Chapter 23

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I stomped through the tall grass, Deacon and a few of the traders close behind. One of the traders was Harvey, the one I had met at the Transit Center when I first left for Nuka-World. I also had Gage with me. He refused to go to a different outpost, insisting that he would go wherever I did. We stopped behind the Red Rocket close to Sanctuary. I pulled the group in to go over the plan one last time.

"There will be both Operators and Disciples there. Keep an eye out for them, and try to incapacitate if possible. Do not harm any settlers. If anyone is taken hostage, shoot to kill the captors. We can't afford to lose anymore innocent lives."

I finished, looking around at my followers. They nodded, ready to carry out the plan. I gestured for them to start surrounding the settlement. As they left me, I leaned back against the wall and took a deep breath. Gage glanced back and saw I wasn't following them. He came back over.

"Everythin' good, Overboss?"

I closed my eyes, not answering him. I didn't want to admit that I would miss the raider lifestyle out loud. I wanted to convince myself and everyone else I was still capable of being a good person, even if it wasn't true. I opened my eyes and looked at Gage.

"Yeah. Just needed a second to give the others time to get in place."

He nodded, not entirely convinced by my answer. It wasn't entirely a lie. I was waiting for them since I would be going in through the front. But that wasn't the only reason, and he knew it.

"And you don't have to call me that anymore. Seeing as I just betrayed the raider gangs, I don't think I deserve that title."

Gage shifted his stance.

"I'll still follow you, Overboss or not."

I smiled a bit and patted his armored shoulder.

"Thanks, Gage. Now let's get out there before we hug it out or something."

Gage chuckled.

"Lead the way."

I took a deep breath and walked out to the road. I passed abandoned cars that had been there since the day the bombs fell. I glanced back at Gage, who got into position to be my back up. I walked over the bridge to the place I once called home. There were a few Raiders standing guard, watching me carefully. I approached them.

"I need you to surrender this settlement."

The Raiders started laughing. One of them spoke in a harsh voice.

"Why would we listen to you?"

I took out my gun and flipped the safety off, aiming at the Raider.

"Because I'm the Overboss. And there's been a change of plan."

They narrowed their eyes as I continued.

"You have two options. Become a peaceful settler, or I'll kill you on the spot."

The Raiders exchanged a look before pulling out their weapons, a knife and a tire iron. They ran at me, and I shot them down.

"Why do you all always bring a knife to a gun fight? Not very smart."

I blew on the barrel of my gun before placing it back in the holster. The bodies fell in front of me, and I stepped over them. I dove for cover behind the yellow house with my old work bench as more Raiders came looking for the source of the gunshots. I pressed my back against the wall as I listened to them threaten their unseen enemy.

"If I find you, you're dead!"

I stifled a laugh. I forgot how fun it actually was to cause problems for Raiders. They were fairly easy targets after all. I slowly moved along the wall, peering inside the house. My eyes widened at the sight of Preston and Sturges tied to chairs in one of the rooms. Preston saw me and made noises against his gag. I put a finger over my lips to shush him. There was a hole in the wall just big enough for me to squeeze through. I pushed my bag through first before I went in. I landed on the floor quietly and crouched. Preston shook his head, trying to get my attention. I looked down at where my feet were. I had stepped on a mine.

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