped forward, fangs drawn and Cas faced her. His angel blade slid free and he raised it, slicing her head clean off.
The remaining vampires fled the room, desperate to get away from the rage driven angel.
Cas turned back to Dean and Jody and Sam joined him.
Sam undid his arms and legs and the injured hunter slumped forward into Cas.
"Put your hands on me." Cas ordered as he lifted Dean from the chair.
With all hands on Cas the angel brought them back to the bunker. They landed in the living room and Castiel eased Dean onto the sofa.
"I've got to get this knife out and the ward has to be destroyed before I can heal him. Sam."
Sam nodded and held Dean to the sofa. He screamed when Cas yanked out the blade and threw it to the floor. It sounded like an animal, his vocal cords not yet recovered. Sam held his own knife over Dean's belly, trying to force himself to cut it. Break the ward.
"I can't." Sam whispered.
"Here." Jody said, taking it from Sam. She leaned over Dean's contracting Belly and sliced a line through the ward.
"Good, now stand back." Cas said getting to his feet.
But before he could place his hands to Dean the wounds started closing. Dean sat up gasping, eyes burning bright as the burns and cuts and the hole in his leg turned back to smooth, unblemished skin. The bruising on his face vanishing as if it were never even there. Only the bloodied clothes Dean was wearing proof it had ever happened.
Dean gasped and closed his eyes tight. When he opened them again they were back to his candy apple green.
"What the hell was that?"
"I... I think the baby healed you. It was like you had your own grace. "
"Grace " Dean whispered and rubbed his belly. "Yeah I guess I do."
Cas smiled, falling in love with the name. Jody kissed his forehead.
"I am so sorry I left you. I should of stayed. I promised I'd never let you out of my sight and the moment I do those vampires took you again."
"Cas this was not your fault. No one could of known Benny's-  BENNY!"
"Benny what?" Sam asked.
Dean pulled himself to stand and buttoned his nasty shirt. "They were getting him from purgatory. That's why I was there. I was a gift for him."
"Those mother-"
"Hey!" Jody cut in. "We need to get you away from this bunker. They know its here and obviously how to get to you."
"I agree. " Cas said.
"Should we hit the road?" Sam asked.
"Take a few cases, only come back here if we absolutely have to." Dean added.
Cas nodded in agreement.
"I was actually going to say come stay with me a while but hitting the road could work too." Jody smiled.
"Just please, let me shower. I smell awful." Dean sighed.
"Come on." Cas grabbed Dean by the hand and pulled him to their room.
He helped Dean undress and get into the tub. He filled it with warm water and bubbles.
As Cas stripped and slid into the water Dean turned to face him.
"The baby is okay though right? I was having contractions."
"She's fine. I don't think those were contractions. I think she was trying to heal you but couldn't because of the ward on your belly."
"I was scared, more scared than I'd even been in my life. If they had hurt her," Dean whispered, tears falling.
Cas pulled his hunter to him and let him cry, feeling his heart break. Dean had been through so much and all Cas wanted to do was take that pain away.
"I'm here, I've got you. I'll never leave your side again. " Cas swore.
Grace wiggled in Dean's belly, making the hunter and the angel smile.
It was all going to be okay, as long as they stayed prepared.

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