Chapter 28

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Marcel grabbed his ringing phone and frowned when he saw that Niall was calling. He looked around the room and noticed that Niall, Louis and John were missing. He picked up the call and Niall's panicked voice flew into his ear," Mar- it's Lou- hurry!"

"We're coming," Marcel said, before informing his brothers and rushing towards the bathroom.

They were all running at their maximum speed, foreheads creased in worry and panic building in their guts. When they turned the corner towards the bathroom, they saw a pale Louis swaying on spot, John laying on the ground and Niall holding him down by his neck.

The triplets watched as Louis made grabby hands towards them, which made them rush to him. They crowded around him, Edward pulling him on his lap, frantically shaking Louis and saying," Baby, wake up! Please darling. I love you, I'm sorry. So sorry I let you get hurt. You can't leave me baby, I won't let you." He buried his face in Louis' neck hiding his tears, holding Louis' unconcious body to his chest." I won't let you leave, you're mine. Aren't you honey? Lou, please? Say something, for me?" Edward pulled back and rested his forehead against Louis', pecking his lips and forehead and then tucking Louis' face into his neck.

He did not notice Harry and Marcel beating the shit out of John, or Niall calling for an ambulance. He did not register that it was doctors and nurses trying to pull Louis away from him, instead growling at them and clutching Louis closer, his tears falling freely now.

Harry, Marcel and Niall somehow managed to get Louis and Edward in the ambulance, however Edward still did not let go of him.

When they reached the hospital, Edward had to be sedated as he was becoming too hysterical, blubbering about everything being his fault and not being able to protect his omega and being a disappointment.

Harry and Marcel stayed with him as the doctors wheeled Louis away for tests, telling them they will have to see Louis after. They watched Edward with sullen faces, curling into his sides on the hospital bed.

"I love you Marcie, I love you Eddie." Harry said, kissing both his brothers cheeks and tightened the hand that was wrapped around Edward's waist.

"I love you too, Har, don't worry, everything will be fine." Marcel replied, smushing his face into Edward's chest and placing a kiss there.

"I hope, baby brother, I hope."


When Edward woke up, he was strangely quiet. After gathering his brothers in big hugs and kissing their tears away, he ordered the nurse to tell them where Louis was.

She took them to the ICU, and stopped in front of his room.

"You all are going to have to be quiet. The poor boy has suffered extensive trauma and all his body was not able to handle the stress. He's still unconcious and the doctors don't know when he will be waking up, if he does." The nurse said, pity shining in her eyes, making Edward immediately dislike her.

All that was going in his mind was if he wakes up, but he put on a brave face for his brothers and entered the room first. He nearly fainted after seeing Louis, little, tiny Louis, his little sunshine, his princess, laying in the hospital bed, hooked to different tubes.

He heard Marcel let out a choked sob, and immediately brought him to his chest, stroking his hair lightly. He glanced at Harry and smiled at him, inviting him in, and pressed both his brothers close, vowing to never let this happen to any of his mates.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect Louis this time, but I will never let this happen again, to any of you. Edward thought, pecking both his brothers foreheads, and comforting them, pushing his own grief away.

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