Chapter 17

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After giving Gage a few days to cool off, I decided to bring him back on board. I found him skulking in the marketplace, in between some stalls.

"Ready to come back?"

Gage nodded, the mischievous look in his eyes coming back.

"Been real lonely with out ya. What do you say we cause some trouble?"

I chuckled.

"I got just the thing."

I led him across the park and into Nuka-Galaxy. We stood in front of an old ride that was in a tower of scaffolding. It was one of those up and down rides. Gage looked up at the old structure.

"How much you wanna bet I can go on that ride without a seatbelt and come out with a broken leg or less?"

I grinned at him, knowing he couldn't resist a good bet. Gage laughed.

"I'll bet you a hundred caps that you will come out with at least one broken bone."

I shook my head.

"You can't agree with me, that's not how a bet works. How about I bet my right leg will break. I'll give you 100 caps if my left leg breaks, or something worse."

"You aren't actually gonna-"

He stopped mid sentence when he realized I was already halfway up the first flight of stairs. I raced to the top and stood on the platform. When I was ready, I pressed the button. The ride creaked to life, suddenly dropping me down. I floated in the air for a second before crashing into the platform as it rose again. This went on for a few minutes until it halted at ground level. I sat on the platform, my heart racing and a bit dazed.

Gage walked over and leaned on the railing.

"So who won?"

I held up my Pip-Boy, showing my status effects to Gage.


He counted out a hundred caps and put them in my pouch.

I shoved a stimpak into my injured leg before slowly standing up.

"I called that."

Gage just shook his head at me.

"Either you were very good at guessing, or you tested this beforehand."

I tilted my head back and laughed.

"You don't want to know how many times I've been on this ride."

"You've got some thrill issues, you know that?"

"I am very well aware of my thrill issues."

I was still grinning as I started to walk away.

"What's the plan now?"

Gage jogged to catch up with me.

"I was thinking we could go pay the gang bosses a visit. Make sure they don't plan on overthrowing me."

"If anyone thought of overthrowing you, I would know."

"Ah, right. Because they would obviously tell my right-hand man."

I said sarcastically.

"And the bosses are totally going to tell you to your face that they plan on taking you out. Good thinking."

Gage retorted. I rolled my eyes at him even though he had a point.

"Fine. I'm just gonna check in with them to make sure they are happy with their set ups."

We strolled into Fizztop Mountain, home base of the Disciples. No she stood on one of the buildings inside. I took the stairs two at a time, meeting her quickly.

"Overboss. Just the person I wanted to see."

As frightening as I could be to people, Nisha was flat out creepy. Her menacing smile under that mask did not help. I usually avoided talking to her. That's where Gage came in handy.

"Nisha. Good to see you too. I wanted to check in, see how your gang is doing."

Nisha picked at her nails with a knife.

"My gang is fine. It's the Pack that I'm not happy with. All they do is stand there howling at each other. They never actually do anything."

I glanced at Gage before replying.

"How would you like me to go about changing that?"

Nisha gave her blood chilling smile.

"We could make them all run the Gauntlet. With extra audience participation. Or we could just take them out back and shoot them. Either way, it'll be a fun day."

I hid my uncomfortable expression as I spoke.

"Hmm. I'd be losing manpower. I can't have that. I'll get back to you."

I grabbed Gage by the arm and left as quickly as we could. Next stop was the Parlor, the base of operations for the Operators. The two leaders shared a table next to the stage, enjoying a fresh meal. I pulled a chair over and sat with them.

"A pleasure to have you join us, as always, Overboss."

I nodded slightly to Mags.

"Thanks. Sorry to cut this visit short, but I'm here on business. How do you feel about the other gangs?"

Mags and William exchanged a look, then she answered.

"To be perfectly transparent, the Disciples may be a bit too bloodthirsty. They don't understand the worth of people when they are alive."

I nodded, gesturing for her to continue.

"The Pack, however, is not doing anything to help Nuka-World."

I agreed with her.

"Right. How do you want this handled?"

Mags gave a slight smile.

"There are plenty of shock collars. They could always be coerced into working."

I stood up.

"Thank you for seeing me. I have to go."

Mags waved me off.

"Until next time, Overboss."

Gage and I made one last stop, the Bradberton Amphitheatre.


I called to the Pack leader, yelling over the sounds of the fight going on behind us.

"Overboss! Good! We need you to give us more territory. We don't have anything to do."

I nodded.

"I'll fix that. You'll have plenty to do soon."

The fight died down as I walked past. We made our way to the Grille, where we sat in our booth and made plans.

"How are you gonna take care of this?"

I tapped the table in thought.

"Get the Pack to Fizztop Mountain. I'll fill in the leaders on my plan."

Gage stood up.

"So you're just gonna leave me in the dark?"

I nodded slowly, still thinking.

"Yes...Need to know basis."

"Whatever you say, Overboss."

He left the Grille. I stayed in the booth for another hour before meeting with Mags and Nisha.

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