Chapter Thirty-Four

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Concluding Letter

Letter to the P---- Magistrate's Office


To Whom It May Concern:

Regarding the tragic Massacre at Chateau ----------- on the previous ---------, this matter has now been Settled to the Satisfaction of the Family. I am writing on behalf of ----------- ------------- -- ------------- to convey his Expressed Wish that this Incident be kept from Public Scrutiny and Gossip. I am sure you can Understand why Discretion is Paramount here. A Generous Donation will be made to the -------------- for your Trouble.

I have enclosed the Evidence of the Case, principally Letters indicting the Convicted and, below, the Doctor's Notes and Prognosis. These are to be Redacted and Sealed immediately upon receipt along with this Letter.

My Official Conclusion is that I have Identified a Governess in the Marquis' Employee, one ---------- ----, as the Murderess. A Sole Witness, the Housekeeper of the Estate, a one ------ -------- ----, Testified that she saw the Accused wield a Knife in a Heinous act against both the Master and Child in her care. This Bain de Sang was the Culmination of her Dangerous Madness. We found, just days prior, she Lured a Former Suitor, a Mr. ---- ------- to the Property, under the Guise of Requiring Aid, where she Murdered him. She is also Charged with the Murder of ------- -----------, the Marquis late wife who was found Buried on the Estate, as well as her handmaid who was staying in an Inn with the Convicted when she was Killed.

The Reason, as Confirmed by Dr. -------, is Insanity come on by Fever perhaps as a Product of that Childless Condition that Inflicts the Female Gender with Hysterical Weakness. She is also a Reader of Fiction which may have Incited an already Agitated Imagination. Her Writings detail a descent into Lowness, whereby she began to perceive a Great many Hauntings and Terrors and Imagined Dreads that drove her to Mental Derangement and Extreme Violence.

His Honour --------------- has Concurred, but at the behest of my Master -- ------------- Agreed to a Quiet Interment rather than a more Conspicuous Execution. I have made Arrangements for C--------- B---- to be Held in ----------------- under the Authority of the Brothers of Charity. As a Convicted Offender she is to be ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------, according to the Recommendations of Dr. -------.

I have taken the Liberty of Posting an Official Notice which will Read that the Marquis and his only direct descendant, ---- -- ------------, succumbed to Natural Causes. His Estate and Title shall be Transferred to ---------------. Please have your Office Notarise that Paperwork when it is Sent.

I Thank You again for your Discretion in the Handling of this Most Tragic Affair.


Comte ----------- -- ----------.

Doctor Notes on C------- B---:

· Violently restless & very noisy.

· Feverish.

· Patient is paranoid & delusional. Insistent on untruths.

· Agitated in the presence of others.

· Has sustained physical wounds to the neck, back and legs.

· Uncooperative – the matron has ordered her chained to the bed by one wrist and leg.

· No family complaint of insanity – unlikely it is hereditary.

· Insanity due to childless condition of the womb [?]

· Known reader – could this masculine pursuit have addled her mind further?

· Matron suggested religious insanity, but her delusions are still centred on the Marquis R-------- and his daughter, may they rest in peace.


There has been some recent success with treatment for hysterical paroxysm however, given that the patient will be permanently confined in a single-cell room as a convicted murderess, I would suggest trepanation as a practical solution if her condition persists.

Dangerous LettersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora