Chapter 10

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I walked into the arena with my gun aimed at the runner. She was a scavver, no one important. I smirked at her as she raised her fists. She was so unprepared. And with no tips from Gage to help her, she had no chance against me.

"Wait, please! I survived! Let me go!"

I laughed as she pleaded with me. I turned to Gage with a grin.

"Gage, have I ever spared a life because of begging or pleading?"

Gage shook his head and spoke into the mic.


I turned back to my victim, my smile as menacing as ever.

"There's only one way out of here alive, and that's with me laying dead on the floor. Slim chance, by the way."

I cocked my shotgun and moved towards the woman. She stumbled over herself and fell to the ground at my feet. I aimed for her head and pulled the trigger. The crowd cheered as I looked down at the blood splattered ground.

"That was brutal! What a show!"

The announcer crowed as I left the arena. Gage waited for me with his arms folded, leaning against the wall.

"Maybe we should make the Gauntlet harder."

I shook my head.

"No. Let them in. Give them false hope, only to have it broken like their skulls."

Gage lifted an eyebrow.

"Whatever you say, boss."

I stiffened and narrowed my eyes at him. He quickly realized his mistake and hurried to correct it.

"It's your call, Overboss."

I gave a curt nod. I walked away while reloading my gun. This was fun. I could get used to this life.


I sat back in a chair that was more comfortable than it had any business being in the post apocalypse. I looked over Nuka-Town while sharpening a knife. Two sets of footsteps sounded behind me. I kept sharpening as I called to them.

"I hope you have good news for me, Shank."

Shank stopped a few feet behind me and cleared his throat.

"Oberland Station is yours now. What's our next step?"

I looked over my shoulder.

"Gage, tell him."

I leaned back and listened to the two men talk.

"From Oberland, we can hit these settlements. We can branch out from there. This bit is off limits until the Overboss says so."

"You got it. And the gangs to carry it out?"

I dug the tip of the knife into the table next to me and stood up.

"Disciples and Operators. Leave the Pack out of this. This has to be handled delicately, and with bloodshed if necessary."

Shank nodded.

"I'll get the gangs prepped for the trip. Until next time."

Shank took his leave.

"You never told me why you were so eager to take on this job."

I turned to face Gage.

"And I don't plan on telling you. You got a problem with how I run things?"

"Not at all, Overboss. I can appreciate your talent for getting things done."

I nodded.

"I feel like there's something you have to add to that."

Gage paused, choosing his words.

"I just want to know why. Why you are so intent on this, and what happened to turn you from Minuteman General to Raider Boss. It's a big change."

I laughed dryly.

"That's because I had a change in perspective. And motivation."

I left it at that and dismissed Gage. I could see he wanted to know more, but I didn't give him the chance. I didn't need him knowing everything about me. I don't want him to get too close. I don't want to deal with anymore loss. If I lose anything else, it will be on my own terms instead of ripped from me.

As soon as Gage took his leave, I laid down on the bed in the old restaurant and fell asleep.

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