Chapter 27

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Deacon led me to the guest house. He unlocked the door and pushed it open.

"There we go."

 As soon as the door of the guest house was closed behind me, I fumbled with the straps of the gas mask to take it off. Deacon put a hand on my shoulder as he walked behind me to help. I stood still and let him unfasten the buckles.

"Thanks. I really needed a breath of fresh air. Well, not that the air out here is fresh, but it's better than being in the mask."

Deacon tossed the mask onto a small side table as he flopped onto the loveseat.

"Sorry about the mask. It was for your own good, promise."

I sighed and nodded slowly.

"I know. I trust you. I just don't understand why all the secrecy."

I sat next to Deacon, who draped his arm over the back of the loveseat to face me.

"Boss, I don't think you'd believe me unless you saw with your own eyes. As soon as we get to Acadia, you'll get your answers."


I leaned forward, lifting the sunglasses up so they rested on his styled hair. I looked in his eyes, trying to determine his motive. I frowned slightly. I couldn't get anything out of it. He smirked, running his fingers along my arm as he kept his gaze locked on mine.

"I know that look. You want to know everything."

"Don't you think I've waited long enough?"

I snapped at him. I wasn't even sure if I was still talking about the reason we were here, or if I was lashing out for another reason.

"We both have. Don't make the mistake of thinking the past few years were only rough for you."

Deacon pulled the sunglasses back down over his eyes and leaned back. I blinked, realizing he had a point.

"I- had no idea, I'm such- Dammit, I'm so self involved. I lost sight of how others feel."

"Hey, now. Don't beat yourself up about it."

I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder.

"How are you always so forgiving?"

Deacon chuckled, putting his arm over me.

"I wasn't always. It was something I had to learn along the way."

I closed my eyes and tried to relax. I couldn't let myself push him away. He would always have my back, and he made sure I knew it.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Not turning around and leaving again when you saw what I had done. You gave me a chance."

He rested his chin on the top of my head.

"You would have done the same for me."

I opened my eyes, but stayed still. I'm not sure I would have done the same. Considering the fact that I was unforgiving to Preston when I thought he had killed one person who meant a lot to me. I smiled a bit to myself. He really does see the best in me, even when I don't see it myself. It's a good reminder, knowing that he would be there to help me through whatever rough patch I happened to be going through.

"I am so lucky to have you by my side. I don't think I appreciated you enough."

I tilted my head slowly to look at him. He gave a playful smirk and a light pinch on my side.

"I know a way you can make it up to me, boss."

I couldn't help but to laugh. I wiggled out from under his arm and positioned myself squarely on his lap.

"Hmm, and what would that be, I wonder?"

Deacon chuckled as he snaked his arms around my waist.

"I'd be happy to show you."

With that, he stood up with me still holding on and carried me through the guest house. He paused in front if the bedroom door to push it open with his foot, then dropped me on the bed. I pulled him down with me, the smile never leaving my face.


I woke up, opening my eyes to find myself curled against Deacon's chest. His eyes were closed still. I moved slowly so I wouldn't wake him up, scooting towards the edge of the bed. I paused as he shifted, then felt myself being pulled back in. He buried his face in my neck and mumbled sleepily.

"Five more minutes, boss."

I sighed happily as I stayed cuddled up.

When the five minutes were up, I pulled myself away from the warm bed and started getting my armor on.

"So where will we find this person who I should see?"

Deacon sat up and took his sunglasses from the nightstand.

"A place called Acadia. It isn't too far from here. But it is dangerous as all get up out there."

I smirked, turning to look at him.

"And since when have we been ones to worry about danger?"

"Hey, I'm just making sure you know what you're getting yourself into."

I passed him his shotgun with a grin.

"Correction: what I'm getting us into."

He chuckled.

"Let's get out there and give those monsters hell."

I nodded to him and fastened the gas mask over my face. We left the guest house and set out on our journey to Acadia. Deacon was being more secretive than usual about our destination. I was used to a certain amount of discretion from him, but this was getting a bit out of hand. Maybe I have gotten too used to taking everything at face value when I was a Raider boss. They wouldn't dare keep secrets from me, so whenever I asked for information, I got it. I shook the thoughts out of my head. I can't afford to have second thoughts about the motives of the only person who still trusts me completely.

Almost as soon as we left the walled in town of Far Harbor, the fog rolled in so thick we could barely see the road ahead of us. I glanced over at Deacon, who was watching the fog for movement. Without warning, he took my arm and dove behind a junked car. We knelt with our backs against the old metal and listened. There were footsteps, then the sound of a gun being cocked. Finally, a gruff voice commanded us from the fog.

"Out. Slowly. Hands up where I can see 'em."

Deacon and I exchanged a look, then he got out from behind the car to face the owner of the voice.

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