Chapter 2

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Walking alone in the Commonwealth is not a good idea. Especially when you're not sober, and still have a bag full of alcohol to go through. In any case, it was better than having someone with me and telling me that what I was doing is a bad idea. I can tell myself that, thank you very much. 

I looked at the slightly blurry holographic display and made sure I was still going in the right direction. I glanced at my Pip-Boy to see how much farther I had to go. My destination is just ahead. I lowered the device and kept walking. I climbed the top of a hill and looked down. There was a crater, with collapsed buildings in the middle. This used to be the CIT ruins. If it wasn't ruined before, it definitely is now. I slid down the other side of the hill and landed in the crater My Pip-Boy clicked, showing me I was getting rads. I took a Rad-X pill and kept moving. When I got to what was most likely the center, I stopped and took my bag off. I knelt in the rubble and took a few things out. I pulled a few stones together to make a pile in front of me. I laid a pair of sunglasses on top, along with a mostly burnt undershirt. I put a hand on the shirt and spoke quietly.

"I can't undo what Preston did, but I can make things right. I'll find a way. I will always find a way for you."

I paused, listening to the song that played from my Pip-Boy. Skeeter Davis.

"Don't they know it's the end of the world, 'cause you aren't here anymore. Good bye, Dee."

I fought back tears as I stood up and gathered my belongings. I had to accept he was dead. It has been a month since I blew this place to hell. Deacon would have come back to me if he was still alive. Or at the very least, leave a message. But there was nothing. The best thing for me now is to move on. 

I began walking again, and I turned around to glance behind me. I looked down at the grave I made, and saw something there. I couldn't quite see what it was, so I used my sniper rifle scope to get a better look. There was a second pair of sunglasses there now. Someone knew I was there, and who that pile is for. I lowered the gun and left the crater. Whoever left those sunglasses there is friendly, therefore not a priority right now.

I still have things I need to do, even after destroying the Institute. I thought I would get answers from Father before he died, but all I have are more questions. I am not the first. I have to know what that means. And if I am going to survive long enough to figure all this out, I would need someone by my side.

I switched destinations on my map and continued heading East. Soon after passing Cambridge, I heard rustling in bushed near me. I ignored it, since it was probably a Radstag doe. They were harmless unless you attacked. I kept walking, but the rustling followed. I turned around with my gun out.

"Come out, or I will shoot."

A figure emerged from the bushes with their hands up.

"Whoa, don't shoot! It's me!"

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