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I stand in gym class next to Danny while Allison and Scott climb the rock wall. "Have you talked to your sister since you left?" Danny suddenly wonders, looking at me. "Yeah, I texted her. Apologized for leaving her with them. Told her she could stay with me if she needed. She told me she was fine staying with them" I explain and he nods.

"Do you think you'll ever stay with them again?" He asks. "Depends." I shrug and he nods. I laugh as Scott falls off the rock wall, stopping in midair right before he hits the mat. Coach gets down beside him as Allison looks down innocently. "McCall, I don't know why, but your pain gives me a special kind of joy. Right here" He points to his chest, continuing to laugh as Danny and I give each other smirks.

"All right. Next two. Other Argent, Martin." He points at me and Lydia. Lydia and I make eye contact before I walk over to Allison who was getting out of her harness. "Have fun" She smirks handing me the harness. "Thanks" I grumble. Lydia and I start climbing up the rock wall, me going at a faster pace than Lydia. "If this if your way of telling me you don't want to talk to me about the incident, you could just come out and say it" I slow down at that, waiting for her.

"Incident?" I ask. "You know. You called me boob instead of dude" I feel my face start to heat up. "Okay, just to clarify, I was not- I mean...we were....I didn't...it was an accident!" I quickly say. "I'm sure" She nods but I could still see her smiling as she starts to climb higher than me. I shake my head, going to catch up again.

"IF you think every time I look at you, I think about your boobs, you're wrong" I tell her, starting to climb higher. She scoffs at me. "No, I don't think that" She denies and I nod. "You think about that every time you think about me. Which is probably often" I pause again, gaping at her. "I don't think about you" I quickly deny. She stops beside me with a smirk. "I heard you and Taylor broke up" She brings up.

I look at her confused. "Who told you that?" I ask. "Who do you think?" I glance down at Allison who was watching us talk while occasionally talking with Stiles who was next to Scott, most likely using him as a coverup to talk to Scott. "It just wasn't meant to be. And no, it has nothing to do with you or me thinking about you" I start to climb again as Lydia chuckles.

I look back at her. "So you do think about me?" She asks. "What?" I stop again. "You just admitted you think about me" She points out, trying to catch up. "When?" I think back to the conversation. "It's okay, Alex. I understand. Everyone thinks about me" She reaches the top before me with a satisfied smirk and I shake my head. She did that on purpose so she could win. She starts to climb back down, pausing beside me again. "And for the record, I might think about you a lot too" She heads back down as I stare after her in shock.

I finish the wall, unharnessing myself as Coach calls up Stiles and Erica Reyes to go. Stiles comes towards me. "What were you guys talking about? Why is your face all red?" He whispers, taking the harness from me. "It's nothing" I catch Lydia's eye who was now stood next to Allison, talking with her as they glance over at me. I make my way to the back of the crowd where Scott was now stood.

"Did you let Lydia beat you on purpose?" he wonders. "Nope" I deny with a sigh. "I hate to tell this, but Stiles has been in love with her since 3rd grade" Scott brings up and I turn to look at him. "What?" I ask. "It's not hard to tell, Alex. You like Lydia. But so does Stiles" Scott brings up. "How did you..." "I'm a werewolf. It's one of our perks. Smelling emotions. When you two were climbing up there, I could sense it" he informs me.

"Oh...I wasn't really paying attention I guess" I bring up. "You'll get used to all of it eventually. Don't worry" He assures me. Our attention gets taken off of the conversation and on to the wall as Erica clings to the wall tightly, shaking profusely. She sobs, starting to hyperventilate. People start to crowd around the wall.

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