"H-hey b-buck c-c-can I stay here tonight?"

"Yeah of course buddy come in" Loki said embracing Loki in a tiny hug as he remembered he didn't really like them.

"May I ask what's wrong, you don't have to tell me?" Bucky said in a calming voice

"She cheated. Y/n she cheated on me with Thor." Loki said sobbing a little at the end.

"The bitch" Bucky blurted out before realising what he said "shit sorry I didn't mean to blurt that out"

"No it's fine" Loki said chuckling slightly.

"Well your more then welcome to stay here for however long you need it bud" Bucky said standing up as he patted Loki on the back and went back to his bedroom, Loki would be sleeping in the guest room.

"Thanks" Loki said although Bucky had already gone to bed.

Loki got up and slowly made his way to the guest bedroom which is where he imagined he'd be spending a while until stark managed to get a new apartment for him in the building. As Loki began putting his stuff away he noticed he accidentally picked up a picture of you off his nightstand. Loki threw it against the wall out of rage sending glass smashing everywhere.

Loki started crying again as he sat on his bed. What had he done? What had he done to deserve this?  After he regained himself he cleaned up the glass before slipping under the covers. They were cold and he definitely missed having her to sleep next to and cuddle with but this is how it would have to be from now on.

~~in the morning~~

Loki woke up early in the morning to the sun shining through the curtains blinding him. He had a bit of a restless night given everything that happened. He slowly rolled out of bed his body stiff and eyes red and heavy from all the crying. He walked into the batheroom looking at his reflection he could see he looked terrible and decided to get in the shower.

In the shower Loki let it all out, he cried some more and let the soothing water wash away his tears and pain. She soap washed away all the anger and sadness and hatred inside and the final rinse washed away all emotion. Loki felt nothing. He was numb.

After getting out the shower, he couldn't bring himself to eat and instead of being a burden on Bucky during the morning hours he just decided to go into the training room and start a workout.

~~~~~~~your POV~~~~~~~

You woke up in the morning still asleep on the floor from the night before. The sun was shining through the open window and your head was pounding, wether it was from the drinking or the crying you couldn't tell. As you slowly sat up you noticed Thor was still in your kitchen this time he was making himself breakfast.

"Ah lady y/n your finally awake" Thor said happy considering he got drunk last night

"Thor what are you still doing here?" You asked still a bit foggy and groggy

"Well I decided to make us breakfast to clear the Hangover"

"Thor I need you to leave"


"I need you to leave" you said repeating yourself

"Why?" Thor asked

"Because I said so" you shouted. Thor looked very taken back by your sudden outburst of anger but he slowly backed away and out your apartment leaving you once again alone with your thoughts.

You felt absolutely awful for everything that happened last night. It really shouldn't have happened, you've ruined two relationships.

As you walked into the batheroom to get washed up ready to start work, you noticed how horrible you looked. Your hair was a mess, you had dark bags under your eyes and your nose was bright red. You washed your face before combing your hair. You got dressed and left the apartment ready for work.

As you left and locked up your apartment you noticed how no one was around. You thought that might've been because Loki kicked off or went of wandering again however you started to question it when you saw Nat and waved at her, but as soon as she saw you she put her head down and went back inside her room. That's odd you thought.

As you made your way to the cafeteria you noticed more and more people were walking away and avoiding your eye contact. You could feel people's eyes on you and you could hear them whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. Then you saw Bucky walking towards the exit next to you, he had his eyes on the floor like he didn't want to talk to you.

"Hey buck"

"Hi" he replied coldly which was odd for Bucky

"How are you?"

"Fine, you?" He asked trying to be polite even though he looked like he really didn't want to talk to you.

"I'm good thanks, how's your morning been?"

"Look y/n no offence or well take it how you want but I don't have time to talk I have more important things to waste my time on" Bucky said as he was about to walk out before you grabbed his arm.

"What's that supposed to mean buck?"

"Look we all know what you did last night y/n and that really isn't cool" Bucky said trying to keep his voice down.

"I made a mistake okay"

"Mistake my ass" he said scoffing in your face

"Hey we all make them, look at how many mistakes you've made frosty"

"Hey don't you dare use that against me! I had no choice. No control. No nothing. Just like Loki didn't. And look what you did with that. You can't hold that against me or use it to compare cause you really can't compare. Now if you excuse me I'd rather not be seen with a slut like you" Bucky said now shouting at you.

He walked away fuming you had the audacity to hold that against him and compare cheating to that.

You were left in the cafeteria gobsmacked and embarrassed as people looked and stared at you.

Hey guys so random authors note, you don't have to read this one if it makes you uncomfortable. I was thinking about writing a Loki x male chapter or like Loki coming out of the closet kind as I've noticed a lot of other Wattpad writers do this and as I don't know who a lot of my readers are I don't know what they personally prefer. If it makes a lot of people uncomfortable to talk about then I understand but I want everyone to enjoy my book no matter what their sexuality is. I have a few friends who are in the LGBTQ community so I know how uncomfortable it can be to talk about it however those were the ideas that I was thinking about writing for the next chapter so if anyone has any requests for it or comments please let me know and apologies for writing this so long lol hope you guys have a good rest of the week :)

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