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I walk into school with Scott, both of us trying not to seem suspicious considering we had a well known lawyer's son chained up in the back of a prison transport van in the middle of the woods. "So, we meet up after school and go visit Danny at the hospital, get some information on why Jackson would go after him" Scott explains as we walk down the halls.

"And make sure he's okay. My best friend's in the hospital. That's first priority" I remind him and he nods. "Of course" He agrees. "Great, so we're stopping at a store first to get him a gift" Scott nods. "Some food as well" I add. "Sure". "And maybe I should write a couple jokes as well about why he's better than his ex and why he shouldn't worry about whether or not he got hurt" I add, nodding thoughtfully.

"We've got to meet up with Allison and Stiles later" Scott brings up and I give him a look. "Yeah, and?" "We can't take that long" I give him another look. "Or, take as long as you need" He backtracks and I scoff, shaking my head at him.

The two of us split up and I start to head to my locker as the bell rings. I notice Allison leave Gerard's office though, looking a little shaken up and catch up with her as she looks around the halls. "Al, everything okay? What was that about?" I ask her, looking her over worriedly. Allison looks around again, her attention on one spot specifically.

I look over and notice a camera watching us closely. Allison and I move casually past the camera before going into the girl's bathroom, making sure it's empty. "They know" She tells me and I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" "They know Jackson's missing" "But..." "I don't know how, but they know and we need to warn Scott and Stiles before we're caught" Allison adds.

"Got it. Warn Scott and Stiles." I nod in agreement. "I've got Scott in my next class so I'll warn him about the cameras as well" Allison tells me and I nod. "What about me?" "Go find Stiles and I'll meet you there" "Wait, wait, wait. That won't work. Scott and I are supposed to see Danny after school" I bring up and Allison sighs. "I can't miss my next class" Allison says.

"Well...I could always take it for you..." Allison raises an eyebrow at me. "Alex, that might've worked when we were younger and actually looked alike, but we don't. People will easily be able to spot the difference between us" Allison scoffs. "Come on, Al! You can go meet up with Stiles and I'll take your class for you so I can meet up with Scott and still visit Danny. Besides, Mr. Ritchey doesn't ever seem to care anyways. A donkey could show up in that room and he'd hand it a worksheet!" I point out and Allison rolls her eyes.

"Fine! As long as you promise to actually take notes for me, I'll go warn Stiles instead" Allison gives in. "Thank you for agreeing to that! Now I don't have to go to Math!" I laugh victoriously, hugging her and Allison sighs in defeat, shaking her head. I leave the bathroom first and head into her class, Mr. Ritchey surprisingly not at his desk like he usually is, doing whatever he does on his computer. I take a seat, getting out the notebook Allison gave me, looking through her notes.

"She has neat handwriting" I mutter to myself. I glance up and notice a guy in a beanie sat next to me, looking at me with a raised eyebrow, pencil in hand. "Oh, uh, I meant me! Me has neat handwriting" I try not to cringe at how ridiculous that sounds as the kid slowly nods, continuing to draw in his notebook, plugging his headphones in. "I'm such a dumbass sometimes" I mutter to myself once I'm sure the kid can no longer hear me.

"No kidding. How'd that speech from the other day go?" I turn around to see Mini Miguel sat behind me, smirking at me. "Well, look who it is! I wasn't expecting to see you in this class! Or...any class...for that matter" Mini Miguel laughs. "Yeah, well, the girl that usually sits in front of me is pretty hot, so, I like to come for a good show but, I guess I'm stuck with you" My smile turns into a grimace.

"By any chance, does this girl look like me?" "You know, now that you bring it up..." he pauses to put his feet up on his desk, leaning back to look at me. "You two do look pretty similar." "Yeah, I think that's my sister..." I trail off awkwardly. "Huh..." He thinks it over for a second, a slow grin appearing. "Hey, you think I can get her number?" "Unfortunately, she has a boyfriend...well, I mean, no she doesn't! Well, sort of... It's complicated..." "Well, tell me when it gets uncomplicated, will ya?" "No problem" I wink and he laughs as I turn back around, noticing Scott walk through the door.

The Strawberry Blonde~~Lydia MartinWhere stories live. Discover now