Chapter | Seventeen | Proximity

Start from the beginning

Then something fell with a dull clank on the floor against the carpet. oh no... Atsumu thought.

"sasuke!" she yelped and ran to the object that just fell after  hurriedly placing a tray of drinks and snacks on the small table. 

sasuke? Atsumu was confused. He looked towards the item that fell. It was a plant.

I was nothing like a Sasuke. It was a bright green succulent in a cute white pot with light pink poka-dots. Bruh He thought, but said nothing.

Kaede deduced that he was probably looking at her shelf. But there  was nothing embarrassing there and she took pride in her achievements so  decided to let it slide by silently picking up Sasuke and putting  him back where he was. Give him a taste of what kinda girl he got, eh?

Meanwhile Atsumu was frozen from fear. It wasn't necessarily trauma, but girls can be petty and their moods are unpredictable af. He didn't know if she would lunge at him or silently judge him. Either way he was terrified.

Yet again, she just plopped down besides him and gave him a cookie while taking out her laptop so he deduced that he would live.

"Now now..." she mumbled, drawing circles on her mouse pad.

"I was brainstorming ways to get revenge on those stupid bullies. And I want your opinion on these strategies."

She pulled out a word document named "Classified" and tilted the laptop screen in his direction so he could see it more clearly. Atsumu felt his blood run cold as he grimaced at the document on the screen.

Classified Plans

1. Poppin Grape Juice - Get a bucket of the juice that was poured so mercilessly upon me and SOAK the other bitches' gym clothes (because some of them are in volleyball as well)

2. Alcohol - take their drinks and put in some sort of vodka or wine, make them drunk and then push them in front of the school principle or something

3. School Announcement - Hijack the school announcement system. Perhaps record one of their embarrassing conversations and stream it on the school wide radio.

4. break their phones - somehow serve them out the window from the 3rd floor

5. break into their house to beat the....

And the list went on.

"Kaede" Atsumu liked fun. He liked doing supposedly bad things. This girl was freaky. He didn't dislike it, but some of these ideas chilled him to the core and it made his giggle like crazy.

"We shouldn't do things that would get us in big trouble. Or are illegal." He stressed the word illegal because he actually imagined the police arresting the two of them when his brain processed the words written on the document.

"But let's see we could try this one..." and he pointed at number 14 and he went onto putting his input into the plan.

Kaede pouted. She leaned into Atsumu's shoulder gradually putting her full weight onto his torso. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder. They were basically cuddling. There was a warm flowery feeling in her stomach as she felt his hot breath against her ear.

She realized how he constantly said "us", implying that he was actually going to join her. As if to say "I got your back" he pulled her onto his lap and gently placed his hand on her thigh. She gripped his hand in a frustrated manner which he returned the pressure.

Honestly, this wasn't the first time she plotted a revenge plan. But her other boyfriends always chickened out. Atsumu was quite different. Bold and confident. Handsome and talented. But also adorably goofy. What more could she ask for. This very awareness was enough to relieve her of her stress.

"Maybe I don't need revenge" she whispered quietly. "I have you." She says lovingly looking up at him.

With a sudden jerk Atsumu clutches his chest. Cliche, Kaede thinks while giggling uncontrollably.

"I'm in love" he exclaims, dramatically gasping for air. The actual beating of his heart not betraying his sensational acting.

Kaede closes her laptop and stands up to place it back on her desk. Atsumu felt the urge to stand up and follow her, so he stood up. But, she just turned around back at him looking him in the face.

As she lifted her foot, the cord which was  looped around the desk leg tightened  as it hooked onto her right foot.  He watched her slip under her body weight and fall with a cute yelp  which was cut short.

Now, volleyball is a fast sport. The point of the game is to not let the ball drop.

He slid under her. More likely, he was fast enough to get under her  and grasp her torso with both arms. He bent back however, and her whole  body crashed into his. He fell backwards with her in his arm and they both dropped onto the floor.


Also anyone wanna play Among Us with me~~~

Meant to Be | Miya Atsumu x OC | Haikyuu FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now