Chapter 13

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We crouched behind a rocky hill between Red Rocket and Sanctuary Hills.

"So we're just gonna walk in there."

Gage asked incredulously.

"Yep. And hope their 'ask questions first, shoot later' policy hasn't changed."

Gage lifted an eyebrow.

"Not to uh- question your call, Overboss, but that's the best you got?"

"You don't trust me?"

I frowned at my companion.

Gage put his hands up.

"Hey, hey. I trust ya."

"Good. Then let's go."

I slid down the other side of the rocky hill and landed on the road before the bridge. Gage followed and did a shoulder roll to soften his landing. I walked over the bridge and past the turrets I had set up a long time ago. I glanced at Gage, who was cautiously watching his surroundings.

"Gage, ease up. These people don't know how to fight. Even so, we'll be fine."

He still looked tense. I rolled my eyes and continued towards the main house. I saw Preston on his rounds near the house. I pointed him out to Gage. 

"Him. Garvey."

Gage nodded and we approached the Minuteman.

"General! You're back."

Preston had a smile on his face, continuing to talk.

"We have some settlements in need of your help."

I stifled a laugh.

"Let me guess. Raider problems?"

Preston nodded.

"Exactly. We don't know for sure when it started, but Raiders have taken over the Commonwealth."

Gage snorted and put a hand over his face to hide his laughter.

"Actually, that's what I came here to talk to you about. I'm gonna need you to hand over Sanctuary Hills."

I picked at the dirt under my nails with my knife.

"You see, I saved Sanctuary for last. And if no one resists, then no one dies. Got it?"

Preston was visibly confused.

"You're the one behind this."

"That's right. Now, are we going to do this peacefully, or are we gonna have to use some force?"

I watched his face as he still tried to make sense of things.

"General, you don't have to do this."

I pushed my knife back into my belt.

"You're absolutely right. But I want to."

"I can't let you have Sanctuary."

I pouted mockingly.

"Aw, well, now that's just too bad. I was hoping this would be easy."

I raised my arm, holding up a single finger. A shot rang out.

Preston jumped. I chuckled menacingly.

"So how's Mama Murphy doing? Still addicted to Jet?"

His eyes widened and he ran to the house where Mama Murphy's chair was set up. Gage and I followed him. Preston knelt by the chair. Mama Murphy was hunched over, one clean shot through the head had killed her.

"Now you know I mean business. How about it, Garvey? Can I have Sanctuary, or are more going to have to die?"

Preston stood up and faced me. 

"You will never have Sanctuary. Not as long as I live."

He squared his shoulders and spoke defiantly.


I walked outside and lifted my arms up, holding two and three fingers in the air. Two more shots rang out.

Preston ran after me. I turned to face him.

"I'm sure this place could deal with the loss of such a downer, and his hotheaded wife."

I stared into his eyes, waiting for him to break.

"Jun and Marcy..."

"I never liked them anyway. Has your answer changed?"

"I will never let Raiders take over here."

I shook my head, looking down.

"So, how many of the original group are left? Ah, yes. Just you. And Sturges."

I went to lift up my arm, but Preston grabbed it.

"Wait. Promise me no one else gets hurt here. And... you can have Sanctuary."

I put my arm down.

"I'm glad we could come to an agreement. See you around, Garvey."

I gestured for Gage to follow me as we walked off. I took a different route this time, going northwest for a bit. I found the group of Operators I had asked for and gathered them around me.

"Make sure no one leaves. Shoot anyone except Sturges and Preston Garvey. And try to stay out of sight."

The leader of the group nodded.

"Right. We'll handle it, Overboss."

As we started the walk back to the Transit Center, Gage got my attention.

"You do realize you only had signals for three people, right?"

I nodded.

"And all I needed was three people to die."

"Why keep Sturges alive?"

I stopped for a second.

"He was the only one who tried to help me. Sturges wanted to help me recover what I lost. It wasn't his fault."

Gage nodded slowly.


"No more questions. I want to get back before night fall. We have celebrating to do."

Gage didn't ask any more questions on the way to Nuka-Town.

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