~1~ The Diner

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It is my last day at school before we graduate and never have to step foot in this place again. My best friend Armin, his boyfriend (insert barf emoji) Jean - AKA Horse-face, my sister Mikasa and the rest of our friends were gathered in the hall of the school.

We were preparing the "last day of school prank" for the teachers to discover when the last bell rings. We had planned to do a food fight in the hall, but last minute we changed our minds and thought that this would be a much better idea.

"Right, that's the last bit done. Are we ready?" Sasha says with a huge grin.

"Hell yeah!" We cheer and go find our hiding spots.

"Alright guys, two more minutes, and we're out of here!" I say, looking at my watch. I look at Mikasa from the corner of my eye and see her face lift into such a mischeivious grin.

We have rigged the rooms so that the desks, the bells and the doors are all connected. When the doors open a load of flour, honey and feathers will fall down onto every teachers desk and coating them all! (Thank god for auto-locking on the 2nd bell.)

I'd feel bad, but I know it will be amazing.

30 seconds to go.

Mikasa grips my arm and she's shaking in excitement. "Calm down, Kas! You're gonna break my arm." I laugh at her.

"Shit, sorry!" She laughs softly and let's me go.

10 seconds.

"It's go time guys! 5!..4!..3!..2!..1!" The bell shrills and the doors to the rooms open, and each teacher steps out completely covered!

We all erupt into laughter and make a run for it.

~~~~~Time skip~~~~~

We were still laughing when we arrived at the diner for our end of year meal.

"That was amazing!" Connie says. "I can't believe we pulled that off!"

"Incredible!" Jean laughs.

We had done this every year since we started junior high and it wasn't going to change any time soon.

We each ordered our usual, Mikasa, Sasha and I sat on one bench with me at the end, Jean, Armin and Connie sat opposite us. "I can't believe we've finished High school." Connie sighs happily.

"I know, it feels like such a long time coming, what's everyone's plans?" I ask them.

"I'm actually gonna go abroad with my grandad, and he offered for Jean to join us for a while." Armin says as he looks at Jean with a smile.

Jean smiles back at him and nods. "Yeah, it should be great. I need to get out of this town." He laughs and puts his arm around Armin's shoulder, pulling him close.

This small gesture actually makes me smile, as much as I hate the guy, I know how happy he makes my best friend so I tolerate him for Armin's sake.

"What about you, Eren?" Armin says.

"To be honest, I don't actually know. I still need to save for College, we could only afford for one of us to attend this year so Mikasa is going first then I'll go next year, hopefully. Guess I'll have to find a job in the mean time." I laugh.

Just then, our food and drinks are delivered and we all dig in, enjoying the food too much to talk. When I'm finished I sit back and sigh, contently. "I'll be right back, just going for a piss."

"Eren, really? TMI, I'm still eating, you jerk!" Mikasa says as she swats at my arm, pushing me out of my seat.

As I slide out abruptly, I bump into someone. "For fucks sakes!" I hear someone shout.

I turn to see a scowl plastered onto a raven haired boy? Man? He's short, but... He's very distinguished... And shit. I just realised he's covered in hot coffee. "Shit! I'm so sorry!" I say, grabbing some towels from the table and then dabbing at his shirt.

"Fuck off, Brat. You're making it worse!" He seethes before storming into the restroom. I turn back to the group with a 'I fucked up' face as they snicker in their seats and timidly head to the restroom after him.

I open the door carefully and peer inside, his back is to me and he's dabbing a wet cloth at his shirt, sighing.

This is when I take him in. Although he's short, he holds himself well and pulls it off. He's wearing a pair of black trousers, that fit perfectly just wear you want them to. His jacket is thrown onto the side of the sink and his white... Or well... Off-white shirt drapes over his shoulders, showing off his muscles in his back just right. I look up to find his eyes are now locked onto mine in the mirror, my mouth is open slightly and I'm just standing there, staring at this Godly man.

He's hot. Fuck is he hot. I bite my lip.

His lip quirks slightly at my reaction. "Like what you see?" He says slyly.

"Wh--what--?" I croak before clearing my throat and trying again. "What did you say?"

He shakes his head at me, before turning around to slowly start unbuttoning his shirt.

"Dude, what are you--?" I gulp and look around.

He takes a few steps towards me and when he's undone the last button he drops to the floor infront of me. I gasp softly. Is he..? No! Stop thinking that shit, Eren. Stop it. But fuck that was hot...

I hear a rustling sound below me and look down in confusion. He's looking through a carrier bag and grabs something before standing back up. "What? I was just getting a clean shirt." He says before turning from me again.

I watch him. "So... You just happen to carry around a bag of clean shirts with you?" I laugh nervously.

"No, luckily for you, I just bought some." He slides the thin material off of his shoulders before throwing it into the trashcan and puts the new one on. He turns back to me and begins buttoning the shirt up. "So... Did you just follow me into the bathroom just to stare at me or did you have other intentions?"

I open my mouth to speak and then close it again. I shake my head "Oh. Right. Yeah." I walk into one of the toilet stalls and do my business. When I step out he's still there, leaning against the sink, his arms crossed against his chest which just accentuates his broad shoulders. Get a grip, Eren.

"Uh...sorry, can I get to the sink?" I ask him.

"Sure." He slides over slightly, giving me just enough room to fit between him and the wall.

When I finish washing my hands I grab a paper towel and start drying them. Why is he standing so close to me. What. The. Fuck. I bite the inside of my cheek and throw the towel in the bin on top of his shirt.

Before I can move away he pushes off of the wall, his arms dropping to his side. This makes me move backwards, the wall against my back. I gasp for the second time in his presense.

"What's your name, kid?" He asks breathily. He's close. Too close. But also not close enough...

"Eren. My name's Eren." I try to move away but there's no where for me to go.

"Eren. I can work with that." He says softly and I draw my eyebrows together in confusion. What?

"Wh--?" I start and then he closes the gap between our lips just so they're not quite touching but I can feel his breath on them.

Fuck is he going to kiss me? I don't even know the guy.

And then he's gone.

My heart is pounding. My head is spinning.

What the fuck just happened?

Let Me In (Au) - An Ereri StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora