[Chapter 11]

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Eyeless Jack's POV:

I got back from our school's park where my car was. I pulled out my keys to open the door of my car when suddenly i felt a pair of hands forced me to be thrown in to the ground. I whined in pain and tried to get up, but someone kicked my stomach making me ill as hell.

"Hello hello ~ Jackiee~" A familiar voice darkly chuckled.

I rolled up to see who it was, He was wearing a gas mask with a leatherjacket on, dark pants, combat boots and on the back of his body was a large ass tank......

Could this be....?


I heard another laugh again, god i was running out of breath. I guess he hitted me pretty hard huh.

"Oh! So you do remember!" He said kicking me once more. I tried to get up, but his fuckboys kept me on the ground.

"What the fuck do you want?!" I screamed while spitting out blood from my mouth. God he was pissing me off!

"Simple....we want your group disbanded! And we don't want to see your pathetic little faces in the institution!"

"Like we'd Disband for you fuck face! Fuck you! Your boss, Will is gay as fuck and his head is filled with shit!" I shouted at him at the top of my lungs, only to be kicked in the face.

I feel my head getting a little bit dizzy i must be loosing conscious..

But just i was about to blackout, I heard Liu and Hoodie's voice. They were shouting i guess. I tried my best to stay awake, only to see hoodie punching someone in the face and hitting others with a pipe.

I felt a pair of hands helped me get up, it was Liu. He placed my right arm into his shoulders. That Virus dude got totally owned and ran away with his stupid minions.

"You okay bro?" Liu asked. I smiled weakly.

"Let's not waste time and get going before that dude comes back, I'm seriously tired from all this shit" Hoodie said while inhaling deeply.

Hoodie then picked up my keys on the floor and opened the car's door while liu helped me get inside.

"I'm driving" Hoodie said.

"Okay, just don't drive too much" Liu responded in a concerned tone. He was the most responsible member other than BEN. Liu was like the father of our group since his the oldest next to Laughing Jack and Hoodie.

Whenever you need help, he's always there, he's like a boyscout most of the time...speaking of being a boyscout

"H-How the hell did you find me...?" I asked in a very weak tone.

"We were supposed to go into smile's pub when hoodie heard you shouting at someone so we checked you out to see what's wrong and then we just saw you getting your ass kicked so we helped you out bro" Liu smiled and chuckled.

Ahhh as suspected from Hoodie, The Ears of the group. Like hell we would disband, not ever.

I'm glad i joined this organization group of serial killers in The Institution, Everyone has their own place and specialty. They maybe ruthless and very rude towards {Insert Name Here ;)}, But i guess it's just part from their killer personalities.

I think _____ is very pretty, and serious most of the time. She gets bullied every milliseconds of her life, and yet she still has the courage to throw a soda can on to hoodie's face!

I think i like her. Who knows....

Suddenly, I heard Liu laugh. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

"What?" I asked him.

"Your blushing" He chuckled in response.

"What??!" Could he have read my thoughts?

"Nothing, thinking of something eh??" Liu chuckled once more, making me feel embarrassed. I shut him up and cuddled the pillows in my seat, Liu moved to the front seat with hoodie.

I layed there and closed my eyes.

And i guess i fell asleep.

Reader's POV:

Working at smile's was a huge ass problem. There were this grumpy customers whom i assume mafia bosses playing russian roulette. I was afraid to offer them drinks and food. So, smile's pub is a gambling and restobar hotel? For Business men to come over and do some tricks.

I sighed and cleaned a random table that was now left over with some bottles and litter of foods. I picked the bottles and and the litter of foods and sent it down into the dishwashing area. Before i got back there was this guy hovering me. He was 6 foot tall with a weird gas mask on. I'm assuming he's hungry.

"Can i get you something sir?" I asked the tall man. He chuckled darkly and leaned down to see my face.

"Aren't you a cutie?" He spoke, making one of my brows rose.

"I have been watching you in a short distance, I was playing russian roulette with my co-workers, and i must say you caught my eyes" He flirtiously spoke and i assumed he winked at me behind his mask.

My cheeks started to flush.

"Uhhh okay?" I awkwardly responded and gave him an odd smile.

"Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Virus!" He said with confidence.

"Oh, My name is ______ sir" I responded back.

"I love your name, I guess we're friends now?" I assumed he smiled.

We exchange numbers and on the following night, He took me home and i gave him a warm smile in return. As i walked through the door, My phone rings and its clockwork!


"Hey! E.J's been injured! Better come to my house and see him"

What?! Ej has been injured? What did he do now?

"Okay, i'm on my way!"

I ended the call and ran to the nearest bus station and rode a bus. I sat infront next to the door. I hope he's okay, I hope he's doing better than ever now. It's been hours since he walked me to my work place.




Sarreh for the cliffy

Okay, so i guess this chapter is the beginning of that whole villain/fight thing lol

And plus, Virus is just a Villain oc of mine. But he's not the main antagonist of the story. You'll find out laterrrr

Seee ya!

Thanks For the comments and votez! Love you all xxz

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