More than broken.

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Sam was worried. He'd never seen his brother like this. It had been five days since Castiel had left and Dean was a complete wreck. He rarely got out of bed, Sam and Benny were practically forcing him to eat.
The night before Sam had come in to find Dean passed out in the library, blanket draped over him. He smelled awful.
Benny had found him there, drunk and mumbling. After that they no longer kept alcohol in the bunker.
Sam slumped down at the kitchen table and pulled his phone out again, calling Cas. The phone rang and rang until it went to voicemail, just like all the other times.
"Cas, its Sam again. I don't know if you're listening to these messages I'm leaving but it's bad man. Dean won't get out of bed, barely eats, he won't talk to me. He's even drinking. I'm worried about him and the baby. He won't survive this if he doesn't stop. Please call me. "
Hanging up he pushed the phone back into his pocket and looked over to see Benny walking in.
The vampire grabbed a tray and started loading breakfast onto it then walked out. Curious Sam stood and watched him walk down the hall to Dean's room.
"Open the door Dean." Benny demanded.
A muffled no and a curse came back through the door.
"If you don't get your ass up and open this door I will remove it myself and then force feed you!"
Sam and Benny waited. A few moments later the door unlocked and swung open. Benny walked through, and sat the tray on a dresser."Good now get yourself a shower and then when your done eat this. All of it. I'll be back."
Dean frowned but did as he was told. He took a quick shower, dressing quickly in jeans and a t shirt, then came back out to eat his breakfast on his bed.
He inhaled the food, not realizing how hungry he was. He laid a flat hand on his stomach, thinking about the baby there.
When he was almost done Benny came back in and sat beside him.
"I won't allow you to keep doing this to yourself. Its not just you now, its another life. You've chosen to keep it so you gotta wake the hell up. I know I sound mean but I told you I was going to help you and this is me doing it."
Dean nodded and looked away, ashamed. Benny had been so good to him and he'd been a complete ass in return. "Okay, man. No more pity party."
"You bet your sweet ass. Now let's go do something productive. Sam has a case. You want to go with him?"
Dean nodded and pushed his finished breakfast aside. He pulled on socks and boots along with his jacket. He pulled his gun from its case in the bed side table and sheethed his knife at his side. "Let's go."
Benny followed Dean out and Sam hid his surprise when his older brother announced he was going.
They packed a bag each and headed to the impala.
Sam driving, Benny in the back, and Dean riding shotgun. This would be good for him. Get his mind off things. Get his blood pumping. He'd be careful this time. No hasty moves or fast thinking if he could help it.
They drove for a few days until they were in Washington. There was an obvious werewolf problem.  Four local women had all been found dead with their hearts ripped from their chests.
They pulled up at the police station, while Benny stayed behind at the hotel.
Dean and Sam stepped out of the impala in their pant suits. Dean felt right at home. Sam smiled at his brother, amused by his womanly figure in the fed get up.
Dean smacked his arm and headed for the doors at the front of the building. Once inside they presented their new fake I.D. badges and were taken straight to the sheriff.
"Hi, I'm agent Kansas and this is my partner agent Swift. "
The Sheiff introduced himself as Dan and shook both of their hands and Dean scowled at Sam. He shouldn't of let Sammy pick his name. God damn it, he should of checked his I.D.
Coughing to cover his laugh Sam sat in the chair to his left and Dean opted to stand.
"Didn't expect the FBI to come in on this, but I am grateful for the help." Dan said.
"Well we've been tracking this. Its happened in a few other states and we believe it to be connected. "
"What do you think it is because I'll be honest here and tell you we haven't got a damned clue."
"We believe it to be occult related." Dean offered making the sheriff's eyes go wide.
"Yes sir. If at all possible we'd like to inspect the bodies. See the reports."
"Sure, sure." The man nodded and called a man by the name of Fred into his office. "Give these two everything we have on the murders. "
Fred nodded and the Winchester's followed him out of the office and into a small room.
They decided Dean would search the reports and Sam would head over to the morgue and check out the stiffs.
Fred sat in a chair quietly as Dean read through the reports. Every one making him more and more convinced they were dealing with wolves.
"So," Fred said after a while.
"Yeah?" Dean asked, not looking up from his papers.
