Not my neck of the woods...

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The heat was unbearable. It was like stomping through a wooded sauna that got turned up too high. Sam huffed along beside Dean, trying to stay as quiet as he could.
"Do you see anything?" Sammy asked.
Dean shushed him and pulled the gun from his waistband. Sam gave Dean an annoyed look but snapped his mouth shut.
It was dark now, barely any light to help guide them through the bayou.
"There." Cas shouted just as Dean felt an overwhelming heat hit his chest. He gripped his heart and went down to his knees.
Sam leaped over him and shot in the direction the hit came from.
"Silly, silly boys. Did you really think you could come out here to my home and pull one over on me with a few special bullets? I'm a New Orleans witch. I feed from the power of my ancestors!". Lightening crackled from the witch's finger tips as she stepped closer. Her white hair whipping around her dark face.
Sam took another shot, the bullet stopping short of the witch and falling uselessly to the ground.
Dean started to shake and claw at his chest. The heat inside him becoming too much for him to bare. Sammy was shouting and kneeling over him but he couldn't hear the words.
Then it stopped, as if the pain had never been there. He puked on the ground at his knees and Cas reached out to pull him up. His body was weak and he felt barely alive.
A loud cackle came from everywhere at once and then the witch was gone.
"We need to get Dean out of here, Cas can you heal him?" Sam rushed his words out so quickly Dean barely caught them.
"It doesn't seem to be working. It's some sort of spell. We need to get back to the bunker."Cas replied, scooping Dean up into his arms and carrying him back to the impala.
Sam floored the car and Dean writhed in pain across the back seat. He was burning up.
"I'm going to take him to the bunker Sam, he's burning up."
Sam didn't reply but Dean felt Cas touch his shoulder and then suddenly they were in the bunker. The angel carried him to his bed and stripped him of his clothes before tossing a thin sheet over him.
The coolness of the bed felt amazing against his flushed skin but soon he was sweating again. He completely lost track of time, blacking out only to wake to Cas checking on him.
Sometime in the night he fell asleep, the fever finally breaking.
*.              *.              *.    

Some time the next morning Dean woke up. He stumbled out of bed barely awake. Blindly he pulled on a pair of loose jeans and a flannel, not bothering with buttoning it up.
As he made his way into the kitchen he heard Sam and Cas speaking in quiet voices, they both froze with wide eyes when Dean walked in. Sam spit his coffee across the table, sputtering.
"Dean?" Sammy choked out.
"Who else would I be?" Except he didn't sound like himself at all. His voice was too high and too soft and too....feminine?
He stuck his hands out in front of him and stared at the soft, girly ones that were definitely not his. He looked down and saw a slim woman's body instead of his own. Quickly he wrapped the flannel around himself, hiding his large breasts from view, "What the hell is happening?" He cried. Cried? He was freaking crying now, awesome.
"This must be what the witch did to you. How do we fix this, Cas?" Sammy looked over at Castiel, but he was no longer beside him. He watched as the angel crossed the room to Dean. His hands reached out and wiped the tears from the hunters cheeks in such an intimate way Sam had to look away. His face growing red from witnessing the encounter.
Dean took a deep breath and walked back to his room. He shut the door and just stood there. Trying to get his mind wrapped around the situation. He wanted to scream, to throw things. How did girls handle these types of feelings?
He decided not to think. He threw himself into auto pilot and went straight for the shower. Robotically washing and rinsing. Trying not to feel all the new parts of this new body as he went. Grabbing a towel and wrapping himself he went over to his closest, feeling completely defeated and on the verge of tears again when every thing was too big and falling off his now small frame. Dean felt weak. He wanted to give up right then but a soft knock at his door pulled his attention.
Pulling the towel around himself tightly he shouted "Doors open" as manly as he could.
Cas walked in, sticking his head through the door first. "I didn't know what to get so I just grabbed things that made me think of you." The angel dropped a bag on the bed then stepped out, closing the door behind him.
Taking a calming breath Dean shuffled over to the bag and started pulling things out.  Jeans, socks, a pair of boots, some t shirts, even a bra.
