The time for preparation

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It was finally Friday and Jody would be here any minute. She had called not long ago from the road, telling them she was only a few minutes away.
Sam, Cas, and Dean were all running around trying to tidy the place up. Throwing pillows on the couch and spraying air freshener as they went. Sam was over piling the dish washer and Dean was reaching up to put the clean ones away as Cas fussed at him not to hurt himself.
Sam had just shut and turned on the dish washer when they heard a car pull into the garage. Dean grinned and elbowed his brother just as Jody walked in, coughing at the smell.
"Jesus, what did you do in here? Perfume bomb?"
"Uh no." Sam answered, eyeing the others.
"Uh huh," Jody said, waving her hand in front of her face.
Dean laughed it off and walked over to give her a hug. "Man its good to see you."
"Good to see you boys too. Well you know what I mean." She chuckled.
"Jokes getting old woman."
Sam came over, moving around Dean to hug Jody. "Sorry but that joke will never get old. "
Dean threw his hands in the air and Cas pulled him into his side, kissing his frown away.
"Look at these two love birds." Jody commented.
"God don't get them started. They have been at it non stop all week and I can't take any more." Sam bellowed.
"Oh quit your belly aching." Jody laughed.
Sam helped Jody get her things from her truck and into one of the guest rooms. She was already talking a mile a minute about everything she had planned already. From the baby shower, to the bachelor party, to the wedding and honeymoon.
Dean added in his thoughts and ideas to everything she brought up while Cas just followed along listening and nodding. He didn't care what the wedding was like as long as Dean was happy. That's all that mattered.
Castiel watched Dean as they all sat around the table talking. The man he loved so deeply looked so care free in that moment.
He watched as his mouth turned up and his laughter rang through the kitchen. Finding amusement in something Sam had said. His long hair hung free over the back of the chair as he sat back, hands on his belly. He was telling Jody what she had interrupted when she had called a few day ago, making Sam turn red in the face. His eye lashes brushed his cheeks as he blinked slow, still exhausted. The baby keeping him up late as he tried to get comfortable next to Cas in bed. His green eyes seemed brighter now, glowing around the darkness of his pupil. He looked over at Cas with those eyes now. A loving smile on his face. Cas smiled back, leaned in and kissed him. Right there for everyone to see.
"We have so much to do!" Jody said clapping her hands. "We should have the shower tomorrow. Go ahead and get it out of the way."
"Tomorrow?" Dean choked. " I don't even know who we would invite."
"Let me handle that." She grinned.
"Well since your here and planning everything anyway why don't you be my maid of honor? The girls could be bridemaids or something. That's a thing right?"
"Your serious?"
"Well yeah I am." Dean replied.
Jody stood and ran around the table, pulling Dean up into a hug, "I'd love to!"
Cas stood as well but walked over to Sam, putting his hands on the mans shoulders. Sam looked up bewildered. Cas rarely ever touched him.
"And I was thinking Sam could be my best man."
"Sure, I'd love to be part of my sister's wedding."
"If I wasn't pregnant I'd kick your ass." Dean laughed.
"Come on hot mama!" Sam howled.
"Alright you two, cut it out." Jody said, shaking her head. "We have a baby shower to get ready for."
Jody was on the phone most of the day and Cas was constantly popping in and out of the bunker. Leaving to get everything on the list and then some. Sam took it upon himself to clean and Dean was kind of just there. Nothing to specifically do beside be ready.
Jody had invited over a dozen hunters but more would probably show up she said. Everyone would want to get a look at the very female, very pregnant Dean Winchester.
By the time everyone was off to bed they were all exhausted except Cas. Dean was always tired these days. Falling asleep as soon as he could manage to get comfortable. Cas was always beside him, hands always touching to make sure he was there. Every since he was taken by Benny Cas was always over jumpy. Only able to fall asleep knowing Dean was safe.
*. *. *.
When the sun rose Jody was up. She woke everyone, talking excitedly about decorating and food prep.
Dean groaned and Cas shushed him back to sleep, getting up once he'd drifted back off.
Castiel offered to help, telling Sam and Jody to let Dean rest. He got stuck with decorations as Jody cooked with Sam's help. After about twenty minutes of fiddling with a banner he decided he did not like this job.
He strung it up the best he could and left to set out snacks around the living area. Bowls of chips, pretzels, and other arrangements of finger foods Sam was unbagging and pouring into bowls.
At noon Cas finally woke Dean and then was shoved out of the house by Jody. Declaring it a girlish only zone until she called.
Dean had just gotten out of the shower and pulled on jeans and a clean flannel when Jody knocked.
"Yeah." Dean called.
She peeked her head in and smiled at his chosen attire. She took his damp hair in her hands and loosely braided it down his back, the end resting almost at his hips.
"People are starting to arrive." She smiled.
"Alright, let's do this then." Dean put on a brave face and followed Jody into the main area.
There were at least thirty people there. All women. All hunters. They crowded around Dean all shaking his hand or touching his belly. The few he knew he hugged, laughing at the stunned faces.
It was a fun evening. Jody served pizza and finger sandwiches, pulled pork and ham, even apple pie. Which Dean had two slices of. She forced him to play games and listen to all the mom advice. He was going to need it. He barely knew a thing about kids, much less newborns. But by the end his head was so crammed full it was hurting.
