A sinister force.

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"Shhh." Cas hushed as he rocked Grace in the chair. She had been fed and changed and now was fighting her sleep. Castiel didn't mind though. Not really.
He took over night shift after only a week of switching out with Dean. Being an angel Cas didn't need sleep. Sure he loved snuggling in close to Dean and listening to him breathe but his body didn't call for it like the hunters.
So there he was, wide awake at two am trying to get his newborn daughter to sleep.
Rock music was drifting softly from Dean's room as he slept. He and Sam were already trying to find the witch again. It worried Cas. Dean seemed detached. Burying himself in his work when he was away from the baby. It was like he was a different person sometimes. Then by the time the sun was setting he was either exhausted or on the verge of becoming drunk.
   Cas gazed down at the now sleeping angel baby in his arms, wondering what was next for his newfound family. The angel gently stood and laid his daughter back in her bed before he went to lay back down with his husband.

*   *    *
   "Cas get dressed because you and me are going shopping for some stuff we need around here!" Sam called down the hallway.
   Castiel rolled over in his bed to find a snoring Dean with Grace asleep on his chest. He smiled at the sight as he climbed out of bed and pulled on his shoes. He found Sam dressed and bright eyed in the kitchen, sipping a mug of coffee.  Sam's eyes were wide like he was up to something and Cas watched him wearily. Without another word Sam sat down his now empty cup and motioned for Cas to follow him. The angel did, now overly curious what his brother in law had in store for him.

*    *     *

   Dean woke up to Grace wiggling around on his chest making soft grunting noises. It was time to get up. The hunter stood slowly and laid Grace down in her swing and went to the kitchen to warm a bottle for her after strapping her tiny body in. The bunker was ghostly quiet and Dean wondered where his angel and brother were. He'd have to find his phone once Grace was settled. Taking the bottle from the bottle warmer he stretched and headed back to his room to feed the baby.
   Grace was an angry little thing by the time he got back to her. Her face red from crying. Dean lifted her to his chest and shushed her before starting to feed her. He sat down on the bed with her and started humming and rocking back and forth gently as his daughter ate. She was making quite the mess after sleeping so long. Glancing at the clock he realized how late it was. Where was Cas and Sam? Why hadn't they woken him?
   Once Grace was full and starting to fall asleep in his arms he burped her, changed her, and laid her back into her swing. He left the room, closing the door behind him as the baby monitor swung from his belt loop. Making his way down to the study he checked the table and bookshelves for his cell but came up with nothing. He couldn't remember where he had seen his phone last or when the last time he had used it had been. Dean searched the bunker until he was completely annoyed at himself for misplacing it.
   Letting out a huff he sat down at the kitchen table and was tempted to just pray to Cas at this point to make sure he was okay. He closed his eyes and bowed his head, ready to send Cas a distress signal when Grace started fussing. Her angry little grunts and coos sounding through the baby monitor. Giving up on his phone and the missing men issue he hefted himself up from the table but froze dead in his tracks when he heard a shushing coming through the small speaker on his hip. Before thinking about it he ran full speed back to his room.
   Grace was still crying as she wiggled in long feminine arms. Long wild hair splayed across his bed like a wild lion's mane. Dean reached down, and pulled the blade from his boot.
   "Put my daughter down now." Dean demanded.
   "Shhh, you'll only upset her more with all that yelling." The witch whispered as she rubbed her thumb across baby Grace's cheek.
   Dean was ready to murder this vile creature holding his daughter. How dare she let herself into his home and touch his child. How did she even get passed the warding?
   "Calm down. I'm not here to hurt her. I simply wanted to witness this miracle little child you've created. "
   Dean stepped closer but the witch snapped her fingers and strong arms enciclred the hunter, lifting him completely off the floor. "Let me go!" He growled loudly, his voice breaking at the end.
   "See," she continued ignoring him, " I've been watching this place closely. Waiting for you to be alone with the child you've begun to neglect looking for me. How ironic right? Me watching you look for me! Ha! This baby is going to be quite a person. Half angel, half Winchester. I need her. "
   " I swear to God if you don't put her down I will cut you open where you sit. " Dean hissed.
"Marcus, deal with the hunter then meet me after. " The witch stood, with tiny Grace in her arms and strode towards the door.
  Dean screamed and kicked and flailed his body to try to break free from the man holding onto him. He begged and pleaded for them to leave his daughter alone. Tears streamed down his face and his throat lit on fire from his screams.
   Marcus dropped the hunter and Dean crumpled to the floor, trying to scurry after the witch. He was almost to his feet when a hard fist met his rib cage. Air escaped his lungs as he doubled over in pain and shock. He fell to his knees just as another blow landed across his face. Punch after punch were slammed into his tiny body. Blood and tears streamed down his face and splattered on the floor. He could hear and feel his bones breaking.
   Marcus pulled Dean up by the arm and punched him one more good time before dropping him to the carpet. Blood seeping into it where his face met it.
   "I never wanted this, just so you know. I am sorry." Marcus said before turning to leave.
  Dean heard his every step, he heard the main door slam behind the man who had left him for dead. Then all he heard was silence. He could feel his subconscious slipping. See the dark clouding his vision. He needed Cas. Where was Cas?
   The last thing he remembered was his cell phone ringing somewhere in the distance.

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