🌸𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚂𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 ~ 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚎𝚜...🌸

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⚠️ Tʀɪɢɢʀ Wʀɴɪɴɢ! Aʙs ɴ Dᴇᴀᴛʜ! ⚠️

I was making soba in the kitchen when I heard the door clicked open.                                        
"Sho? I'm home!"                                                                                                                             I put down my little wooden spoon and ran to the living room. Miya had been on a mission for around six weeks – so I had missed her so much, "Miya! Oh my god, I was getting worried!"                                                                                                         I hugged her tightly and I heard her sigh with contentment, "It's okay, Sho – I'm back now, right?"                                                                                                                  I looked at her: her eyes were dark and tired; she had a new scar across her cheek, her arms were bruised, and her smile looked half-hearted and tired.                                                                                     "God, what did they have you do? Miya you look completely battered."                  
Miya laid her head on my shoulder in another hug, "They had us do a lot and I... saw a lot of things... My hometown hasn't changed at all"                                                                                                            I felt my heart break slightly, "Aw, my love. You've worked hard, I can tell – but you're safe now, you're with me."

I took off her coat and kissed her neck before heading back to the kitchen to make some food for us both. I finished up and brought her a little bowl of soba, "Eat up. I want you to look after yourself now, okay?"                                         
She nodded and I sat beside her, and we huddled up, "God, I haven't been this over-worked in a long while." Miya tiredly laughed in my arms.                                                                                                                                      "That's the thing, I don't like it when you over-work yourself like this. I want you to be safe and healthy when I'm not with you – It makes me worry."                                                   She sighed sadly, "I know you don't like it – but I was the only one who had the courage and strength to pull off the mission... Plus Midoriya and most of the squad were severely injured, so I was one of the last left." I felt her nestle into my chest, "I'm... so... tired..."                                                                                                                         I hugged her quietly and she yawned with a smile, "Rest up, my love..." after a while, we had both passed out in each other's arms:


"Stand up! You can forget about beating All Might or even some small villain if this is all it takes to make you weak!" It was my father, I was reeling on the ground, in agony – blood pouring down my arms and from my mouth.                                                                                                           "Please... stop pushing him! He's only five years old!"                                                
My father pushed my mother to the ground, "Stop protesting, woman!" I began to cry as he kicked me repeatedly, "Get up! You waste of space!" I stumbled to my feet, crying silently and preparing myself for another fight.


"He's just so weak now! Enji is pushing the poor boy to his limits and if I ever try to step in, I'm in the wrong!" My mother was in the kitchen – on the phone to one of her friends, "His left side is just unbearable! I can't take it!"                          
I gently slipped the door open, "Momma?" I called out; my voice shaking because I was so scared.                                                                                                                      She turned slowly; the screeching of the kettle was making the atmosphere even more tense. She suddenly grabbed the kettle and threw it over my left side. I screamed and recoiled in agony as my mother cried, "Oh my god, what have I done? I'm so sorry, my baby!" She gently activated her ice quirk and held it over my eye while I sobbed in her arms.


"Let's do this!" Miya yelled confidently. We rushed in, fighting until it was over. Most of the battles were easy, but then came the final one. We were so close to the end, but there was a loud scream from Miya. I turned to find her on the ground – she had been shot; she was bleeding out on the ground. I ran to her, holding her in my arms and putting pressure on her wound, "Shoto... please... just leave me... I'm not worth it..."                                                                                                                                    I looked into her eyes, "Don't say that! Keep fighting, okay? Keep fighting! You can make it!" She nodded as her eyes gently began to close, "Hey, no! Keep your eyes open!"                                                                                                           She looked at me, "I... can't... I'm... sorry... I love... you... goodbye, Shoto..."                                                                                                                                                      I felt for her pulse, it wasn't there, "Miya! Miya, No! Miya! You can't leave me! Please!" I cradled her body in my arms, "No!"


"Shoto, wake up! Sweetheart, wake up."                                                                                I shot up, tears in my eyes and gasping for breath.                                                         "Shoto, breathe – it's okay. Come on darling."                                                                 I hugged Miya tightly, still desperately trying to breathe.                                           
"Look at me, Sho. Put your hand on my chest and sync your breathing to mine. You're safe here, You're okay – alright?"                                                                                    I nodded and eventually began to calm down, "I just... watched you
die in my arms..." I explained sadly, my hands still shaking as I held hers. "...Nightmare? I felt you jolt which woke me up, and... then you started screaming..." Miya asked, she was obviously still exhausted.                                 
"Yeah... I'm... sorry... I know you needed the sleep..." I buried my head in her chest.                                                                                                                              She gently ran her fingers through my hair, "Don't worry about it. You're safe, it wasn't real – I'm still alive, I'm not hurt. You're in my arms, no-one is going to hurt you now." Her voice was low, soft and steady and it was slowly lulling me back to sleep,                                                                                                                  "There, I can feel your body relaxing. You're doing amazing, Sho..." I whimpered in response, she giggled before settling down, moving her body to make it more comfortable for the two of us, "Don't be scared to fall asleep again, okay? I'm right here."                                                                                                         I nodded and closed my eyes, allowing her warmth and the protection from   her arms wrapped around me to put me into a deep sleep.

𝕄ℍ𝔸 ~ 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃𝚂 + 𝙾𝙲𝚜 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now