Chapter 4

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(time skip)

Two year old Louis was very shy. He only felt comfortable around his mum, dad and the triplets. His dad was away a lot, on business trips, so his mum would ask Anne to babysit Louis while she went to work too. So, most of Louis' days were spent with the triplets, after they came back from kindergarten.

The triplets were now five, and had been going to school for a year now. There first year was coming to an end, and as much as they liked school, they couldn't wait to come home and play with Louis whenever they wanted.


Louis was alone in the Styles' living room when it happened. He had started to walk and would often totter around and hide in different places of the house. Currently he was fascinated by a huge glass vase that was kept on the Styles' living room table. He waddled towards it and tried to grab it, but his hands were too short. Trying to get to the vase, Louis' leg slipped and his head banged loudly against the table. He burst into tears from the shock and the pain and fell down on his bum.

Anne hurriedly entered the room and was mortified to see a huge gash on Louis' forehead. She quickly picked him up and dialled Jay on her way to the hospital, telling her to come to the emergency room.

As soon as Jay saw him, she ran towards him, and lifted Louis into her arms, carrying him into the ER.

"Anne, go get the kids from school. I'll handle it here." Jay smiled at her encouraging, and Anne was relieved that Jay didn't hold this against her.


"Hi babies, how are you?"

The tripltlets chorused their hellos and frowned upon not noticing Louis with their mom.

"Mommy, where's Lou?" Marcel asked, confusion lacing his voice.

"Um- he had a little accident, baby and had to go to the hospital." Anne said, already knowing how her sons were going to react.

"WHAT!!!" They all screeched and Edward demanded his mother to take them to the hospital.

As soon as they reached the hospital, the triplets waited for their mother to get out and lead them to Louis. She had to stop at the reception and ask for Louis' room as last she had known, he was still in the ER.

"He's on the third floor, kids ward, room 354." The nurse said kindly, eyeing the triplets who were glaring at her.

She led them all to the elevator, quickly reaching the third floor and knocking on Louis' room. The brothers nervously fidgeted and waited for the room to open.

The door was opened by Jay, still in her scrubs, and she smiled warmly at the triplets and crouched down to talk to them." Ed, Marce and Haz, I know you all want to see Louis, but you are going to have to be very quiet okay? He's sleeping so that he can heal, and he will also get a headache when he wakes up, so we have to be extra careful okay?"

The triplets nodded their heads agressively, and bypassed Jay to enter the room, gasping at the sight of baby Lou. He had a drip in his hand and a large bandage on his forehead, looking pale and weak. The triplets asked their mother and Jay to lift them onto the bed and as soon as they did, they crowded around Louis, petting his hair, arms and legs and whimpering at the sight of his bandage.

Jay and Anne both knew that the triplets were in no way leaving Louis alone, so Jay arranged for two extra beds in the room, one for the kids and one for Anne as she had to get back to her shift. She kissed Louis on his head, and quietly left the room, completely trusting Anne and the triplets to take care of her son.


It was the middle of the night when Edward was woken up by sounds of whimpers. He groggily sat up and looked around trying to find the source of the noise. When he saw that it was Louis who was crying, he jumped down from the bed, dragged a stool so he could climb on top of Louis' bed, and quickly sat beside him.

Louis looked at him with wide, tear filled eyes and whimpered,"E-edy." Edward then quickly but carefully pulled Louis on his lap, stuffing Louis' face in his neck. He rocked them back and forth, and nuzzled Louis' hair, trying to calm him down. Louis stopped hicupping after a while and slumped against Edward. Edward gently layed them both down on their sides, Louis snuggled into Edward's chest. Edward looked over to his brothers' bed, checking if they were safe and comfortable and then laid back down, falling quickly into a deep slumber.

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