Foxy the pirate fox (novel)

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Now we move onto the last novel book animatronic and that is foxy then I will work on the other animatronics chapters. Like the other animatronics for the novels universe timeline is different from their game versions since they are much more aggressive and more stealth skills with different eye color's and their are red.

Classification: Possessed fox animatronic

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, stealth mastery, enhanced senses, self-sustenance(type 1,2, and 3 due to being a robot), immortality(type 7), natural weaponry(via hook).

Attack potency: Wall level(Foxy was capable of ripping apart the twisted animatronics which were created by heavy metal)

Speed: At least Peak Human(Foxy is noticeably faster than the other animatronics)

Lifting strength: at least Athletic human

Striking strength:Wall class

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: Extremely high

Range: Standard melee range

Standard equipment: none

Intelligence: At least Sapient, due to being possessed by a ghost of a child.

Weakness: Foxy, like the other animatronics are vulnerable to heat based attacks, water, only function from midnight to dawn.

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