She frowns, sits upright suddenly and before I can blink, she has my head in her lap.

"What are you doing?" I ask her, confused.

"Giving you a massage"

"Huh?" Her hands feel illegal on my head, my scalp tingling with each touch.

"When I first met Leah, she used to have headaches because of her visions, so I learned a thing or two to help her ease her pain" she explains and she must've learned something magical, because the pain starts dimming and I am lulled to sleep land.



Something is wrong with Cameron. Nah, he's fine physically, but I can't say the same for his mental state. He's been too spaced out, too distant since morning and we're now having dinner.

'Maybe he is getting bad visions?' Mia suggests and that seems plausible.

"Are you okay?" I ask him and he looks up from his bowl of ramen, "Huh?" he frowns.

"Are you okay?" I repeat myself and he gives me a half smile, "Yes"

"You don't seem okay"


"You say huh a lot. Stop that. It annoys me" I snap and nudge him with my feet which are already on his lap.

"I'm sorry" He apologizes and that makes me drop my chopsticks.

"You lied. Something is really wrong with you" I declare, he is never so quick to apologize, especially to me.

"Is something up with Luna Delilah? Or Alpha Ulysses?" I probe, or with my parents? I mentally add.

"Everything is okay with everyone"

"Then why are you so on edge?"

"Drop it" His tone is hard and when I narrow my eyes at him, he begs, "please"

I furrow my brows but let it go, not wanting to add to his distress.

Once we are done eating, I clean up, not allowing him to help because I'm convinced something is going on in that handsome head of his.

In my bedroom, I see him reading a book sitting on my bed.

He looks unreal, just laying there and my breath catches in my throat as my body burns.

'Maybe it's because of his recent proximity with us' Mia's words drag me out of my desires.

'Being so close to us, touching us all day, yet having to be in control of Zeus must be getting to him... humans are just that, humans'

'Should I give him a break and keep my distance?' I ask her because I honestly don't know what to do. Staying away from him on normal days is one thing, but having to keep my distance while in heat is worse than hell.

Mia snorts, 'Why should you? It's not like you asked for this heat. Why should we suffer?'

Since it's my last night in heat, I decide to be selfish. I have work tomorrow and don't really wanna be up all night in pain.

Getting on the bed beside him, with a smile I say, "I'll be back to normal tomorrow morning, so we can go back to how we were before!"

His eyes that turn to me lack emotions, his eyes resonate the same, "That's a relief"

Before it can get awkward, my phone starts vibrating and I pick it up to see it's Leah.

"I miss you" She sing-songs from the other side.

"Are you drunk?"

"Vampires don't get drunk silly!!" she giggles and I rub my brows.

"Where are you?"

"At a bar"


"I was following a demon-"


"He is HOT" I hear some noise from behind her but before I can speak she adds, "He's half tiger"

"Oh?" The gears in my head start moving.

"And has a mate... I've been ceibate for so long and I want him and he has a mate" I can imagine her pouting.

"Is his name Julian by any chance?" Cameron closes his book and turns to face me with a raised brow.

"Oh!!! I don't know! Let me ask" She says, excited.

I hear some noise again and then lo and behold, it's Julian, son of Ron, the late Demon King's brother.

"Why am I not surprised that this weirdo is your friend?" Julian barks from the other side and I roll my eyes.

"Is she drunk?"

"Her voice is slurred but I don't think so..."

"Okay... Would you still be able to drop her off at her hotel?"

"Not right now"


"I'm meeting someone"


"I'm meeting Eduardo" I can almost hear him rolling his eyes.

"Why is he in Canada?"

"How would I know? He was the one who called me and asked to meet up here"

"oh! Okay... If Leah is drunk by the time you finish your meeting with Ed, will you drop her at her hotel?"

"No. I'm not your maid"

"Oh... Then can you give me your location? So I can pick her up and drop her off to her hotel?" I ask starting to get up.

"No" He denies.

"Hand the phone back to Leah please" I request pleasantly and hear him sigh.

"Fine! I can't believe how dumb you are, thinking of leaving your home when the city is filled with demons" He sounds disgruntled and I smile settling back in my bed.

"Thank you, Julian" I say making him hang up.


Hey everyone! This chapter isn't as long as I wanted it to be, but oh well... I just wanted to upload it today, so I did lol.

I hope everyone's staying safe and taking care!!

lemme know your thoughts about this chapter!

All my love xoxo


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