Chica the chicken (novel)

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Like Freddy fazbear we will move onto the second novel book animatronic and that is chica the back up singer of the band. Each novel version of one of the animatronics are more stronger than them and having red eyes pupils instead of white ones. 

Classification: Possessed animatronic

Powers and abilities: superhuman physical characteristic, stealth mastery, enhanced senses(can see in the dark), inorganic physiology(type 1), immortality(type 7) and self-sustenance(type 1,2, and 3 due to being a robot)

Attack potency: Wall level(She was able to tear apart the large and physically imposing twisted animatronics)

Speed: at least Peak human, likely higher(Chica's strength has not been distributed in the book before. However, it should be somewhat comparable to the other original novel animatronics)

Lifting strength: At least Athletic human, likely higher(In the silver eyes, its stated that the animatronics are capable of lifting and tossing arcade cabinets as if they were toys)

Striking strength: Wall Class

Durability: Wall level

Stamina: Extremely high(due to being a robot)

Range: standard melee range

Standard equipment:

Cupcake: The cupcake can alert chica if a threat is within a certain range

Intelligence: At least Sapient, due to being possessed by the ghost of a child. Tends to hide in darker corners of the camera view and only their red eyes are visible. Able to remember a large cheese pizza mile away.

Weakness: Chica, like the other animatronics is vulnerable to heat or water based attacks, only functions between 12:00 am-6:00 am then they shut down. If the possessed soul body is destroyed then their souls are free to leave since they do not have any combat skills. 

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