Chapter 31

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Day five

Louis is finally breathing on his own again. The doctors say that there is a higher chance that he can wake up, but they are still not sure.

Jay and Mark are staying the night tonight. My brothers and I are going back to our house.

Louis please wake up. We are nothing without you, I am nothing without you. My little baby, it seems like eternity since I have seen you smile or heard your precious giggles or caught you stealing gummies from the kitchen or woken up in the middle of the night just to see you having a full meal in front of the t.v. It feels like eternity since I have heard Marcie scold you for running around the house, or your little squeals when I feel randomly possessive and trap you  in my arms or seen Harry convincing you to wear his clothes to school. Come back to me darling. If not for me, do it for my brothers. I love you, so much, my little love.

I cried when Harry and Marcel finally fell asleep. Please don't make us wait any longer sweetheart.

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