Carry on.

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Dean woke up to his head pounding. He pressed his hand to his head and tried to take in the room. Noticing a  chain linked around his foot he yanked hard. But it didn't give. It was connected to the foot rail of the bed. Looking around he spotted a door and decided to investigate.
He crept off the bare mattress and found the door led to a small bathroom with only a sink and toilet. Before thinking better of it he held his nose from the smell, pulled down his pants, and squatted over the toilet to pee.
Just as he was pulling his pants up a loud clang rang through the room and he hurried back to the bed. Closing his eyes and pretending to sleep just as the door pushed open.
Dean cracked his eyes, spotting Benny and a young man entering the room.
"I know your awake Dean" Benny said.
The hunter sat up, pushing his back into the headboard. "Why am I here Benny?"
"Quite chatty isn't she?" The younger man said.
Benny turned on the guy and shoved him into the wall.
"I explained this situation to you already Alex. She is not truly a she." Benny hissed.
"I'm sorry. My fault " the man named Alex said, looking down at the ground.
Benny shoved him out of the door and he scrambled to his feet and disappeared.
"Sorry. The young ones can be a real handful."
"Your creating new ones?"
"Every day."
Dean stared at the vampire like he didn't know him. This wasn't the Benny he knew. The Benny who fought by his side through purgatory. This was something else.
"Benny " Dean started softly. "What's going on. This isn't you man."
"Its me Dean. A new me. "He replied, moving the kneel over the hunter on the bed.
"Your sick or something. I can help you." Dean pleaded as he slowly waded up his chain around his fist.
"Oh Dean. Always the one to lay yourself on the line. Just relax. Let me take care of you." Benny leaned down, brushing Dean's wild hair behind his ear.
Dean took that moment to smash his wrapped fist in the vampires face. Benny stumbled back, landing on the floor hard. Taking a moment to breathe Dean shot out of the bed, the chain unforgiving as it snagged. Its full length reached just inches from the heavy door. Dean pulled and yanked and prayed for it to snap. To please just break so he could get away. But it was useless.
Benny rose from the floor chuckling. Watching as Dean helplessly tried to escape.
"See this Dean?" He asked, pulling a small case from his coat pocket.
Dean froze, eyeing the object. Benny popped it open and pulled out a syringe filled with a thick silver liquid.
"This is special. I had it made just for you by a poweful local witch. See if I inject you with this at first you won't feel a thing but then your body will ache. Your temperature will slowly spike until you feel like you can't breathe. Until your insides are cooking themselves. Until your body aborts that baby in your belly."
Hot tears welled in Dean's eyes and his hands went protectively to his stomach.
"If you try anything, and I mean anything I will stick you with this. " the vampire growled and nodded to the bed.
Without another choice Dean stalked back to the bed, watching as Benny put the syringe away. He blinked the tears away and held back a shuttering cry.
As he sat on the bed Benny walked over to him, a triumphant grin on his face. He grabbed Dean by his cheeks with a hot large and hand and squeezed.
"You stay right here princess, I'll be back in a bit." He sneered at the hunter before kissing him roughly. Benny ran his fangs down his throat and whispered , "once this is all done and over and you finally have that angel baby of yours I WILL turn you."
He shoved Dean back on the bed and left the room, slamming the door behind him.
Cas if you can hear me, please hurry. Dean prayed silently as he cried.
*. *. *.
As a matter of fact Castiel could hear Dean. He heard him loud and clear. But he wasn't able to pin point where he was. The place had to be warded for angels.
"I've got a bad idea." Sammy said, looking up from his laptop.
"Any idea is better than my uselessness. What is is?"
"Crowley? The place is obviously warded against you but no way they would think to ward it against Demons."
Cas stared at the younger Winchester.
"Bad, I know."
"No. Its not bad. Especially if it works." Cas shot up from the table and searched his pockets for his phone.
He dialed Crowley and listened to it ring.
"King of hell." Crowley answered.
"Crowley. It's Castiel. We need your help."
"And why would I ever help you?" The demon asked.
"Its not for me, its for Dean."
There was silence on the line but finally Crowley told the angel where to meet him and hung up.
The angel and Sam raced to the impala, peeling out of the garage like they were on fire.
They drove south a ways, until they found the lake Crowley had told them about. He was already there waiting.
Sam parked and Cas blinked over to Crowley.
"What's happened?"
"That psychotic vampire. He came in and blind sided us all. Took Dean with him."
"And let me guess, angel mojo not working?" The king of hell sneered.
Cas shook his head.
Nodding Crowley said, "I'll be right back." And he was gone.
Sam came running up, bewildered. Was about to ask where he was when Crowley reappeared.
"Found him. Its warded alright. Ready?"
Cas and Sam nodded and the demon snapped his fingers. Sam stumbled and placed a hand on a near by tree for support. His stomach turning in on itself.