"You and your partner, are you..?" The man trailed off.
"Together? God no, he's my brother actually." Dean snorted.
"Oh good."
" I was going to ask you out to coffee." Fred smiled.
His smile wasn't bad. Fred himself wasn't all that bad. He was handsome, with bright brown eyes. But Dean wasn't interested. Not in the slightest.
"Sorry but I'm on the job "
"But your not always right? Maybe dinner then?"
Dean was about to shoot the man a nasty reply when Sam walked in.
Dean stacked the files together and with a nod to Fred they left the station.
Back at the hotel Benny was just waking up.
"How'd it go?" He asked.
"Pretty positive it's werewolves. " Sam said as Dean headed to the bathroom to change out of his suit.
He pulled on some black jeans and a tight black shirt, followed by a green flannel. He took his hair down from the bun it was in and massaged his tender scalp. No more buns, it was decided.
Benny was asking Sam about dinner when Dean came back out.
"I really need a shower. Why don't y'all head out and find a place and we'll meet up in a bit. "
"Sounds good. I'm starving. Let's find somewhere with pie!" Dean grinned and Benny's slipped on his shoes and followed the hunter out.
They decided in walking since they were in the middle of town. Walking only a few blocks over they found a nice little diner that indeed had pie.
As they walked in Dean texted Sam where they were then picked a table.
Benny sat oposite him and Dean was telling him about Fred and laughing when the waitress came to take their order. Dean ordered a burger, fries, a soda, and told the waitress to bring pie once he was done. Benny ordered the same and the woman walked off to place the order.
They fell into silence, just enjoying each other company when Dean felt a hand on his shoulder.
Assuming it was Sam he turned with a smile but frowned when he found Fred standing there instead.
"See knew a girl like you needed to eat."
"He well I am human." Dean joked flattly and gave Benny a look.
"Whose this? Another Agent?" Fred asked, motioning to Benny.
"No I'm her husband." Benny lied smoothly.
Fred dropped his hand and looked from Dean to the burley man that was Benny.
"Husband huh? Didn't notice a ring." Fred countered.
"Oh she doesn't wear it in the field. Could get lost or it could compromise her. FBI stuff, you wouldn't understand. " Benny said, his lips curling at the corners.
With a huff Fred stalked off, head hung in defeat. Dean and Benny cracked up once he was out of earshot.
"He was a determined little guy wasn't he?" Benny chuckled.
"Ha yeah he was. " Dean shook his head.
Shortly after they got their food Sammy showed up. They ate and then piled up in the impala for a ride back since Sam had decided to drive. Once back Sam and Dean decided to share a bed and Benny got his own. The vampire had refused, telling Dean to take it instead but eventually he gave in.
Once they were all settled in for bed Sam drifted off easily. Snoring right next to Dean's ear. The big moose was laid out on his stomach, his leg on top of Dean. Jesus, the man was like a heater.
"Dean, come lay over here." Benny whispered when Sam all but pushed Dean from the bed in his sleep.
Giving up Dean slid out from under Sam and crawled in next to Benny. The large man stretched out his arm for Dean to settle into.
Trying to get comfortable and warm Dean snuggle up to his bed mate, head almost on his chest and hands curled up at his side.
"It doesn't have to be weird Dean. I'll behave." Benny whispered, making Dean get goosebumps.
Deciding to just go with it Dean snuggled into his friend and Benny wrapped his arms around him.
Sighing and finally comfortable Dean was able to drift off to sleep.
*.  *.  *.
The next morning flashed by in a blur. They were able to locate the pack and take them out. During the brawl Dean earned some deep slashed across his chest and Sam was sure he had at least two broken ribs on his left side.
Thank Jesus they had Benny with them or they may of not made it out of there. 
When they went in they hadn't expected to come face to face with seven of them.
Dean had gotten hit first. The leader had taken him down and began slicing into his with a wicked looking blade. Benny had attacked and ripped the man to shreds and from there it was on.
But now that it was over Sam was flooring it back to the hotel. Dean needed to be patched up. Benny was in the back with him, trying to keep Dean still as he put pressure on the wounds. Dean had long since passed out from the pain.
Sam whipped into the parking lot and Benny lifted Dean into his arms and carried his small, limp body into the room.
