🌸𝙽𝚞𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚃𝚑𝚛𝚎𝚎 ~ 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚢 𝙽𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜...🌸

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⚠️ Tʀɪɢɢʀ Wʀɴɪɴɢ! Sᴜɢɢᴇsᴛᴇᴅ Aʙs, Murder ɴ Pɴɪ Aᴛᴛᴀᴄᴋ! ⚠️

"Hey, do you want some hot chocolate? I made one for dad and I, but he had to leave so I don't know who can drink it..." Miya called from the kitchen.
"Sure, I'll have it." I replied, walking into the kitchen and wrapping my arms around her waist. She giggled as she took the cream and marshmallows from the side and placed them on.
She decorated mine by having one side with white mallows and one side pink. I kissed her cheek and helped her carry the snacks and drinks up to her room.
We sat down on the carpet and set up our little picnic in the centre of us, "This is going to be nice." Miya chimed happily.                                   
I smiled when I saw her gently close the curtains and turn on her multi-coloured fairy lights, turning on soft lamps in the corners of her room.
She sat down beside me and took a sip of her drink, "Hey Sho..." she said, looking at me nervously, "There's going to be a storm rolling in soon – and I... I'm scared..."                             
I grabbed her hand and smiled at her, "You're safe with me – I'll protect you when it comes, alright?" she nodded and hugged me tightly.


After a while, it began to rain heavily. I could sense Miya's nervousness, "Are you alright?" I asked.                                                                           "Yeah, I-I'm okay..." she said, but her voice shook as she spoke. She then smiled, "Hey, I have some art therapy books and art things if you want to do some with me..."                           
I looked at her dark eyes and smiled, "Sure, do you need any help setting up?" She shook her head and got up.                                                       
All of a sudden, a huge crash of thunder echoed through the sky. Miya sat down beside me with the supplies and that's when I saw her hands shaking, "I h-hate the thunder s-so much..." she stuttered quietly.                                               
So do I, it reminds me of my old man..." I spoke firmly. It reminded me of when he would shout and scream, and things would break around the room. I was lost in thought and was only brought out of it by the touch of Miya's hand.                                                                
"Sho? Are you alright?"                                            "Yeah, I'm alright... sorry..." I responded, picking up one of the markers and began drawing. A sudden bolt of lightning made Miya scream in fear, "Hey, calm down – you're safe with me..."                                                                  Miya looked up at me, "Do you know what the thunder represents for me?" I shook my head slowly, "Thunder usually sounded in Altea when the villains were on a killing spree. Lightning would strike over the homes with victims inside... I would hide in the alleys since I didn't have anywhere to go and would watch all of the strikes around me, sometimes I thought I would be a victim too... Every night I would kiss a picture of my family because I believed it was my last..."                                       
I listened, completely shocked while Miya allowed a few tears to fall from her eyes, I pulled her close to me as she silently cried, "You will not fall victim to that ever again while you're here with me. I'm holding you, right? So, you will be safe, I promise." She smiled and hugged me.
We were cuddled up and drawing when, without warning, the power shut off, "What? The storm wasn't supposed to be this bad..." I said, confused.                   
I could feel Miya's heart racing in her chest.      "The... dark..."                                                            "It's okay! It's alright, you're fine, don't worry." I said quickly, "Hey, let me show you something..." I gently opened my hand a produced a calm, bright flame from my left hand – controlling it perfectly in order to stop them getting too big.                                                I heard Miya take a long, deep breath before closing her eyes, "You know, the rain is actually quite soothing – I just don't like the other parts..." Miya said softly, her voice a mix of fatigue and vulnerability.                                      
"The Then just focus on the rain, Miya... It'll help you calm down..." I thought for a minute, "Hey, I have an idea... put your head on my chest..." she complied, laying her head under my chin with her hand on my shoulder.
She whimpered when another lightning strike hit, but I could tell that she was falling asleep and was losing her energy fast, "Goodnight...Sho...to..." she murmured. "Goodnight Miya, I love you..." I replied softly, running my hands across her back. She snuggled closer to me, to the point where I could feel her chest rising and falling in time with mine.
"Is everything... alright?" Aizawa asked as he peeked into Miya's room.                                        
I smiled and put a finger to my lips, "Yeah,we're alright." I whispered, putting my arms around her waist.                                   
   "How did you manage to get her to sleep? Her fear of storms are awful." He asked, amazed at my efforts.                                                                   
"I know how to calm people – I've gone through a lot in my life, so all of my siblings and I are quite experienced with this... it's just... I've never had someone cuddle me before..." I said, I was mainly thinking aloud but Aizawa's smile said it all.                                "You're such a lovely young boy, aren't you? Look, if you need to talk, you can always come to me. I consider you part of my little family now, okay?"                                
I nodded and smiled as he gently closed the door. I checked my phone, knowing my father would be angry with me if he found out I didn't come home. I flicked my phone on silent, smiling to myself knowing he wouldn't bother me for at least a few hours. I laid my head on Miya's and fell asleep, the sounds of the now light rain surrounding the both of us.

𝕄ℍ𝔸 ~ 𝙾𝙽𝙴 𝚂𝙷𝙾𝚃𝚂 + 𝙾𝙲𝚜 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now