Ignited Foxy(The Joy of Creation)

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Ignited Foxy is one of four main antagonists of The Joy of Creation, and  member of the Ignited. It is a ghostly demonic entity which haunts the woods that Scott Cawthon lives in, and means to kill him so Mike Schmit may live on as a regular human in the real world.

Tier: At least 9-C

Classification: Demonic entity, Doppelganger taking the form of Foxy the Pirate

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman physical characteristics, inorganic physiology(Type 2), immorality(Types 1,2 and 7; Has lived since ancient Egypt as a spirit), bodily weaponry(Teeth and Hook), statistics amplification(Becomes faster when they are impatient), immersion and shapeshifting(Entered the real world by taking the physical appearance of Foxy. Has 'stolen faces ' of humans being described as evil twins), duplication(Can appear in multiple rooms at the same time), technology manipulation(Causes cameras to temporarily disabled when viewing him for too long), fear manipulation(Looking at the Ignited, and experiencing horrific events from The Ignited can cause people to panic faster), madness manipulation(Type 3; Staring at an Ignited for too long will cause people to hallucinate and eventually go insane), perception manipulation and death manipulation(Can cause someone to become vulnerable to deadly hallucinations if their sanity gets too low), Fusionism(Fused together with Freddy, Bonnie and Chica to become Creation), resistance to fire manipulation(Stated that they 'come from the fire', as Creation they are able to walk through rooms engulfed in flames without problem)

Attack Potency: At least Street level (Comparable to Ignited Freddy who can bite open human necks with relative ease. Comparable to Ignited Bonnie who can instantly kill people and destroy cameras with a single punch)

Speed: Superhuman (Comparable to Ignited Freddy who can move fast enough to enter Nick Cawthon's room in the blink of an eye. Comparable to Ignited Chica who is capable of crossing the bedroom within the blink of an eye), higher when impatient

Lifting Strength: Class 1(Can snap Val Cawthon's neck)

Striking Strength: At least Street level

Durability: At least Street level

Stamina: Superhuman

Range: Standard Melee Range

Standard Equipment: None notable

Intelligence: Above Average (Foxy is highly intelligent, being able to work with the other Igniteds to hinder and leave their enemy vulnerable to attack. Outsmarted Scott Cawthon despite him knowing exactly how they act and function each night)

Weakness: Can be stunned by sudden bright lights. Will eventually retreat at 6 AM.

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