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I lay in my room, reading my book when Allison and Lydia burst in. The date was in like an hour and I already had an outfit picked out. I could see Allison and Lydia already ready to go. "What do you think you're doing?" Lydia asks, her hands on her hips. "Reading?" I ask confused.

"We have a date to go to" Lydia brings up. "I know" I nod slowly. Allison and Lydia give each other look. Lydia rolls her eyes, walking towards my closet as Allison pushes my legs off the bed, taking a seat. "Hey!" I protest as Allison takes my book, losing my spot and setting it on my nightstand.

Lydia glances back at me with a frown. "Don't you have any clothes?" She complains. "What are you talking about? I'm looking at clothes as we speak" I point out. "I meant clothes that don't make you look like a homeless person" She scoffs and I roll my eyes. "I already have an outfit picked out" I tell the two. "What?" Allison asks curiously. I hold up the shirt and light skinny jeans.

"Yeah, that's not gonna happen" Lydia denies. "What do you mean, that's not gonna happen? I think it looks fine" I scoff. "I thought you said your mom was a buyer for a boutique" Lydia points out. "She was. Alex just didn't like any of those clothes" Allison tells her. "Okay, fine. You'll borrow some of mine" Lydia shrugs. "Why not mine?" Allison asks. "We've gone though your clothes and only found one shirt that'd look good for a date. I have a million" Lydia explains.

Allison and I give each other a look. Dad suddenly walks into the room, starting to put on his jacket as he smiles at all of us. Has no one in this family ever heard of the term "knocking"? I could be naked and anyone of them would just walk in and act like everything is fine. "Dad" I say. He suddenly seems to realize he didn't knock.

"Right. I'm sorry. I-I completely forgot to knock" He says jutting back towards the door. At least he apologizes about it. Lydia flops down on my bed beside Allison, sending him a smile. "Hey, Mr. Argent." She greets. I narrow my eyes at her. "Dad, did you need something?" Allison wonders. "I wanted to tell you two that you'll be staying in tonight" Dad tells us. Yes! Thank the lord!

"What? We're going out with our friends tonight" Allison whines. Our? We're? Yeah, I was forced into this. No thanks. "Not when some animal out there is attacking people." Dad points out. "Dad, Dad, I'm-uh..." Allison tries to argue but Dad stops her. "It's out of my hands. There's a curfew. No one's allowed out past 9:30 P.M." Dad explains. Allison rolls her eyes, glancing over at Lydia. "Hey, no more arguing." He tells Allison.

He turns to look at me. "Twinkle, I got a call from your Coach. He says your starting next game" He informs me. "Really? Finally!" I cheer excitedly. "I'm proud of you" He smiles before leaving us. I turn to look back at the other two. Allison was still annoyed and Lydia was looking over at me with a smirk. "Well, I'm sorry that this date group hangout thing got cancelled, but I have to call Danny." I tell the two, motioning towards my door.

Lydia stands up with a hum. "Someone's Daddy's little girl" She comments. What is that supposed to mean? "Sometimes. But not tonight." Allison scoffs. She walks towards my window after putting her beanie on. "Al, what are you doing?" I sigh. She opens it and climbs out onto the roof. Lydia rushes over to the window, looking out confused. I glance out as well. "Allison, really?" I ask in disbelief.

"What are you doing?" Lydia asks worriedly as she walks towards the edge. She flips off of it, landing on her feet with a satisfied smile as Lydia stares on in shock. She looks up at us. "Eight years gymnastics. Are you coming?" She whispers up at us. Dammit. I thought I'd be able to get out of this one but Lydia and Allison were gonna force me either way. I climb onto the roof as well as Lydia watches in shock. "You too?" She asks in disbelief.

I look over at her and shrug. "Allison may have stopped being an athlete but how do you think I started?" I scoff before flipping off as well. I land on my feet. "Lydia?" Allison calls up. "I'll take the stairs" She tells us.

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