Chapter 31

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"Everyone, get to defense positions!"

Synth me yelled to the Acadians as she hoisted her bat up. She turned to Deacon and I and gestured to a staircase to our right.

"You two should get up there, pick off the Children from the roof. When they get through the door, I'll need you back down here. I don't think many of the people here are as experienced in battle as you two."

I nodded, then cracked a joke to lighten the mood a bit.

"Understood. Be careful, I'd hate to lose someone I have so much in common with."

"Very funny. Now, get going, we don't have much time."

She shooed us before turning towards the front door and preparing herself for the fight ahead. I took the stairs two at a time with Deacon close behind. I pushed the roof access hatch open and scrambled to my feet. Deacon pulled himself up and knelt beside me as I kept low. I rested the barrel of my gun on the roof ledge as I peered through the scope. The Children of Atom were getting closer, and it was obvious they did not come in peace. They had weapons that looked like they were homemade. They didn't have any armor, which makes it easier for me and Deacon to take them down.

"Boss, we better be careful. Those are rad guns. One too many hits with from one, and we'll be puking our guts out. Or worse, make all our hair fall out."

"Duly noted."

I steadied my aim as I focused on my first target. I squeezed the trigger, letting out the breath I was holding. My shot found its mark and the Child fell to the ground. The next few minutes were a blur of adrenaline as we did our best to thin the army of Children rushing the door. 

"There's too many of them. We'll have to go down and help from the ground, Dee."

"You stay here. I'll go below."

"Do me a favor. Don't die."

"You got it, boss."

I watched as he climbed through the hatch and out of sight. I reloaded and kept shooting at the intruders. I went through what felt like all the ammunition  in the Commonwealth before their numbers began to thin. The last few were too close to the building for me to get a good shot at, so I strapped the rifle to my back and pulled out the trusty Deliverer pistol as I took the stairs back down to the ground level. 

The fight was still going strong in the main hall, with Children of Atom and synths beating each other with makeshift weapons. I spotted Deacon and synthetic me in the middle of the fight. They were back to back, beating back a crowd of Children. One of them got too close to Deacon for my liking, so I pushed through the fight to get to them. As I got closer, the Child did too. I wasn't close enough to get a clean shot, so I yelled out.

"Deacon! Six o'clock!"

He spun around and came face to face with the Child, who had picked up a shotgun from a fallen synth. It was aimed right at Deacon's chest. My eyes grew wide as everything seemed to happen in slow motion. As the shot went off, my synthetic twin dove in front of him. They both fell to the floor.


I snapped back, my adrenaline rushing even harder than before. I ran at the Child, emptying half of my magazine into his body. I knew the wounds had killed him before he even hit the ground. With him out of the way, I focused my attention on Deacon and the synth. Deacon's shirt was spotted with blood, spreading the dark stain across the light fabric. I tugged a bandanna free from my bag and pressed it on Deacon's chest to stifle the bleeding. 

"I need you to hold this in place for me, can you do that?"

He nodded.

"Sure thing, boss."

I put his hands on the bandanna and stood back up. I grabbed the sleeve of the nearest synth and pulled her over to me.

"Go find Chase, now! Tell her to bring a med kit and have someone clear a room for fixing him up."

The synth nodded, obviously frightened. I couldn't tell if it was me, or the fighting that startled her. Whatever it was, it was enough to get her in motion. As soon as I said the words, she started running. I knelt by the synthetic me to determine the amount of damage. She was still awake, but there was a hole in her chest, where her wires and frame were clearly visible.

"Why would you do that?"

I regretted the words immediately, feeling that I must have sounded angry. Really, I was grateful. She saved Deacon, but at the cost of her own well-being.

"I've lived my life. You deserve yours, and I know he is a part of that."

"We'll find a way to get you out of this alive too."

Chase came running in, with Faraday in tow.

"What is it?!"

"Deacon, he's been hit with a shotgun. But she took most of the impact."

I gestured to the injured synth.

"We'll get them out of here."

I nodded. 

"Thank you."

I turned to help fight off the last of the Children of Atom. There weren't many left, and they were outnumbered by the Acadians now. I reloaded the Deliverer and got to work finishing off as many of the misguided Children as I could. Shouting from the back of the main hall grabbed my attention. I looked over and saw a group of synths huddled up. I glanced back, checking to make sure the Children were all gone before checking out what was going on. I walked over and nudged my way through. Hushed whispers came from the synths.

"DiMa... I can't believe it."


I got to the center of the huddle and saw it was in fact DiMa. He was motionless on the floor, the lights on his head dark. I addressed the small group.

"This fight isn't over. There are wounded to tend to. If you are able to, search for survivors. If you are unable to, go help prepare the medical quarters. I will take care of DiMA."

They seemed to snap out of their jaded state. I don't know if they listened because they mistook me for the synth, or if they felt my instructions were a good plan. It didn't really matter. What mattered was helping these people pick up the pieces after a grueling battle. If there was anything I was good at, it was picking up the pieces.

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