[Chapter 18] Rejection

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[A/N]: hey guys! sorry for not updating for a very long time! (srsly 2 months?) As promised i will update 2 chapters in one day! Please forgive me for not updating!

[Reader's POV]: 

After eating from Dorsia, we went to the rooftop of his father's hotel. There were couches and coffee tables everywhere, a pool and a closed mini bar in the distance. I was in a daze because of the view i saw, city lights were everywhere and tall buildings were seen. Skycrapers were there too, together with some flying helicopters and stuff. Oh how the view was beautiful! The stars even light the sky up, especially the moon. It was the most prettiest thing i have ever seen in my life. I smiled from this, i thank e.j for such showing me good sights. 

"Don't you think the stars are beautiful? just like your smile" He said while folding his hands on mine. I was shocked and flattered at the same time, I don't even know what to do!

"Yeah i think so" I replied, suddenly i felt shy and pulled my hands away from his. Which made his smile disappear. To avoid awkwardness he motioned for me to seat at the couch infront of the view i was looking at.

We felt the cold breeze upon our skin as we watch the starry sky. I saw a shooting star and made a wish out of the blue. E.j secrectly had a booze on the rooftop so he handed me some and we drinked it. We talked and talked for countless of hours and laughed at our sense of humor, which is pretty romantic i guess. It was getting late and it was getting super cold so e.j wrapped his coat around me. 

"Hey ______" I heard his soft voice. 

"What?" I responded.

"There's something i wanna tell you" He said while brushing up his hair.

"Umm okay?" 

E.j stood up from his seat and so did i. He went infront of me and placed his hands on my shoulder while staring at my eyes, what is he doing?

" I know it sounds crazy, i mean. I know you'll think it's impossible-" 

"oh my god just say it you twat" I broke him off and giggled. 



"Nevermind! It'll sound stupid anyway.."

"What is it? god!"

"Okay! I think i'm..."

"You what?"

He took a deep breath for 5 seconds and said;

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Suddenly, my whole world suddenly felt different. My heart was beating fast and i think i'm loosing my mind. Is he seriously saying this? Afterall the shit his groupmates put me to, The embarrassing moments and shame they have given to me. God, just think about it. I know they have been a lil' bit nicer to me. But it just doesn't feel right. I don't know what to do. I just can't take the risk of saying yes, knowing people are gonna get douchy over me for dating E.j. Girls are gonna backstab me and maybe do something horrible to me. I just don't want this, All i wanted was to live a normal life. 

"E.j.. i don't know..." I said while pulling away from him and turning my back.

"What do you mean you don't know ?"

"it's too much to bear, i mean really i appreciate your efforts and all" 

"But i'm inlove with you"

"I know but i just can't...." I said while tears roll down my eyes. 

I heard him sigh so deep, then i heard footsteps backing up and a door being slammed. 

[Eyeless Jack's POV]:

I closed the door behind me, God She just Rejected me and it hurts. I never get rejected! I can't believe she did this to me, knowing that i love her so. I even admitted that i was inlove with her during Clockwork's birthday, and now look what she did. I can't bear the pain. I love her too much. 

Suddenly, i felt the door behind me open, and there was her. She sat next to me at the stairway. Her eyes were teary and i can see the pain in it. What did i do wrong? 

"Look, E.j i know your hurt right now but i just can't be your girlfriend right now.....I'm sorry for that" She said with a low tone. 

Soon, we got a little bit comfortable and went back to my lobby, She changed back into her normal clothes and left the dress and shoes that i bought for her on the couch. We then went downstairs on the ground floor and soon, she left the building without saying goodbye. 


CLIFFY HAHA! I might publish the next chapter latuuur~

Poor Eyeless Jack </3 lolz sorry for that! I'm just adding a little bit of twist in the story :) 

See you on the next chapter my loves <3 

University of Morons!! (A Creepypasta x Reader Story) [Discontinued]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora