Chapter 33

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I was startled by the door opening. I turned to see Kasumi standing in the doorway.

"I've finished with DiMa. He's on the bed in his quarters."

"Thank you. That was all I needed for now."

Kasumi nodded and left. Before the door finished closing, Chase walked in.

"I've finished helping Nora."

I tilted my head.


Chase stepped aside, letting the synth me walk in.

"I realized I never properly introduced myself. It all happened so fast. I go by Nora. When I realized I was a synth, I changed my name so I wouldn't steal someone's identity."

Nora smiled kindly at me, then shot Chase a pointed look. Chase cleared her throat.

"I'll let you have some time to yourselves. If you need me, I'll be in my quarters."

She left the room, closing the door behind her. Nora pulled a chair over and sat by us.

"I'm assuming there's something we need to discuss, considering you brought me back from the dead. Or, nearly dead."

I stifled a laugh. It sounded like something I would say. Not that that's a surprise considering who we are. I composed myself and nodded.

"Yes, actually. Things are changing in Acadia, for better or worse. Deacon and I have an idea to help make the transition go smoothly.

Nora frowned.

"What happened while I was dreaming of electric sheep?"

I exchanged a look with Deacon. He took the opportunity to explain what was going on.

"DiMa was also damaged in the fight. The choice was either you or DiMa."

Nora's expression shifted as she understood what he was saying.

"He's... gone?"

Deacon nodded. I smiled reassuringly at her.

"But don't worry, we're sure you'll make a great leader."

Nora looked unconvinced.

"I'm not really much of a leader."

"That's why we want to create a leadership group. With a few key people helping you run things, it'll be easier. Besides, I think you'll love being the leader of the new Railroad."

I watched Nora's face as she processed what I just said.

"The new Railroad? I don't think I understand."

Deacon took the reins on the conversation.

"The Railroad existed to free synths from the Institute. With the Institute gone, they didn't have a purpose. But there's more than synths that need saving. There's more people who need help. The Institute might have been the Commonwealth's bogeyman, but some people's bogeyman is living with them."

"You want to help people escape bad situations."

Nora stated.

"Yes, exactly! Think of the difference we could make."

I nodded, smiling.

"I suppose it's worth a try."

She agreed.

"We have contacts through the Commonwealth we can get in touch with. They'll take care of everything, up until they walk through the front door."

Deacon explained the process in greater detail, using most of the same procedures as the Railroad had used before. I knew he had a hard time being genuine about feelings, but it was clear this was something that means a lot to him. It was moments like these that reminded me why I loved him. That, and the stories. And the jokes. I could go on and on. I caught myself staring at him and shook my head slightly to refocus.

"So when do we begin?"

Nora asked.

"It'll take a month to get everyone else in the loop and spread the word, then about a week to get the first person out."

Deacon responded, glancing at me for confirmation. I nodded in agreement.

"Are you in?"

I asked her carefully.

"Yes, it's better than waiting around without doing anything to help the people. I'll do it."

I smiled at Nora. I knew she'd come around, after all, we weren't very different.

"You'll do great. I think it's time to tell the rest of Acadia."


I woke up on a small bed next to Deacon. After the rough day, we both needed our sleep. Him especially. I got up carefully so I wouldn't wake him up. I wrote him a note for when he woke up, using a scrap of paper on a clipboard nearby.

Went to say goodbye to Nora. 

I left the clipboard on the bedside table and left the room quietly. I made my way through the halls to Nora's room. I knocked on the door and listened for an answer.

"Who is it?"

Her voice was muffled, but not sleepy. It didn't seem like I had woken her up.

"Uh, it's me."

"Come in, please."

I entered her room, finding Nora sitting at her desk with a book open.

"I was hoping you'd stop by before you two left."

"Of course I would. After all, we are basically family."

I grinned at her as I sat on the bed.

"Yes, that's right."

She smiled kindly, resting her hand on my knee before continuing.

"I wanted you to know something."

I tilted my head slightly.


"You're lucky, you know. That you're strong enough to have survived everything this world threw at you. And to have made it through with someone like Deacon at your side. In his time here, he told me stories about you nearly every day. It just goes to show that even when the rest of the world has gone to shit, there's still hope for happiness."

I nodded thoughtfully.

"Yes, you're right. I intend to make the best of the life I've got."

Nora gave my knee a gentle squeeze before pulling her hand away. Her eyes flicked to the door and she smiled.

"Deacon. Come to say goodbye?"

He entered the room with a wide smile.

"How could I leave without letting you see this mug one more time?"

Nora chuckled.

"I wish you two the best of luck on your way back home. I hope to hear from you both soon."

"Of course, Nora."

Deacon and I each gave her a hug before waving goodbye. We left her in her room and gathered our things to head back to Sanctuary. We were going back home.

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