Great, I get to wear a freaking bra now,awesome. Dean thought to himself.
It took him a while to get dressed, he was trying to do it without seeing himself. No way did he want to see his own naked body again right now.
A little while later he walked out of his room fully dressed in a black t shirt, jeans that felt too tight and his now wildly long hair hanging down his back, that was going to have to go. No way he could live with hair longer than Sammy's. The kitchen was empty when he got there. His stomach growled and he decided to grab something to eat. He found leftover Chinese and a beer then went to find Cas and his brother.
He found them in the library, Sam on the laptop and Cas with his nose in a book. They both looked up when he entered. He stood there, stuffing noddles into his mouth before he spoke.
"So how do we fix this?"he asked, his voice making him cringe.
"That's the thing, we don't know yet. So far we believe it's a curse. We're not sure how to undo or reverse it yet. We will though. We'll figure this out Dean"
"Ha, scared of having a sister that bad huh Sammy? "Dean replied, trying to make light of the situation.
Sam snorted in response and Cas cocked his head to the side, watching the two.
After finishing his food he tossed the container and his empty beer into the nearby trash and sat down next to Cas. Searching the table, he grabbed a book and started skimming and turning through the pages. That's where he stayed the rest of the day. He ignored Sam's glances and tried to focus.  Reading and scribbling notes until his eyes were burning.
Nothing, so far they had nothing. They didn't have a lot of lore on New Orleans witches but what they did have made them to be powerful and ruthless. Killing without so much as thinking about it. Dean was beginning to think he would be stuck this way forever. Barely even a hunter anymore. No way Sammy would let him hunt like this. Weak, thin, and stumbling over himself.
Herself? He shook his head to rid himself of that thought.
Snapping his book shut he leaned back in his chair and watched Cas as he read through the book in his hands. Shoulders tensed and face a mask of determination. Dean felt his heart flutter in his chest and he froze, understanding the feeling.
No, no way am I swooning over Castiel. No matter how good-looking- no stop it!
"Dean are you okay?" Cas asked, looking over his shoulder.
"I just think I need a break."
"I could use one as well, I'll join you. "
They both rose from the table, leaving Sam alone to search for an answer to their new problem. Cas followed Dean into a room they had converted into a type of living room. It had a television,pool table, and a few gaming systems that sat untouched. Flipping on the TV Dean sat on the couch and Cas walked off to the kitchen. He returned with another beer and handed it to Dean before settling down next to him. The hunter and the angel sat there and watched some documentary about cars and for a moment Dean was able to forget.
Later on Dean woke up on his side, his head on Cas' chest. He must of fell asleep on Cas. Cas was awake, still mindlessly watching the TV and rubbing circles into Dean's exposed hip. His shirt had rose up over his stomach in his sleep. Sammy was passed out on the love seat across the room, his snore barely audible over the sounds of the television. Dean found himself at odds as he laid there. It should of felt weird. He was snuggled up and laying on Castiel and Cas didn't even seem to care. Like this happened all the time between them. He knew he should get up, apologize, something!
"Dean? Are you awake?" Cas whispered against his hair.
"Yeah, sorry. I'll uh move?" Dean started to move, his hand on Cas' chest as he pushed himself up.
"You... you don't have to. I don't mind it" Cas' voice was soft and his hand caught Dean's.
"Cas.." Dean whispered and the angel purred at his name.
Castiel pulled Dean back down to him and he didn't fight it. He closed his eyes and let himself fall back to sleep.
*.       *.         *.        
"Uh...guys?" Sammy's voice pulled Dean from sleep.
He looked up at his baby brother and rubbed his eyes, long hair falling in his face. "Yeah Sammy?"
"Not that I mind this-" he waved his hand at Dean and Cas, their bodies entwined and Cas breathing softly in sleep. Clutching Dean against him with his large arms "but we really do need to get on the road. I found something useful last night. A witch who agreed to meet us. She knows how to help."
Dean untangled himself and stood next to Sam, barely head level with his chest now. "Let's go! I'll get dressed and pack a bag."
