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I knock on the door, a corsage in my hand and a smile on my face, dressed in my nice fancy suit. The door opens, Taylor in her matching dress and a wide smile on her face. "Hi, baby!" She smiles, pulling me in for a kiss. She pulls away, pulling me inside. "And this is who's dating my little girl?" A man in a nice dressed suit asks. Probably her Dad.

"Dad, this is Alex. She plays for the lacrosse team" Taylor introduces me. "Good to meet you, Mr. Wiseman" I hold out my hand and he shakes it. "You've got a good handshake there. That could come in handy" He tells me. "Learned from my Dad" I smile. "Well, we have dinner on the table. I hope you don't mind Chinese take-out" He says.

"Oh, no, that sounds great. I love Chinese food" I asure him. "Great. Gives me a chance to get to know you. What's that?" He points at what's in my hand. "Oh, right" I turn to Taylor. "I got you a Corsage" I smile, holding it towards her. "Aw, you're so sweet" She takes it from me and takes it out of the container. I put it over her wrist.

"Come on" He puts his arm over my shoulders, leading me into the dining room. I did have to admit, they had a big house. I guess her Dad was loaded after all. I take a seat at the table and he starts passing things around the table. Once we start eating, Taylor continues to text on her phone. "So, how did you two meet?" He wonders curiously.

"Umm" I trail off. "We had a mutual friend who hooked us up" Taylor smiles over at me. I nod in agreement. "My best friend Danny. He set up a date for us and we hung out after the first game and then I set him up with his current boyfriend" I explain. "Well that was very nice of you. And very nice of him." He smiles.

I nod, continuing to eat. "So, uh, how is your family?" He wonders and my face turns somber as Taylor starts motioning for her Dad to stop talking. "Uh, we're kind of not talking right now, so..." I shrug and he nods. "I'm sorry" He apologizes. "It's okay. You didn't know" I wave it off. "Well, I hope you all make up. Family is important. No matter what they do and what you'll do, you should always stick together" He says. I slowly look down at the table, nodding my head. Maybe he was right.


I hold open the car door for Taylor and let her out. She smiles over at me. "Shall we?" I ask, holding out my elbow. "We shall" She squeals, grabbing onto my elbow and dragging me inside. We pass by Stiles and Lydia and I notice Lydia looking me up and down as Stiles sends me a thumbs up. "Looking good, Stiles" I shout. "You're not looking so bad yourself" He winks.

I look over at Lydia. "And of course, you look as beautiful as ever" I smile. She sends a smile back my way. "You look good as well Taylor" Stiles tells her and I nod. "Come on, babe. I need a drink" Taylor says, dragging me away. I glance back at the two and see Lydia watching after me as Stiles held out his elbow.

We walk into the crowded gym where there was a live band playing and people dancing all over with a lot of tables. "I'll go get the drinks" I tell her and she nods, walking off to go talk to some friends. I walk towards the punch table, filling up two glasses. "Alex" I look over and smile. "Mikey. I'm glad you could make it. You treating Danny all right?" I ask and he nods as he gets some drinks as well.

"Don't worry, Danny is in good hands" He asures me as we hear Coach yelling for Scott. Oh, no, he got caught. "He better be. If you break his heart, I won't hesitate to break you" I warn him, a death glare on my face. He gulps nervously quickly nodding his head as we hear a ruckus from behind us. "McCall! You're not supposed to-" Coach cuts himself off as he sees Scott and Danny dancing together. Mikey and I look at each other with raised eyebrows.

"What the hell are you do-What the hell are you doing?" Coach asks as the gym goes silent. everyone staring at Coach in disgust. "Yes, Coach?" Scott wraps his arms tighter around Danny's neck. "Dammit, McCall. You're a fucking genius" I mutter in amusement. "Okay, ho-ho-ho- ha, ha." Coach chuckles nervously, holding up his hands in surrender. "Hold on, you-I was just saying he's not supposed to- I mean, I wasn't saying that he shouldn't-You guys don't think-" I could not pass up the opportunity.

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