They were on a hill looking over a large fenced warehouse. Dean must of been in there.
"What's the plan?" Sam asked as his stomach settled.
"The plan is I go in and destroy all the warding. Once its gone you two get in there and find Dean quick. There's an entire nest in there."
They all nodded agreement and Crowley vanished again. Cas could feel the warding being lifted. Once it was gone he grabbed Sam by the shoulder and brought them in.
They landed hard in a small hallway. It was dark but Cas could see just fine. He led Sam down several corridors, following Dean's silent prayers as a guide.
The hunter was a mess as he sat in that room alone. Benny had told him it'd only been a full day since he'd taken him. He tried to force the hunter to eat but Dean refused. Not trusting the meals he was brought.
Cas, I need you. I'm chained to this bed and I'm starving. Please Cas.
The loud clang of the door lock sounded and Benny followed by Alex and several others entered the room.
"What's going on?" Dean demanded.
"Have you been in here praying?"
Dean gave Benny a hard look but stayed silent.
"Get him up, bring me the chain. The rest of you watch the door." Benny ordered as he slid on his jacket.
A rough looking woman unlocked Dean's chain from the bed and pulled him up. Her strength rolling off her in waves. She forced the hunter over to Benny and handed him he chain. He wound it tightly around his arm before pulling Dean to his side.
Shouts came from the hall and blinding white light. A few second later a bloody Castiel and Sam entered the room, weapons drawn.
Cas met Dean's eyes and he could physically see the worry lift from the angel. Cas had heard him!
"Release him and we will leave peacefully." Sam yelled, gun gripped tightly.
Benny pulled Dean tightly to his front and he felt a prick in his neck.
The syringe!
Dean's eyes widened in horror, " No Benny!"
"I will!" The vampire screamed.
"What the hell is that? " Sam asked, lowering his gun.
"It'll kill the baby." Dean whispered.
Cas stepped forward only to flip around as more vampires pounded into the room, fangs out. Sam went down, knocking his head on the floor when three advanced on him. Cas slid across the floor, angel blade clanging as he went.
"That's quite enough!" Crowley ordered as he entered.
Benny froze, syringe lowering away from Dean."What are you doing here?"
Crowley answered but Dean didn't hear. He saw his chance. Benny was distracted. He slid down the vampires body and half ran half crawled across the floor. He reached the angel blade just as the chain yanked him back and pulled it to his chest.  Benny yanked him back by his chain, dragging him across the floor on his side. He grabbed a fist full of Dean's shirt and forced him up.
The vampire roared angrily as Dean smacked into his chest, angel blade held out. It slid easily into the monster's heart. Blood seeping out and running down Dean's arm. Getting in between his fingers.
Benny gasped, his legs giving out. He gasped and Dean pulled the blade out and looked away.
He crawled to Castiel and the angel held him where he laid in a heap on the cold floor. Grabbing the chain he snapped it off Deans ankle and let it fall to the floor.
Cas pulled Dean up and into his chest for a moment before searching his body. Lifting his shirt and examining his belly.
"I'd heard rumors but I didn't expect to see this." Crowley said from the door, watching Cas run his fingers over Dean. "Witch did a number on you I see."
"Thank you Crowley." Cas said, walking Dean over to Sam.
The angel pressed his fingers to the younger brothers head and he sat up looking around.
"What did I miss?" He asked.
Crowley rolled his eyes as he snapped his fingers and they were all back at the impala.
Dean passed Cas his angel blade and he stowed it away.
"Thank you Crowley." Dean said, turning to him.
"Yes but don't think this was free. You owe me."
"Ha knew that was coming." Sam snorted.
"Stay out of trouble for a while will you?" The demon asked, Dean nodded in response and climbed in the back of the impala. Cas slid in next to him and Sam drove.
"He didn't..?" Cas asked softly.
"What? No." Dean looked horrified.
"I just needed to be sure. Are you okay? I know he was still a friend to you before this. That couldn't of been easy."
"The Benny I knew, that wasn't him. I don't know what happened to him but he broke. I could see it in his eyes."
Dean let out a huff of air and sat back against the seat.
"What is it?"
"Worst pregnancy ever," Dean laughed, rubbing his belly.
Sam chuckled from the front seat as be turned down the road to the bunker.
"I wasn't ready when he came but from now on my gaurd will never be down. Not for a second." Cas' eyes burned bright with fury.
Dean slid his hand across his angels cheek, feeling the stumble there. He was still wearing those same jeans and band t shirt from the day before. He was starting to resemble a very hippie and futuristic Cas that Dean recalled from one of his time travel adventures.
"I'm here now. We're together. That's all that matters ."
Cas closed his eyes and when he opened them again they were his normal blue, staring in to Dean's candied green ones.
As Cas looked at his hunter his heart shuttered. He loved this man, and he'd be damned if anyone ever laid a finger on him again.

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