They left Cas to sleep on the sofa and went off to their rooms to pack. Dean dressed then tossed  his new clothes along with his normal things into his duffle just in case this witch was able to help. Not fifteen minutes later they were all three heading out to the car.
Dean climbed behind the wheel and then frowned when he couldn't reach the petals. He reached down and pushed the seat forward until his feet touched. Sam leaned down and looked at the small amount of leg room then offered to drive. Sighing he agreed and pushed the seat back before scooting over. Cas climbed into the front too, leaving Dean in the middle.
They drove most of the day with only the radio to fill the silence.
Dean was nervous. What if the witch couldn't help him? What if she could but he had to go through that awful sickens again? He mind went round and round, over thinking every possible outcome until Sam finally pulled into a hotel. Waiting outside the car Cas grabbed all the bags and Sam went to check them in. Sam had decided to get Dean his own room, mumbling something about new found privacy and he and Cas shuffled off to their room next door. Huffing Dean went into his room and tossed his bag down. He pulled a bottle of whiskey from it then went back out to search for ice. He found an ice machine on the second floor and waited as his bucket filled up.
"Hey there little mama"
Dean whipped around and came face to face with a large man who smelled like booze and vomit. His heart stopped in his chest and he stepped back into the machine. The man grinned and reached out and grabbed Dean by the his hips, making the hunter want to puke. Dean raised his hand and punched the guy in the jaw, not even phasing the bear like man.
"Got a little fight in ya huh? That's how I like them" the man chuckled.
The man advanced on Dean. Using one hand to pin Dean's over his head and the other to run up and down Dean's body. Caressing his breasts and ass. Dean screamed for the man to stop. He could feel hot tears sliding down his cheeks as he thrashed uselessly, his usual strength nonexistent.
Then the man was yanked off of him and Dean slid down the ice machine until his butt hit the ground. The ice that had spilled out soaking into his jeans. He looked up then to find Cas standing in front of him, facing the man.
"You are disgusting."Castiel spat, his voice low and dangerous.
"We were just having a little bit of fun," the man said, wiping his bleeding lip on his sleeve. ",I don't appreciate the interruption."
Cas' angel blade slid free and he held it tightly in his hand. "Take one more step and I will peel the flesh from your bones.
The man raised his hands in defeat and hurried down the hall.
Cas turned around and helped Dean up, hugging his small feminine body to him. Dean gasped and looked behind Castiel. He was in awe. Cas' wings were spread wide, spanning almost to the ceiling. They encircled them and Dean stared in amazement.
"Your wings,Cas." He whispered.
"Oh, my apologies." And then they were gone but Dean could still picture them. Large and magnificent behind his angel.
Dean blinked his eyes a few times to get rid of the tears and stepped back.
"Are you okay Dean?"
"That was really insane. I was terrified honestly. This body - my body. It's small and weak. I'm a vulnerability now. You had to come to my aid and save me. I'm nothing. I'm not even a hunter anymore. I'm a sorry excuse-"
"No Dean." Cas cut in, taking Dean's chin in his hand and making him look him in the eye. "You are still you. Still strong at heart, never backing down. You're still kind and you're still you."
"That man could of taken me in a second Cas. I'm a vulnerability. All I am now is tits and ass. Some blond bimbo."
"Is that truly how you see yourself? Because I see something completely different. "
"Like what?"
"I see your smile. I see your courage. Yes I do see everything else as well. This new body is beautiful, but to me you've always been beautiful. Even covered in dirt or grease after repairing baby. I see the same furrow of your brow when your concentrating. I see you Dean."
Dean didn't know it was happening until it already had. His mouth was on Cas and Cas responded right back, pushing Dean back into the wall and lifting him up by his thighs. Dean wrapped his legs around Cas, threaded his fingers through the Angel's hair and pulled. Cas grunted in response and dug his fingers into Dean's thighs.
When Dean pulled away finally to breathe Cas didn't stop. He kissed down his jaw , to his neck but stopped at the collar of his shirt.
"Dean I want you to understand that this is not because of this body. I want you for you."
