Chapter 6

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(time skip)

Five year old Louis was not at all excited for kindergarten. Firstly, the triplets would not be with him as they had started elementary school and his mom would also not be there. Secondly, he would have to talk to strangers. His mommy said not to talk to strangers and was now forcing him to, not fair.

In the morning when Jay and Mark woke Louis up for his first day of school, he had started whining and crying from nerves and clinging onto his parents, not wanting to go to school.

"Momma, please? Don't wanna go! Please?" Louis cried, pouting up at his mother.

"Boo, it will be okay! You will get to make so many new friends and have so much fun with kids your age." Jay reassured, kissing Louis' forehead.

"B-but I have friends, Eddie an-and Marcie and Harry." He hicupped, showing Jay his puppy dog eyes.

Jay just rolled her eyes and with one last hug led him to the washroom to get ready.

When Louis came out of his house, he rushed over to Edward and hugged him tightly, sniffling into his neck.

"Lou, what's wrong?" Edward asked worriedly, embracing Louis tightly.

Louis looked at him through his lashes and said," Eddy, please, don't wanna go to school."

Edward cooed and pecked his cheeks a few times and crooned in his ear," Baby, I promise, everything's going to be fine. And if someone troubles you just tell me or Harry or Marcel and we will take care of it. Our building is just next to yours and we will come meet you at lunch, okay?"

"Pinky promise?" Louis pouted, holding his pinky out, which was grabbed by Edward's pinky.

"Pinky promise."

All the way to school, Louis sat on Marcel's lap, and held Harry and Edward's hand tightly, slightly shaking at the thought of being without his parents and the triplets.

When they pulled up outside the school, Louis was breathing heavily and feeling faint. His parents were not able to soothe him so Edward ordered everyone out of the car, except for his brothers.

Edward pulled Louis onto his own lap and instructed his brothers to surround Louis. Ed squished Louis' face in his neck, and softly sang a lullaby he had learned especially for Louis.

' Your big blue eyes
And sweet rosy smile
Remind me I'm blessed
With a beautiful mate.

You blink those blue eyes
And flash us a grin
And your eyes have stolen
Our hearts once again.'

He crooned the melody to Louis until he calmed down and then carried him out of the car and towards their awaiting parents. Louis refused to let go of Edward so he carried him all the way to his classroom. At the  entrance of his class, he climbed down from Ed's arms and tightly hugged Jay, Mark, Anne and Des. He then walked to Harry and Marcel kissing their cheeks and recieving many pecks and pets from them. Finally he went back to Edward and demanded to be picked up again, refusing to let him go.

Louis' teacher came out of the classroom and told Edward that he could carry Louis inside to his seat. Edward happily carried him and placed him into his seat.

Before Edward could straighten up, Louis grabbed his t-shirt and whimpered," Please, don't leave."

Edward sighed and placed a big, wet kiss on Louis' nose, and cooed," Baby, I promised you I will come back, didn't I? We will only be separated for a few hours and then we can go back home and watch whatever you want on the tv, deal?"

"Deal." Louis said. With one final kiss to his forehead, Edward pulled away from Louis and left the class.

Outside he was greeted by the adults and his brothers and he gave them the affirmative that Louis had settled into his seat. The triplets also hugged everyone and left for their own classroom, holding hands all the way.

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