Chapter 9

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I woke up with the mother of all hangovers. My head pounded before I even sat up. But I have work to do today. I pushed myself to my feet, doing my best to ignore the headache. I got out of the tree house and walked to Nuka-Town.

When I got there, Gage and Shank were already waiting for me at the Grille. I laid on the couch in the most dignified way I could and waved my hand to let them know to begin.

"As you know, we can't live off of Nuka-World alone. There just isn't enough resources. And the Raiders don't want to farm. So-"

"So you plan on using settlements from the Commonwealth to fuel the gangs. Sounds like a plan."

I finished for Shank, nodding slightly.

"And you have no problems with that? Considering you're from the 'Wealth. Just thought you'd have some connections."

"Any connection I have died with the Institute. All settlements are fair game. But I insist that Sanctuary be last."

Shank nodded. Gage shot me a worried glance as I put a hand over my eyes.

"Where's our first outpost gonna be, Overboss?"

"Oberland Station. It's got resources and it won't attract much attention."

Shank continued his planning.

"How should we get the settlers out?"

"Don't. Use them as farmers. Keep guards on the field so none of them can run. We need to keep this quiet."

Both Shank and Gage nodded, agreeing with my plans.

"And who do you want to run this op?"

"Operators. They know how to get stuff done efficiently and with little bloodshed."

"I'll send a group out there. Anything else, Overboss?"

"That's all for now. Have them send someone back with news of how it went."

"You got it."

Shank left the restaurant, leaving me and Gage to do more planning. I took out a hand drawn map of the Commonwealth and looked over my markings.

"If Oberland goes down easy, we'll have access to these settlements around it, which we can take over and continue spreading throughout the Commonwealth."

"You really thought this through, didn't you."

"It's a plan a year in the making."

I responded without looking at him.

"Things will go your way."

"I will make sure of it."

I tapped the map in the top left corner.

"This area is off limits. No raiders go past this point until I give the word."

Gage nodded.

"You got it. What's your game plan?"

I looked at him with a dark glint in my eyes.

"My plan is to take over the Commonwealth. Bit by bit. Until there is nothing the Minutemen can do about it."

Gage raised an eyebrow.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is personal. But you don't do the whole get close to people thing."

I kept my face down.

"Not anymore. I'm not the one who made it personal."

I folded up the map and stood up to leave.

"Wait. We need to talk about what happened last night."

Gage held on to my arm, stopping me from moving.

"No. We don't need to talk about anything other than plans."

I wrenched my arm from his grasp and stalked away. I glanced behind me to make sure he wouldn't follow me this time.

I walked aimlessly through the park, mainly staying near Nuka-Town. Suddenly an alarm rang out, and I turned my attention towards the Raiders who all started running in a similar direction.

"Vic! Vic! Vic!"

The Raiders chanted as they sprinted past. I ran after them, wondering what got them riled up. I caught up with Fritsch, who was grinning broadly.

"Guess what, Overboss! You got a runner in the Gauntlet. They made it to the arena. Might lift your mood."

I scowled at his comment about my demeanor.

"I'm fine, Fritsch. Lead the way."

I followed the Raider to the Cola Cars Arena.

"When you ran the Gauntlet, you had to face Colter. Now, they-"

"They have to face me. And I'll do it without cheating."

I finished for him.

"Exactly. Time to go in."

I pushed open the doors and the roar of the crowd washed over me. I stared down the vic through the screen door.

"Ready to die, Vic?"

I shouted raising my weapon. Then, the door opened.

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