Breathing hard Dean nodded. Wrapping his mind around what Castiel had just confessed. That he wanted him even as a man. That what the witch had done didn't cause this reaction to each other. It only made Dean finally see himself the way Cas did. The feelings that he had suppressed had somehow made their way to the surface.
Castiel pulled Dean tighter against him and suddenly they were in his room.
Dean pushed the trenchcoat off Cas' shoulders and it slid to his feet on the floor. Castiel and Dean both unbuttoned their shirts, tossing them aside and then were back against each other. Lips to lips as Dean undid the Angel's belt and pants. Castiel picked Dean back up and walked them over to the bed, letting his open pants slide down his legs and pool at his ankles. Stepping out of them he laid Dean down and hovered over his feminine body, unsure of how to proceed.
His bright blue eyes drifted over Dean's breast, down his exposed stomach to his pants. Slowly Castiel undid the button and zipper, peeling them off his hips to reveal the white cotton panties underneath. The ones he had picked out the day before.
Cas rubbed his nose against Dean, breathing in his intoxicating scent. Dean moaned softly under him. The new sensations his body provided driving him wild.
Cas pulled his underwear down slowly and caressed Dean between his legs. His fingers came back glistening and Cas licked them, growing hard from the taste. Without hesitation Cas spread Dean's legs far apart and licked him from ass to clit, making the hunter pull back. Cas held his hips to the bed and ran his tongue in circles around the sensitive nub, drawing loud gasps from his lover.
Gently Castiel pressed a finger into Dean, drawing it all the way out before thrusting it all the way back in.
Dean turned to jelly under him, moaning and writhing on the bed. He could feel the tightening in his belly. He was so close but then Cas stopped and pulled away. He planting kisses up Dean's body, stopping at his breasts. Cas undid the bra there and dropped it to the floor. The rough hands of the angel felt amazing against the soft skin. It was odd, having Cas touch him there and it feel so good. This body was so new but Castiel knew exactly what to do not make Dean melt into him.
Rising up to meet Dean's face Cas kissed him, making him taste himself. It made Dean moan, knowing that it was him he tasted on the Angel's lips.
"Are you ready Dean?" Cas' voice came out low and seductive, making Dean even wetter than he already was.
"Yes but, be easy. This is all new or me."
The angel nodded as he removed his boxers and placed his hands in Dean's, knotting their fingers together. Gently he lined himself up and eased into Dean. It was tight and made Cas moan aloud. Dean gritted his teeth, unsure of the pain and pleasure that were mixing together inside him. Once Cas was in as far as he could he waited. Letting Dean get used to the way it felt. After a few silent moments Dean nodded and Cas pulled almost all the way out before sliding himself back into Dean's heat. He was easy at first but once Dean's moans turned from uncomfortable to uncontrollable he could no longer hold back. His thrusts became faster and wilder. Dean nipped and kissed the Angel's chest as he move against him.
Cas could feel his climax coming, he pressed himself flat to Dean. Chest to chest,  he tangled his hands into Dean's long hair and pulled. Dean called out as he came and dug his nails into Cas' shoulders causing the angel the explode inside him with one last hard thrust.
They came down together, curling into a heap on the bed. Castiel pulled Dean onto his chest and kissed his forehead. It wasn't long until Dean was breathing softly against his neck, fast asleep. But sleep didn't come for Cas so quickly. His mind was reeling and it wouldn't slow down. He had just made love, not just sex, to the person he cared about most. But care wasn't the right word. Loved? Yes, Castiel was in love with Dean Winchester. But this strange new bond they had made became even stranger with Dean a woman.
He looked down at his peaceful hunter and he felt a raw need to protect him. Dean was barely 120 pounds now. Cas could feel to desire to hold him close and never let the world get its hands on him.
Tomorrow would be different. Tomorrow they would see this witch and Dean would be fixed. He would be the strong, relentless man Cas felt so deeply for for so long. He pulled the frail Dean closer into him and he let out a soft deep sleep sound from his full lips. His long eyelashes fluttered as he dreamed.
But this Dean, this Dean was just as amazing in such a different way.
He silently begged God, the universe, whatever that was out there listening that they would figure a way out of this. And with that he let himself drift off to sleep...

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