Sam followed behind carrying the first aid kit. Laying Dean down on the bed Benny ripped the shirt down the middle, revealing his mangled chest.
"Oh man, we need to get him to the hospital. What if the baby-"
"Baby is just fine Sammy boy. I can hear its little heart beat. Now hand me the stuff to sew him up."
Calming down Sam opened the medical box and handed Benny a clean needle and stitching thread. The vampire tied it off and pulled the cloth away. He quickly stitched up the two of the worse wounds and poured iodine on it, moving on to a smaller rip in the skin, right near Deans right breast. Sam pulled his brother's bra aside to help as Benny laced the needle through his skin, closing up the cut.
The rest wasn't bad enough to need stitches but Benny rubbed them down with antibiotic cream before patching him up with gauze and tape.
Sam was horrified at the image of his brother unconscious on the bed. He'd completely forgotten about his smarting ribs.
Benny came back with a soapy rag and a bowl of water. With tender fingers he washed all the blood from Dean's exposed skin then turned to Sam with a bandage in his hand.
Sam took off his shirt with a cry and the vampire wrapped the bandage tightly around his middle. Sam opted for a flannel and eased it on before helping Benny pack.
Once it was dark they moved Dean to the back seat of baby  then tossed everything else in the trunk.
Benny drove as Sam rested on the passenger side. He glanced back often to check on Dean but he never did wake. Not even when they made it back to the bunker. Not as Dean was carried to his bed. Not at Benny changed his bandages, not even when Sam cried at his bed side.
It was two entire days before Dean's eyed finally opened. He looked around confused, his eyes finding Benny asleep in a chair across the room.
Dean eased himself up on his elbows and cringed at the pain in his chest. He pulled himself up to sit using  the head board and jumped when Benny called out to him.
"Hey man, come help me. I've gotta piss something awful."
"Nice to see you too beautiful." Benny laughed as he made his way to the wounded hunter.
He helped Dean to his feet and they shuffled over to the bathroom.
"Can I shower?" Dean asked before opening the door.
"Bath. And don't get your chest wet." Benny replied.
Dean nodded and headed into the bathroom. He left the door open in case something happened and Benny retreated to the hall.
Dean peeled off his clothes and made a face as he smelled himself.
He peed then ran his bath water. He moaned as he sunk down into it. It felt amazing. Taking longer than ever Dean washed and shampooed and shaved himself, trying to ignore the pain that shot through him.
His stomach rumbled soon after and he pulled the stopper and pulled himself out of the tub.
He raided his dresser and ended up in just a sports bra and sweats before he hobbled to the kitchen.
Sam was there, sitting at the table. He burst into tears and ran to hug Dean to him. Dean cried out and Sam instantly let go, apologizing.
"Its good to see you up. God we were worried about you. Benny and I were starting to freak out. Its been two days Dean."
"Jesus seriously? No wonder my insides are eating each other."
"Yeah Benny said you'd be starving. I've never seen him like that. He never left your side Dean. Was ready to bring you to the hospital. "
"Well where is he?"
"He's in the shower I think, here." Sam pulled a plate of food from the microwave and Dean's mouth started to water.
He took the plate and started shoveling the lasagna in still standing. He ate the entire plate and followed it with a glass of milk.
Just as Dean sat the cup and plate in the sink Benny walked up behind him. Dean turned and hugged the vampire to him. Benny returned the hug gently so he didn't hurt the hunter.
"Its so good to see you awake."
"Its good to be awake. I feel like a dumpster but hey, I'm alive. "
Benny kissed the top of Dean's head and Sammy snuck off to his room. He pulled out his phone and dialed Cas.
"Cas its Sam. I know I haven't called in a few days but something happened on our last hunt. We almost lost Dean. He was badly injured and out for a few days but he's awake now. Baby is fine. Its just.. Benny is getting really comfortable here with Dean. If you still care you need to get your ass back here."
.   .    .
On the other end the angel's phone lit up with a new voicemail. He sighed and decided to listen to it as he drove. Sam's words made his heart drop. Dean was hurt and Benny was there taking care of him. Cas' blood boiled and he made a u turn in the middle of the highway.  Cas was going home.

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