Sasha, a tall dark skinned  hunter had brought a cake and everyone had a slice while Dean opened gifts.
There was mountains upon mountains of pink but also a lot of funny things. Like a small leather jacket. A snap suit that had 'Bite Me' scrawled across it. Even a gag gift with a rubber dagger inside.
"Gotta start her early if she's your kid." Someone joked.
Dean held a laugh but inside it hit home. Hotel rooms and cheap food were in his kids future.
It was almost dark by the time everyone was leaving. Dean walked out to tell everyone goodbye. Sasha hugged him hard, telling him to call if he ever needed anything.
Jody had walked back in, ready to start clean up and call the boys home.
An Asian lady was the last to leave. Drawing out a conversation with Dean that he honestly was ready to be done with. He looked back, hoping to see Jody and use her as an excuse to say his final goodbye. But suddenly the woman grabbed Dean forcefully.
Dean whipped around, surprised by the sudden hostility. But he never got a word out. The woman punched him, hard. Harder than was humanly possible. Dean's jaw cracked at the contact. His vision going black for only a moment.
He shook his head, going to pull the hidden knife from his waistband when he was struck again, going down to his knees. Knife slipping from his hand.
The woman opened her back door and shoved Dean into the seat.
"Why?" Dean got out.
"You killed our leader." She hissed.
He realized then that he was in for so much worse. Her fangs slid out and she laughed but quickly put them away as Jody called out goodbye, no clue as to what was going on. The woman kicked Dean in the face, making him see stars and walked around to the drivers side.
He saw her wave once, felt a prick in his arm. And swiftly everything went black.
*. *. *.
"Wake up!" Someone roared, slapping Dean awake.
His head drooped low as he opened his eyes, cheek stinging, his belly throbbing.
He came face to face with someone he knew. The large woman from the warehouse Benny had held him at. The one who had been there during the fight. The one who had unhooked him from the bed.
"You don't get to sleep anymore." She spat.
Dean tried to hold his head up but he was hurting, his body stiff from the hard chair he was in. Hands tied behind the back.
Looking around he noticed his shirt was open.
"What the hell did you do?"
"Well I thought about just sticking you with that concoction Benny had made but that would be too easy. See we warded you from that angel of yours." She pulled his shirt aside, revealing a bloodied mess. They had carved an angel ward into Dean's flesh.  Drops of blood hitting the floor as Dean stared in horror.
"I swear to God if you've hurt her I'll fucking kill you." The hunter screamed, thrashing in his seat.
"Oh do calm down. Little angel baby is fine. You however won't be for much longer so I can't say she'll be fine for long."
The Asian snickered from the corner of the room, making his blood boil.
"See I have lots of plans for you. So pray, scream, cry. No one will hear you. We've warded this place so heavily not even Lucifer himself could get in."
"What are you planning on doing with me?".
"Me? Oh I just wanna hurt you really really bad. Until you black out. Until your on the brink of death. By then he'll be here to finish you off." The tall, vile woman sneered.
"Oh don't think we haven't heard how to rescue someone from purgatory. We caught ourselves a reaper. Took a while but we did it. Suckered her into taking a human over there. Benny will return. And when he does you'll be here waiting. His first drink back. "
"No, your insane. Your all insane!" Dean screamed, pulling at the ropes around his wrists.
"Shh." She whispered low, pulling a blade from her boot.
Dean sat as far back as he could as she raised it. Pressing it into Dean's shoulder. Dragging it slow, leaving a leaking trail of blood as it went.
Dean's nostrils flared, he would not die here.
He brought his knee up, kicking the vampire hard in the nose. She flew back, hand on her face.
"Secure the fuckers legs!" She hissed.
"Yes Mia." The Asian squeaked, pulling a chain from the nearby table. She walked over and tied Dean's legs down, making him unable to move.
"Try that again and I'll give you a c section right here." The vampire named Mia threatened, pushing the tip of her blade to Deans belly.
She struck him again across the face, so hard he was afraid his neck would snap.
Searing pain shot down his spine from the blow just as Mia cut into him again. Making a long gash from shoulder to shoulder across his chest.
"Your going to be quite familiar with pain once this is over."
"Lady cut me, punch me, hurt me all you'd like. But if you so much as look at my belly again I'll rip your fucking throat out with my teeth." Dean said, spitting a moutful of blood onto the floor.
Mia and Asian laughed for a moment before she pulled back. She raised the knife high above her head and smiling in Dean's face she stabbed it all the way through his thigh and into the wood of the chair.
Dean screamed. His vocal cords tearing at the wildness of it.
He bit into his lip to gain control. The pain was horrible but he'd had worse. Calm down. The baby needs me to calm downHe said that over and over, squishing his eyes shut.
"Okay, everybody out. Mommy needs her beauty sleep. " Mia cackled.
They left Dean there alone. Bleeding and trying to stop the tears that were raining down his cheeks.
"I'm so sorry. " He said to his belly. "All I ever wanted was to keep you safe and now here we are. Bleeding and stuck with all these blood suckers. I just wanted to hold you. See your face. Cas would of been an amazing Dad to you." Dean sobbed into the empty room.
He prayed to his angel. He prayed to God. But he knew his prayers may never be heard....

*comment if you saw this one. My app is being weird *

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