Chapter 3

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"What the hell, Piper? I told you to not follow me."

I lowered my gun and frowned at the reporter. 

"I was worried about you, Blue. Going off on your own could get you killed."

"And following me nearly got you killed. I already lost someone I cared about. I'm not looking to expand that list. I just want you to go away. Back to Diamond City, or Sanctuary. Wherever. But not with me."

I watched as her face fell.

"If that's what you really want. I'll be waiting for you to come back."

I nodded to her, then walked away. I don't ever plan on coming back, but she doesn't have to know that. 

What I need is someone to watch my back without the emotional attachment. A hired gun. And I know exactly where to find one. I stopped for a second to compose myself before continuing on through the arguably most dangerous part of the Commonwealth, Boston Common. 

My best bet is to sneak through and make sure none of the super mutants or other enemies see me. I crouched and moved slowly around the buildings. Heavy footsteps echoed in the building I was up against, and I  remembered it as being a super mutant lair. I climbed quietly through the rubble that surrounded the building, making sure not to alert any of the mutants. After making it past them, the familiar neon glow of Goodneighbor's sign colored the street ahead. I stood up and ran to it. 

As I entered the gate, the crowd that normally chatted in the entrance stood silently. They had their eyes trained on me. A neighborhood watch whispered to a trader next to him.

"She's the one who took down the Institute. Didn't go so smooth."

I did my best to ignore the comment and kept walking. I didn't even look at the old statehouse when I passed by. I stopped by a bathroom to change into some nicer clothes, since being presentable could help me out here. I left the stall and kept walking. The only place I needed to go here is the Third Rail, and I don't have the luxury of distractions.

The sound of music filled the air as I walked down the stairs of the old station. I took a seat at the bar and watched the lovely Magnolia perform her songs. Whitechapel Charlie passed me a cup of whiskey, and I put a bag of caps on the counter. 

"Keep 'em coming."

The first sip or two burned a bit, but I got used to the sensation quickly. I set my drink down as the song ended and clapped for Magnolia. She left the stage and took a seat next to me.

"Did you like the song?"

Magnolia asked with a smile.

"I always do."

I took another sip and smiled slightly.

Magnolia glanced at the bottle in front of me.

"You seem like you could use a distraction. I heard about what happened, and I want you to know I am so sorry for your loss."

"Maybe I could use a distraction. Got anything in mind?"

I finished the cup and began pouring myself another.

"Well, that depends on what you're looking for, honey."

Magnolia gave another smile and put her hand on mine before continuing.

"I could take your mind off things for a while."

I stood up, still holding her hand. 

"How about we get to know each other a bit better? Somewhere quiet."

We went into one of the rooms in the Third Rail and closed the door behind us. 

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