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Chapter 2

Song- Ride by Twenty One Pilots

"Hey! What the hell?! Why are you towing this car?! Let it be!" I hear Stella's panicked voice from the garage and sigh. The sound of her heels clacking angrily on the ground is getting closer as the seconds pass.

She must really be angry if she is walking to me instead of teleporting, which, by the way, is a piece of cake for her.

"What the heck, Art?" She screeches and I don't have to raise my head from the dining table to know that she has her hands on her hips and is glaring daggers at me.

"Why are those morons towing your car to the dump?" She asks me angrily, tapping her foot on the floor.

"Because I asked them too" I tell her without meeting her eyes, my head still on my hands and facing the kitchen, trying desperately to drown out the sound of the tow truck.

"But Art, it's just a scratch! If you can't afford to get it repainted, I can just use my glitter -or you can use your glitter- on it until you can get it done manually..."

"Let it go, Stella" I mumble, closing my eyes tightly and steeling my resolve, which had wavered ever so slightly at the mention of magic.

"I am not going to let it go! Grandma Lava gave it to you and you have been obsessed with it ever since, especially after grandma passed! I am not going to let you make the biggest mistake of your life by throwing that car in the ditch!" She rants.

"And don't you think I am too old to be obsessed with inanimate things?" I try to lighten the mood, but she is having none of it.

"If you see this through Art, I swear I will never talk to you!" She says calmly and I bristle, knowing full well that she is not bluffing.

"If you are so damn fixated on not scraping it, go tell them not to tow it. But know this Stella, I am never going to ride that car again. That car is nothing but my weakness, and I am not going to be the weak one. Not again" I snap and she senses from my tone that I am not going to discuss it any further. I hear her huff, before she stomps away.

I hear her tell the men to leave the car alone and when they try to argue, she tells them that she will kick their butt to space if they don't leave in 10 seconds. She sounds pretty menacing, so it's not a surprise that they leave immediately with little grumbling.

Okay, before she comes back and I forget again, let me brief you about our backgrounds.

I am a werewolf/tiger/witch.

Too much to take in?

I know.

Apparently, my Pa is a weretiger so that's where I get the saffron colour of my fur but instead of being a tiger completely, my animal is actually a wolf, which comes from my mom. (So technically I am a wolf in a tiger's clothing)

As for the witch, it is really really complicated how I got those genes, but Mom's Nana is a witch, so that explains it. Sorta. I have no idea why the genes skipped Mom and all, and honestly, I am not even curious. So let's just leave it at that.

Anyway, my Pa has a construction business, and my Mom is a pack warrior and a partner in Pa's business, so they travel all over the world with their crew when their job calls, only staying home, in Little West when they have free time.

Which isn't as much as I'd like it to be. Thank the Moon that I am used to them gone now.

Stella doesn't come back to give me a piece of her mind, so I reckon that she is more pissed at me than she is letting on.

Surrender, Mate. (Cursed Mates #2)Where stories live. Discover now